Star Trek


Mon Mon

I think Star Trek Beats Star Wars any day:)

Whats your opinion which is better?

Of course thow Star Trek is the Best and can never be beaten
Ah my VERY young padwan, so much to learn you have. Star Trek will Wars always be better than. That make sense? haha. So many great quotes it's just funnier and the skill of the jedi's and the fights are much better. In Star Trek the original, fair enough there was some decent competition but nowadays it's al about strange technology and not enough about the power of the dark side!!

your friendly fiend,
Star wars is definately much better. I just can't get myself to sit through any star trek anything.
Jfarns you know it is within you feel it out and come to the Trek side:D
I prefer TOS myself, but the original SW movies are on the favs list. :) to bring back the age old argument...which is better? The Enterprise or a Star Destroyer? :D
The Enterprise would destroy the Star Destroyer
you... will be... destroyed... sorry for the bad shatner... star wars will always beat star trek... and there is no way the enterprise could ever beat a destroyer...
Starwars has LightSabers...........Nuff Said :eek:
We sat down once and used revised SFB rules.... had the updated Constitution class (PV 451) vs an Imperial class star destroyer (PV 28,500). (The Galactica by comparison has a PV of 17,000)

Short summary:
The SD heavily out guns the Enterprise-A on the short range weapons. At close range, the SD can rapidly pound a fed heavy cruiser into dust. This is complimented by the fact that the SD is basically an aircraft carrier in space, with a large compliment of fighters. Whenever the EA was within short range, the pinpricks from the fighters, combined with the large number of sr lasers were overwelming.

At longer range, it was quite different. The EA has stronger shielding, and fewer, but heavier main armament. As long as the EA could do high speed overruns, drop a SD shield, then land overloaded photons at PBR, its higher manuverability allowed it to inflict significant damage. The fighters were neutralized by the EA's high speed passes.

If ya play SFB, heres a good link for SSD's :
Q vs. The Emperor, the truest battle of all. Or even Q vs. Yoda,
for the rebellion sympathizers. No doubt that Q would open a
serious can of whoop ***.

Borg vs Rebellion? or Borg vs. Empire? Winner each time .. Da Borg!;)

Who defeated the Borg? Who, for lack of a better word, "defeated" Q?

Name one person/planet/alliance in Star Wars that could beat
or The Borg.

The prosecutions rests!
Do you people know it's all sci fi and the fi part stands for FICTION?:) . BTW, my money would be with Star Wars. Yoda would outsmart Q and R2D2 would just reprogram the Borg. The only technology advantage Star Trek has over Star Wars is the use of teleportation devices.
What!!!! Not real!!!! BLASPHEMY!!!!

Next thing you'll be telling us is that this Ring I have doesn't really cause Hobbits to wet themselves.

Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf
Do you people know it's all sci fi and the fi part stands for FICTION?:) . BTW, my money would be with Star Wars. Yoda would outsmart Q and R2D2 would just reprogram the Borg. The only technology advantage Star Trek has over Star Wars is the use of teleportation devices.

1. Fiction. Right. So was the Trojan War. The Garden of Eden. Noah's Ark...

2. Yoda would outsmart Q of course, much like Picard would do, but Q would smoke him anyway, just like Q would do. And then there is the Squire of Gothos. He is mad and you can't outsmart him, he's a nut. But he needs his machine. Unless he's more powerful now as an adult. If he's an adult now.

3. Dr. McCoy was an Black Belt in Kenpo. He tested for 1st when Elvis tested for 5th.

4. Star Trek the Original Series is better than Star Wars IV and V because it came first. Star Wars V was one of the Best Movies of All Time. Star Wars VI was not as good as Star Wars IV and V. The Next Generation was often as good as the Original Trek.

5. Rick Berman needs to be beaten to death over a period of several years. He didn't waste a lot of time running Star Trek into the Ground starting with the last half of the last season of The Next Generation. I decided not to investigate it much. Season 1.5 to about 6.5 were mostly outstanding. Star Trek V sucked. Star Trek VI began re-writing Trek history and Nicholas Meyer started it. I think it was a joke on the studio for bring back Spock and then asking him to come back to save their butt.

6. :soapbox:
I'm ranting like an insane man. :eek:
I'll go take my pills now.
Originally posted by cdhall
3. Dr. McCoy was an Black Belt in Kenpo. He tested for 1st when Elvis tested for 5th.

Kirk might have been a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. I don't know where that flying dropkick comes from. I want to learn that by the time I make it to Black even though it is not in our curriculum.

Actually, I did see a guy do this once with great effect, he studied a Very Old Form of Kung Fu. He was amazing.

And I guess Spock probably studied a system derived from George Dillman.

Apparently most of the rest of the Security team were untrained. Maybe if you flunked out of the Academy or graduated in the bottom 25% or so they offered you a commision as a Security Officer? :eek:
Originally posted by cdhall
Apparently most of the rest of the Security team were untrained. Maybe if you flunked out of the Academy or graduated in the bottom 25% or so they offered you a commision as a Security Officer?

Yes, and you were given a red shirt.
no contest...Star Wars episode 4.....nothing to touch it....
Star Trek should stay on TV where it belongs and away from the big screen and Star Wars should stay in the theatres and away from the TV.
Star Wars Yoda Rules. Enterprise Star Destroyer not a far matchmap. It would have to be a federation ship that was built for just war. Besides Enterprise can fight at warp speed and the star wars people can't do anything going faster then light so they would lose everytime.