Strange, never before asked question


3rd Black Belt
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, here's a good one:

What deodorant is the best to use for class?

I've tried a great many different ones, and I find that, even if I put deodorant on just before class, by the time I'm through, I've worn it all off. It's either that, or I put entirely too much on, and I not only smell too strongly of deodorant, but I also stain my uniform and/or undershirt with it as well. But, I also stain my uniform and/or undershirt if I don't put enough on.

I do sweat alot, especially during class, and I haven't yet found either a gel or a solid that will give me what I want, which is just a neutral comfort zone that doesn't leave stains.

Any suggestions?
Wear a black uniform.
Actually, this is a good and useful question.

I use a clear gel that I allow to dry thoroughly before putting anything on over it.

1. Body odor is from the mixture of sweat, sebum and bacteria.

2. The best way to prevent the odor is ... use your undearm treatment on VERY CLEAN SKIN, preferably after a shower and at nighttime before retiring. This gives the stuff a good chance to absorb.

3. Use an antiperspirant to hinder sweat under your arms.

4. Treat your tee and uniform underarm areas with a mix of baking soda and laundry detergent - this took out even old odor problems with some tees and gis I've trained in. Even worked on my husband's work shirts ... and that's saying something! :)

5. If you do all this and still have odor problems, experiment with removing strong-smelling things like onions and garlic from your diet - or at least cutting way back on them.

6. Talk to your doctor about the problem. It might just be your body chemistry, some vitamins you're taking, some medication you're taking. There are also some prescription-strength anti-perspirants available should you *really* require them.

Keep us posted as to what works for you and good luck!
I just use antiperspirant. Can't avoid the sweating, but I don't end up stinky.
The very best is the Clinical Strength deodorants. In my opinion, they are much better than the prescription type (which can cause staph infections by the way).

If there is odor, wash at night and in the morning with very warm water and Safeguard soap. Rinse well and apply the clinical strength deodorant. The clinical strength deodorants will help keep your dobok from yellowing if you have a white dobok. You might reapply the deodorant right before class also.

The clinical strength deodorants are right under $8 at Target and Wal-Mart. One drawback is that they leave white deodorant marks.
i like to rub used baby diapers into my armpits right before a workout. then during sparring, i try to grind my armpit into my opponent's face whenever possible. i've also braided the hair under my arms.

is this acceptable?

So long as you have a shower before class and wear a clean gi, what is wrong with the smell of good healthy clean sweat!!. I dont find it as offensive as the smell of someone who uses too much strong smelling deoderant and gives everyone in the dojo a headache from the smell.
And it is healthier!!:)
The very best is the Clinical Strength deodorants. In my opinion, they are much better than the prescription type (which can cause staph infections by the way).
There are actually prescription deodorants? I always thought it was a nonsense marketing ploy.
So long as you have a shower before class and wear a clean gi, what is wrong with the smell of good healthy clean sweat!!. I dont find it as offensive as the smell of someone who uses too much strong smelling deoderant and gives everyone in the dojo a headache from the smell.
And it is healthier!!:)
Excellent point, Donna. I'm one of those folks that have a sensitivity to perfume smells. If I walk into the perfume section of a department store I get a booming headache. It's very difficult to train with someone when getting close to them makes your head ache. Unscented deodorant all the way. As for a good clean sweat... there's a difference between what you work up during class and the smell of someone who simply hasn't bathed in a week.
So long as you have a shower before class and wear a clean gi, what is wrong with the smell of good healthy clean sweat!!. I dont find it as offensive as the smell of someone who uses too much strong smelling deoderant and gives everyone in the dojo a headache from the smell.
And it is healthier!!:)

I agree with Donna, I think the American obsession with hygiene and body smell is weird! You have deodorants for parts of the body that really don't need them! There is nothing wrong with people sweating especially in a gym and as Donna says as long as you shower and put clean clothes on theres no problem.
QFT. I'm a sweater. Seriously, I generally leave even a light workout looking like I've been in the shower...uniform soaked through and through. Odor can be an issue.

Using the clinical strength deodorants (there are severl on the market and all seem to work equally well fo rme) as recommended does the trick. That and having plenty of clean uniforms. :)

To avoid white marks...put the deodorant on once a day before bed. It'll seriously work all day and night no problem. No white marks on the uniforms either.


The very best is the Clinical Strength deodorants. In my opinion, they are much better than the prescription type (which can cause staph infections by the way).

If there is odor, wash at night and in the morning with very warm water and Safeguard soap. Rinse well and apply the clinical strength deodorant. The clinical strength deodorants will help keep your dobok from yellowing if you have a white dobok. You might reapply the deodorant right before class also.

The clinical strength deodorants are right under $8 at Target and Wal-Mart. One drawback is that they leave white deodorant marks.
I agree with Donna, I think the American obsession with hygiene and body smell is weird! You have deodorants for parts of the body that really don't need them! There is nothing wrong with people sweating especially in a gym and as Donna says as long as you shower and put clean clothes on theres no problem.

Well, I just can't follow the French traditions of a monthly bath and marinating in perfume. ;)
I like to believe that someday, if I spray that stuff on my butt, hot girls are going to tackle me in the store. :rofl:
i like to rub used baby diapers into my armpits right before a workout. then during sparring, i try to grind my armpit into my opponent's face whenever possible. i've also braided the hair under my arms.

is this acceptable?

It depends on your choice of beads.

Wait a minute....I think I've worked with you. LOL!
Fresh sweat doesn't smell bad! it only smells when you don't shower!
The natural smell of peoples bodies is designed by nature to turn people on so masking it all the time with strong deodorants is really bad for you!
Fresh sweat doesn't smell bad! it only smells when you don't shower!
The natural smell of peoples bodies is designed by nature to turn people on so masking it all the time with strong deodorants is really bad for you!
That's why you're supposed to spray on Axe. So the hotties know to be turned on and that you're a chick magnet. I just keep buying defective cans.

Seriously, stale sweat makes me gag. But fresh doesn't bother me too much. I'm more bothered by stale stink breath than a little arm pit smell.
That's why you're supposed to spray on Axe. So the hotties know to be turned on and that you're a chick magnet. I just keep buying defective cans.

Seriously, stale sweat makes me gag. But fresh doesn't bother me too much. I'm more bothered by stale stink breath than a little arm pit smell.[/quote]

I'm with you there!
Stale sweat is awful especially on clothes which have just been put on again and not washed ( especially gis!) but no one should worry about sweating in the dojo.
I'm not so much paranoid about the smell as I am with yellowing my uniform and tshirts. I've only been going back for a little over 3 months, and I'm already starting to see stains.

I'll try using the clinical strength deodorants. Those sound pretty close to what I'm looking for...and I prefer unscented, anyway. I agree, I don't want to be in class all perfumed up and working up a sweat.

And part of my problem, too, is that I often go not too long after I get home from work. Now, all I do is sit in front of a computer all day, but the temp in the building is often pretty warm, and I'm not allowed to move away from my desk that often, so sitting in one spot for a while makes me start to sweat sometimes.

But yeah, I like the suggestion of using the clinical strength deodorant. I'm going to class today, and then my wife and I are going to the mall to finish Christmas shopping, so I'm going to look around for that while I'm there.

And, BTW, braiding your arm hair is only applicable if you're really doesn't help in TKD class. Trust me, I know.
Good question, I use an Axe spray or other kinds like that because the sticks and gels have residues that stain your uniforms.

I work at a university and there are protesters outside the buildings where they research these types of products. I suspect that they use animal fats and things like that in cosmetics, too.