
still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Just started in an Adult education class (one semeter long) on basic JUDO. (just a white belt here).

Having been doing Kempo/Karate for awhile and we do have take downs in our training. The sweeps in Judo is worth learning.

You will enjoy learning Judo sweeps and throws. Learning how to throw and learning how to fall will increase your chances of survival.

If you do not have sweeps and throws in your classes (similar to Judo)....find a class that teaches basic throws and sweeps.

Timeing and movement for sweeps and throws...may take a while to learn...but the more we do it...you will realize how effective it sweeping someone will help end a fight quickly.........Aloha

PS:Good to practice on mats!
You will enjoy learning Judo sweeps and throws. Learning how to throw and learning how to fall will increase your chances of survival.

If you do not have sweeps and throws in your classes (similar to Judo)....find a class that teaches basic throws and sweeps.

A good skill to have in both regards, although I strongly suggest learning how to fall first, before learning throws and sweeps!
I second that.

IMO, every MA should teach people how to fall before you even learn anything else. It is a very important skill to learn and will lessen the chance of injury. Sweeps and throws are excellent self defense techniques which can allow you to escape or put you in an advantageous position over your attacker.

In regards to learning how to fall it also applies in everyday life. When my older son was 6 yrs old he had been taking karate for 6 months at the time, slipped while going down a cement stairway. He instinctively tucked his chin rolled over and to my amazement slapped out. :ultracool

I was terrified that he was seriously injured by his crying and the terrible fall.

Not a scratch the only casualty was the icecream cone he was carrying.:)

I quickly gave him a hug and a new double scoop cone, he deserved it.:)
Agree 100% with the advice of learning how to fall properly before anything else. Sweeps are a great tool to have! Practice them, practice them, practice them.

As for learning how to fall, it has done my clumsy self well over the past years. I missed a step coming down the stairway at home one time and tumbled down the last 6 steps headfirst, it wouldn't have scared me so bad, except I had my then 6 month old son in my arms. Tucked him in and basicly did a shoulder roll down to the bottom then popped up and he thought it was a great ride. I figured using a roll was probably going to protect him more than just slapping out, even though I just knew it was going to hurt like a son-of-a-gun.
I once saw a demonstration of sweeps by GM Bong Yul Shin of St. Louis (10th dan Yudo/Hapkido/TKD, but mostly is a Yudo man) that I will NEVER forget.

"Gentle way" my hiney :)
Nice thread. I am in full agreement with everyone on throws being a great asset. I teach them to my students and they love them.

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