Superbowl 2015

I lieu of such interesting statistics, allow me to retort.

More than eighty percent of players who leave the New England Patriots do so disgruntled and downright so pissed off you could fry an egg on their head. Why? Because the Patriots are the cheapest, most financially cold blooded sports team that there ever was. It doesn't matter who you are, how much of your life and health has been impacted, how much blood you've left on the field, or how well you played. Kraft doesn't care. If he can save a buck, and I'm talking real chump change in the scope of NFL salaries, you, sir, are history. (and it's going to happen to Brady, too, but he knows that.)

So...with all the players that this has happened to over the years, all that have been back stabbed, you would think one of them, any of them, would come forward if there were any shenanigans going on. Yet, you do not hear a word other than "cheap, no good Mother Fr's". Not one word about any kind of cheating.

There's two things Belichick will not tolerate. Fumbling, and being late for practice.

On Nov. 16 the Patriots went to Indy to play the Colts. NFL unknown, running back Jonas Gray got the start. By game's end the Patriots had snapped the ball 74 times. Gray ran 37 times for 201 yards and four touchdowns in a 42-20 Patriots rout. He was named NFL Player of the Week and was the cover boy for Sports Illustrated the next day. Day after that his alarm clock malfunctioned, he was late for practice. He was screwed. Since that time, he's gained 80 yards, not playing in most of the games, and when he did, it was for about one minute.

The same thing happens when you fumble. You are shunned like a Quaker and won't play again for weeks, maybe a month or more. This has always happened and always will under Belichick. We've watched this for 15 years, it ain't about to change.

That's why those stats aren't surprising to me. They tell me that a player will perform better when he's on a great team under a great coach.... especially when he has so much playing time to lose. And when he leaves said team, he won't play as well with a weaker organization under a lesser coach.

It's kind of like fighting out of a great dojo.

Everyone says the Pats cheat. They jump up and down like puppies and yell Spygate! Spygate! But if you ask them what Spygate actually was, what the Pats were actually punished for.....they'll get it wrong. Every single time. Especially here in New England (I know, go figure)'s the bottom line. As much as it pains me....the Patriots have no chance of winning this Sunday. Not chance one.(I nearly puke when I say that, but alas, that's the way it is)

One other footnote. I think Roger Goodell is going to lose his job over this ball nonsense. You'll see.
Spoken like a true fan. :D regarding Goodell, I agree. Regarding the Pats' chances, I think they have a good chance, but the Seahawks are the stronger team all the way around.
Regarding the Pats' chances, I think they have a good chance, but the Seahawks are the stronger team all the way around.

Sure, the Pats have a chance, but that's only to make the math work. I'll give them 15%, because I will always have hope. As for the Seahawks being the stronger team - I think so, too. IMO, not because of coaching or as much on player talent as most people would have you believe, it's attitude. Team attitude.

I hope this game rocks our socks off.
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You know what, think I will plump for the Seahawks. Not too keen on the Patriots for some reason. Probably the run they had. What was it 3 straight superbowl wins. I know I could Google, but what to appear genuinely interested :)
Buka my friend you are a true fan of the Patriots not one of those fanatics but a fan who will always stick with them. I will be thinking of you as the game goes on no matter who wins. I just want a great game that will be remembered for a long time
Yeah, been a fan a long time. I've known players over the years (some from Martial Arts) and know some folks in the front office. But even though I can get free tickets, I'd much rather watch on TV. Last game I went to was in 72. I damn near froze to death. (Our seats were poured concrete.)

I go to practices a lot and watch from a nice seat in the media section. Sometimes I run around the field afterwards like a real nitwit. (hey, what can I say?) (and don't grapple on it, you get nasty burns) But, for me, TV is the only way to watch a football game.

As for this Super Bowl - I believe it will be an example of the "Fedor Emelianenko Syndrome". Which breaks my fricken' heart......again. (I'm still in therapy from 07)
I have a genius idea for the PERFECT Superbowl Party snack this year!

Make hamburger patties and call them deflated meatballs...
Gong to miss watching it live this year unfortunately. Go Patriots.
Well I called it so far. We will see how Brady does in the second half but it looks like the middle has opened up for the Seattle running game.

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I "watching" via the feed. (Which is pretty good) Watching each play painfully for that 3rd quarter.
Strange ending play on the Hawks part why they did not run the ball is beyond me

Congratulations to the Patriots
Yeah, the pass on 2nd and Goal from the 1 yard line was an odd choice. Especially when it's intercepted.
2nd and goal and you have (arguably) the best running back in the game and a good read-option QB and you throw it in the most congested part of the field... I don't get it. Great game though, really thought the hawks had it.
I am still stunned that they did not run it again and again. With two time outs they certainly did not need to pass and or take the chance of an interception. Still, if it had worked we would all be saying what a great play it was. The Pats defensive player just made a great play!
Damn, that was a helluva' game. I have a sore throat from screaming, both from fear and jubilation.

Hey, Seahawks fans - Wilson is going to win more Superbowls, probably a lot of them if the salary cap doesn't screw things up. (and more than likely, they'll win next year) I feel bad for the fans and players, honestly. They're the victims of a piss poor play call.

Helluva' game.
Sounds like a very good game. To be honest, I thought one of the teams would get spanked, but more close than I thought.

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