Taekwondo sword use?


White Belt
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everybody,

I am a first degree decided black belt in the American Taekwondo Association, ATA. I recently re-joined the association after a subatical and I have been informed that now there is a weapon program for the sword. I would like to know if anyone could inform me about the requirements and the style of this weapon focus.

Thank You,

I'm sorry to here that..... If there is anything I can do please let me know.
more than likely if it is sword based it is "Gumdo" which is korea's equivelent of "kendo" the forms are a bit abstract to say the least. is has allot of jumping strikes in it. today i was learning one form that at the end it has a " jump strike, hop strike, jump strike" it is a little strange but i guess it is something you could get used to.
Gavman, it's the Dao sword (although 'Korean' as everything was invented by Korea (see also: humor heh)). The form is actually pretty nice, but basic from a sword standpoint. It reminded me of my days in Tai Chi as far as speed etc in some parts.

Btw, a better place to post without all the peanut gallery is ataforums.com. I do understand _why_ the ATA gets so much flack, I just find I'm an exception to the rule when it comes to that org.

They also do have Kumdo, but again it's pretty basic levels of understanding. If you're looking to actually become proficient in the weapon, you'll want to find a kumdo instructor (or kendo, which has a few inch shorter blade).
more than likely if it is sword based it is "Gumdo" which is korea's equivelent of "kendo" the forms are a bit abstract to say the least. is has allot of jumping strikes in it. today i was learning one form that at the end it has a " jump strike, hop strike, jump strike" it is a little strange but i guess it is something you could get used to.
Actually I believe the ATA is teaching Haidong Kumdo which is nothing like Daehan kumdo (Japanese Kendo).
rent a star wars dvd. I think darth mal is doing the same form.
For those who my be confused by the humor in this situation, let me clarify. Traditional TKD, of any flavor, has no weapons component. It had been dropped from the Shotokan curriculum by Funakoshi well before the Koreans started their training in Japan. Thus, anytime a weapons curriculum shows up in a TKD priogram...it is an import from somewhere else. Quality and standards are often dubious (not always, but mroe often than not).

ATA Kama??????

ATA Toothpick-like Stick

ATA Sword swingin' @ 3:57
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I take back my original thought on this. I believe the ATA is just running an XMA sword program. I do not believe it falls under Haidong or Daehan kumdo. I don't know who is teaching them this, but over all they suck. Their cuts are sloppy with no focus.

I feel for you if you have to do this because it doesn't look like you are going to get any real sword training out of it.
They have a Haidong program as well, run by 7th dan Raimondi (I forget his first name), I know he's trained in Haidong for decades. But, people take a course over a weekend, learn the moves and go back... yeah.

I think the idea with all of the weapon programs is more of a quick overview to give people insight into them. If anyone was serious about wanting to learn that weapon they'd have to take up study on their own at a suitable school.
Ps. The Dao sword is a similar thing, learn a form etc, if you want to actually 'learn' the weapon.... well it's like any other artform, find a master and invest years etc.
ATA has turned into the walmart of the martial arts world, they pretty much sell a little of everything. XMA was floundering before ATA picked it up though so the relationship has been mutually beneficial.
Definitely a bit of everything yeah. When I started my line was MDK (TSD & TKD, my instructors were from the time when the Kwan was becoming TKD instead of TSD 69-73) and that was it, while we did switch to the new forms they'd created, we still did JUST Taekwondo. Now there's a little bit of everything, and almost no Kwan lineage to any of the schools unless they have an old master.