Taegeuk MPEGs



Hello everybody! Im the new girl here. I was surfing around lookin for TKD webpages and I found this Message Board. Newayz, a few years ago I found a site that had mpegs (videos) of each TKD form from 1-8 and theyre all full length performed by a fifth dan black belt. The quality is quite good. I watch em every once and a while to brush up just in case I think Im getting a little rusty. I found em in a webpage (which I cant manage to locate again) and saved them and burned them for personal use. The files are very small. In fact, all 8 complete Taegeuk forms total just 4MBs. If anybody is interested in copies (I'll gladly email them to nebody that wishes to have em for training purposes) just leave ur email and I'll foward em to ya (i have a DSL connection so it'll only take seconds for me to foward it).

Neway, Peace Out! :)
Did anyone ever accept this offer? I'd be curious to hear what they thought of the videos.
4 MB for 8 forms? Good quality? The two don't mix. Even using very compressed formats, 8 forms in 4 MB just don't mix. Not even a compressed audio file will fit that (96-128) nonetheless good video quality. 40 MB, yes, 4MB? :confused:
Quick warning about carbonehco forms: The ITF ones suck really bad, so only use as a referance if you already know the moves.
That's pretty much true of any video forms. Good for reference, poor for learning.