Striking Combinations

Ok, I guesss, I will start the ball rolling.

- #2 Recoil Strike.
- #2 Recoil Strike.
- Redonda.
- Downward strike.


Figure 8 both upward and reverse
MJS said:


Figure 8 both upward and reverse
Cool combination!

Dos Witiks with Redonda is apart of the PKTS 64 form, from what I recall.
- Punyo
- Witik to head
- Payong (#12 block)
(yes, this part is 10 count :))
- Up and down or rompida - straight strike or use energy for disarm and strike.
I like to strike toward the legs (#9) and continue through circling clockwise and come up and abaniko the head.
stickarts said:
I like to strike toward the legs (#9) and continue through circling clockwise and come up and abaniko the head.

Cool, I tried this one too.

The cool thing about this one is that it reminds me of the "Abaniko-Double action" technique from the Professors 1980's video series. There is an upward double zero finish in that series.

- Another variation I did was adding a Redonda after the Abaniko again.
# 1 Strike follow through , # 2 Strike (figure eight)
Punyo strike to the temple or jaw (slight recoil)
Hook Punyo around the front of the neck and pull opponent into a knee.
- Up and Down
- Redonda or #1 Doblete
- Crossada Open
- Crossada Closed
- Sombrada to Full #1 follow-through strike
Palusut said:
Cool, I tried this one too.

The cool thing about this one is that it reminds me of the "Abaniko-Double action" technique from the Professors 1980's video series. There is an upward double zero finish in that series.

- Another variation I did was adding a Redonda after the Abaniko again.


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