Favorite Kenpo Basic Strike

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What is everyone's favorite strike? I am not talking about techniques or several strike combinations. I just mean which individual strike do you like best? Backnuckle, SwordHand, etc...

My personal favorite is a sandwich (elbow and heelpalm). I know it is a combination of 2 basics, but since they strike simultaneously I count them as 1 strike.
Right inward raking hammerfist - right into the orbit of the left eye beside the nose, "relocating it" somewhere on the right cheek, whoops ... getting a little too graphic.

Originally posted by Michael Billings

Right inward raking hammerfist - right into the orbit of the left eye beside the nose, "relocating it" somewhere on the right cheek, whoops ... getting a little too graphic.


But i feel the pain!
Originally posted by Michael Billings

Right inward raking hammerfist - right into the orbit of the left eye beside the nose, "relocating it" somewhere on the right cheek, whoops ... getting a little too graphic.


be completely honest and tell us how you really feel!! LOL
I always find myself favoring leopard fist. Anything circular, but this more often than not. I think it is because I am very small, and I feel like I can generate a lot of power through the shoulders when I do it.

Any sort of thrust, on the other hand, I think I need to work on.
I have to agree with Mr. Billings on this one. I feel that the Hammerfist is one of the most destructive strikes in Kenpo. One of many........but this is definately a favorite:D .

I have to say that I like the hammerfist too. Lot of damage to the bad guy, not so much risk to the good guy.

Question, what is the advantage of a handsword to the neck versus a hammerfist to the same target? Wouldn't the handsword be more risky to the fingers if you connect badly with the target? I can see a handsword or a leopard fist hammer (I don't know the real name) to slide into a narrow target, but not why to use a handsword on a relatively open target.

I will toss in a vote for the hammerfist as well, since there is a lot of versatility to it.

My second vote would go to the old workhorse, the uppercut. When you get a "hidden" one in, and it connects just right, it can bring a real smile to your face.....

Originally posted by kenpochip

I have to say that I like the hammerfist too. Lot of damage to the bad guy, not so much risk to the good guy.

Question, what is the advantage of a handsword to the neck versus a hammerfist to the same target? Wouldn't the handsword be more risky to the fingers if you connect badly with the target? I can see a handsword or a leopard fist hammer (I don't know the real name) to slide into a narrow target, but not why to use a handsword on a relatively open target.


Here is a quiz for you chip. What is the difference/similarities in a handsword and a hammerfist? Which has a larger striking surface? To those that know the answer let them try to figure it out.

I like the uppercut and here's why.
1)You've got the good ole uppercut.
2)you can extend the uppercut and it becomes a punch
3)you can tuck it a little more and make it an upward elbow
4)you can torque through a 135 degree angle and get hook out
of it
5)you can torque through 180 degree angle, tuck it, and get an
inward elbow
6)maybe a bit of a stretch, but by using directional harmony you
could rechamber the uppercut and have your hammerfist strike.
7) etc... etc... etc...
Hooking elbow, if you can get in close enough to use it, it's gonna really take someone down. I've never been on the receiving end of one, but you can tell from the power that comes into the focus mitt of one that if you didn't get a knock out off it, there's still be so much pain in your head you wouldn't have much fight left in you.

Plus I have faith that it's strong enough to smash a jaw or cheekbone.

As well as that, you can throw it to all different targets, so it's nice and adaptable.

Backfist would be my second choice, but since i'm only allowed one... :)

I really love the forearm sandwhich, especially while adding a little extra torque during the strike. Nothing beats hearing the attacker's neck imitate Rice Crispies.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

Here is a quiz for you chip. What is the difference/similarities in a handsword and a hammerfist? Which has a larger striking surface? To those that know the answer let them try to figure it out.


Just to give it a shot .. the hammerfist has a larger striking surface
because the fingers are involved. In a handsword, they're not.
With a handsword, we're told to the striking surfaces is that
bone just above the wrist, in the palm.
1. Surface concentration - (same pounds per square inch, just fewer inches = more pounds per inch = more penetration)
2. Fitting - Always have an appropriate weapon to the appropriate target.
3. Angle of entry - of course, sometimes the fist will not "fit".
4. Angle of incidence - you can rotate the handsword further than the fist, insuring a nice impact as verses the hammerfist not rotating enough to get into the target. Just try to countour up someones body with a fist as vs the handsword.

etc., etc.

That being said, I still like the hammerfist due to the fact I can hit harder, with less chance of injuring the bones in my hands. A properly clenched fist is much harder to accidently break than the handsword. (if only I had not given up that makiwara training and iron palm when I found Kenpo - I can actually hit them in a target appropriatley with effect, and not have to be able to kill a tree with my shins or fists.)

Besides ... I heard great Mr. Parker stories - usually involving a punch, heel palm, or hammerfist. That may be where I got my sadistic graphic tendencies. The feel of bones crunching - whoops, went too far ... again! :viking1:


Thrusting Salute is my absolute favorite technique too... nothing like the heel palm strike executed in that technique...

Smash the guys face into outter space! :eek:

Extended outward blocks are kewel too. I know... not a strike, per se, but alot of really powerful stuff can originate from there.

Billy Lear
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Extended outward blocks are kewel too. I know... not a strike, per se, but alot of really powerful stuff can originate from there.

Billy Lear [/B]

Like a hammerfist......

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