tang soo do sysmbols

Application for Team DLUX

Your name: Master Jay S. Penfil

Age: 48 Weight: 198Lbs. Sex: Male

Rank: 7th Dan Style: Tang Soo Do

Instructors Name: Grandmaster Chung Il Kim

Years in martial Arts: 34 Your Email Address: [email protected]

You’re Phone Number: 248-561-5700

Extra Info: I am looking forward to training with you…
Also, I have the Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan emblem art work that you are looking for.

Give me a call…

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Master Jay S. Penfil said:
Application for Team DLUX

Your name: Master Jay S. Penfil

Age: 48 Weight: 198Lbs. Sex: Male

Rank: 7th Dan Style: Tang Soo Do

Instructors Name: Grandmaster Chung Il Kim

Years in martial Arts: 34 Your Email Address: [email protected]

You’re Phone Number: 248-561-5700

Extra Info: I am looking forward to training with you…
Also, I have the Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan emblem art work that you are looking for.

Give me a call…

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Master Penfil getting into the competition scene eh???

Just interested in speaking with Adam. I followed his link and saw his application so I thought I would have some fun with it.

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil
