Survivalism as a martial arts philosophy?


Purple Belt
May 6, 2006
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Here is a rather interesting question, does survivalism or a survivalist mindset have a place in martial arts study and application? This is geared both towards self-defense training and everyday life...
I think in alot of ways it does. I think that being in that type of mindset should not be something we are in everyday. I mean it can get kinda stressful. LOL.
But no seriously. I believe that martial arts can be done out of survival. For instance...A women survivng an abusive relationship, or even feeling just like she needs to survive against an attack for one reason or another.
Other then the need to survive against everyday predators Im not sure how being in survival mode would come into play. I dont think its good to be in that mode all the time, and at some point you need to move past it if you life is not in constant danger.
Now does it belong in martial arts?? Well, honestly im not sure how to answer that question. I think it is yet another aspect of why people are drawn to martial arts. But, should it be a basis of martial arts? No I dont think so. Should it be something that people concentrate on all the time? No.
Anyways, I hope I anwered your question in the right direction.
:) :) :D
Have a fun night.
Dark said:
Here is a rather interesting question, does survivalism or a survivalist mindset have a place in martial arts study and application? This is geared both towards self-defense training and everyday life...

I assume you mean survival of the fitest in terms of 'call of the wild'.
In which case my thoughts;

When we take martial arts then yes survivalism is relevant, strongest/smartest survives, especially in a life threatening situation.


Identifying and obtaining food is part of survivalism also, yet i am not permitted to assault the checkout operator in order to obtain my groceries.

IMO. It is a great similie for use in life and a great philosophy for martial arts in terms of self defense. Not such a great metaphor for use in life on the greater part. As we are no longer in the same wild. Especially if you are reading this on laptop via wireless broadband
Dark said:
Here is a rather interesting question, does survivalism or a survivalist mindset have a place in martial arts study and application? This is geared both towards self-defense training and everyday life...

Depending on the person, and their goals/reasons for training, I'd say yes. They teach you or aid you in surviving a violent encounter. As for everyday life, I'd say that they could also aid in surviving any peer pressure that we may face, giving us better awareness, and give us an overall better view on life.

I teach my students that there may be a time when running away or leaving a place may be the best defence if they want to survive
tshadowchaser said:
I teach my students that there may be a time when running away or leaving a place may be the best defence if they want to survive

Amen to that.

Plus I would add that the fight doesn't always go to the biggest, toughest or most trained person. It goes to the most prepared - and that is very different and exactly what we are talking about here with a survivalist mindset. I would argue that all of self defense starts with a survivalist mindset.

I have a saying (you have probably heard somewhere else) that I tell my self defense students - "Luck is when preperation meets opportunity"

If you are prepared with that one powerful strike, and they aren't prepared to defend it (over confidence, perhaps?) you will win if you take that opportunity. People will then say how lucky you were to escape. :)

But the truth was that you were already in your survivalist mindset and they weren't. In short, you were ready.

This mindset is the primary goal of my self defense calsses as it is responsible for the "correct" behavior in a self defense concept - ie. Not being there, avoiding potentially deadly conflict, walking with a group, avoiding bad areas, etc.
Ok here is another take on survivalism, most people think a survivakist is a guy with a bombshelter in his back yard or basemaent, but an individual who keep canned food, road side flares, a CB or short range radio and blankets as well as a first aid kit in thier car could be seen as a survivalist. Though middly, so.

That same plan for the worst and hope full the bese mindset can be seen in the awareness of the individual and prepareation to deal with a life threatening situation.
Dark said:
Ok here is another take on survivalism, most people think a survivakist is a guy with a bombshelter in his back yard or basemaent, but an individual who keep canned food, road side flares, a CB or short range radio and blankets as well as a first aid kit in thier car could be seen as a survivalist. Though middly, so.

That same plan for the worst and hope full the bese mindset can be seen in the awareness of the individual and prepareation to deal with a life threatening situation.

I Agree with Dark. The mindset of being prepared for any eventuality is a form of survivalism. You are ready to kick into survival mode should the need arise. It dosnt rule your whole life but is just in the background ,just in case.
Hi All,

Nice thread, Dark. I think that the survival mindset is the first step toward the martial arts. Seeing things from a survival point of view separates the "want" from the "need" and, I believe, is very important in all aspects of life. If some sort of violence was headed your way, it may be "cool" to impress onlookers with a bunch of flashy moves from class but what you really need to do is run like hell and get home to your loved ones. That's why I think that survivalism as a martial arts philosophy is a good thing.

It keeps things real and helps you get home safe without making a lot of enemies on the way.

Fu Bag :)
If you are enough concerned about keeping yourself safe from harm that you are going to the trouble of learning one or more martial arts to START with..............

......why would you *not* look at anything that could help you survive beyond the, frankly. very SMALL part of self defense that contains physical unarmed combat.

That means everything from knowing your local laws and the right attorney, to knowing modern weapons as much as old ones( I believe that any modern martial artist whose aim is self defense cannot consider themselves a serious SD-minded MAist until they've learned as much about modern firearms as the laws of their country allow. I don't care if you love them or hate them, just so long as you are no longer ignorant of their operation). To knowing how to stay alive against Nature as well as people. People chasing after you for your stuff/life/whatever are gonna have a pretty easy time doing it if they find you too hurt/sick/weak to move because they knew how to survive in a place you didn't. *shrug*

What good is being able to fight, if you face natural hardships you CAN'T fight? What good is "Standing your ground" when that ground is swarming over with more guys than you can fight, or is rumbling and quaking out from under you?

The point is to hold as many keys to as many doors as you can on the one night in your life Old Man Lady Luck dumps you in the dungeon.
Survivalism is overrated. I have lived long enough from instinct. Now my instinct is trained.
to survive a fight, one should have a survivilist attitude

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