Video Discussion


Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
...I hope that next year, when we start rolling out the video section, that there will be a heavy Kenpo presence too. :)

Video section? There will be a Kenpo presence. Are there any details available? You are taking submissions? You want people to send in clips? That might be Very cool.
This board gets better day by day. You totally rock, KR

I'm majorly swamped right now, however there will be an announcement with full details early in January.

Short version - member submitted clips that they have distribution rights to, preferably of them doing techniques. I'm not taking submisions at the moment, but will start once the announcements released. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I'm majorly swamped right now, however there will be an announcement with full details early in January.

Short version - member submitted clips that they have distribution rights to, preferably of them doing techniques. I'm not taking submisions at the moment, but will start once the announcements released. :)

Be careful Lord Sidious, that members of the Rebel Alliance will not pop up with false claims of copyright infringement!:eek:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
for those who only want the meat, not the frosting.

Mmmmm. . . Meat with frosting. . .

True.... in the event of a copyright issue, I will work thru it.

For example, lets say someone submits a clip of them working with Huk Planas. I'll ask Huk if its ok to put up. He says no, I don't put it up. Another example. Member X sends in a clip featuring the member and a student. I will email a model release form to the member for the student to sign, and for the member to sign that I will then keep on record. In the event of a problem, we will then have writen proof that we had permission. Worse case is we take the clip down, but my pocket books protected.

We won't be accepting clips from tournaments, PPV, or commercial tapes.

We will also be linking back to the senders website where possible. This gives credit where credits due, and also adds to the accountability to stay within international copyright guidelines.
Originally posted by SingingTiger
Mmmmm. . . Meat with frosting. . .


Meat with frosting? No way!

BTW, I wonder how a "Singing Tiger really sounds?
If I could ask, please keep the two forums separated. While there's isn't as much traffic on the Technical Forum, there's also a lot less silliness--by which, I mean to say that at least folks are arguing about things that seem to me worth arguing over. Too often, I think that the General forum involves a) chest-thumping, b) advertising for somebody's new school, videos, techs, seminars (fine, no problem, but boring after awhile), c) wishful thinking, etc...the Technical Forum just seems more down to earth.

Of course, all this was pretty much known already. Just a note of support for what MT is doing now...
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
True.... in the event of a copyright issue, I will work thru it....

You know for something like $25/mo you could let your attorney work through it...and call him every day to see if he is doing his job or not. Or ask about a new issue... etc.

And then if someone says that it is OK to post their clip, and then I post "what a goofus, who takes Martial Arts from Bozo?" and he looses students and then sues you because it started on your board... then your attorney could send him a letter and say "Dude, I'm defending Bob at no charge, and you don't have a case anyway so screw off."

Or something like that. I'm pushing the limits of what I'm allowed to say on a message board but I don't see why all the school owners don't spring for this so they don't sign a contract, or deal with a supplier, or a disgruntled student/parent... without having their butt well-covered. But of course, we could all beneift from this....

OK. Back to your regularly scheduled message. You can follow my link from School Mangement or contact me directly for more info. In most states you can look over the plan and sign up online if you like. In some cases it is easiest for me to walk you through that.


PS I think if you shoot the video or have the negative of the still photo/shot it yourself, you own the copyright. But check with your attorney to be sure. ;)
Originally posted by cdhall

PS I think if you shoot the video or have the negative of the still photo/shot it yourself, you own the copyright. But check with your attorney to be sure. ;)
Only if you got the kind permission of the people appearing on the video/photo to publizise it. If you don't have it, you can use the material privately.
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
Only if you got the kind permission of the people appearing on the video/photo to publizise it. If you don't have it, you can use the material privately.

Not if they're in public. That's why the Girls Gone Wild stuff is
at least in california, if someone's out in public, you can shoot them (with FILM) without having to pay them anything. This is why the paparazzi don't have to pay the celebrities they shoot (as long as they're not sneaking in to houses or spying through windows, which IS illegal).

I was a film major, and we did have to take a class in industry law, and they insisted we follow the laws on our shoots. (Shooting homeless people out on the venice boardwalk is legal... although sometimes you need a city permit if you're using more than just a handheld camera. coming into a shelter on private property to shoot homeless people is not legal, unless you have permission, usually from both your subjects and the property owners)

If you're planning on using your students images in anything promotional, have them sign a waiver first. Just include it in your paperwork for them to sign when they sign their contracts. Personally, as a web designer, I will not use the images of anyone that I don't have written permission from them or their parents/guardians.
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
Only if you got the kind permission of the people appearing on the video/photo to publizise it. If you don't have it, you can use the material privately.

Unless it was a Public Event I think.

But like I said, they can sue you anyway and if I really needed to know, I'd ask my attorney.

I get a release form from everyone just to be safe.
Originally posted by Kirk
That's why the Girls Gone Wild stuff is legal.

Generally they have the women sign releases.

Really. Most of the women on these tapes have signed releases in exchange for a T-shirt.
Originally posted by arnisador
Generally they have the women sign releases.

Really. Most of the women on these tapes have signed releases in exchange for a T-shirt.

Interesting. The guy that produces those tapes was on Howard
Stern. He said that some of the girls have sued, saying they were
drunk. He said the part they edit out is "you can have these
beads/t-shirt if you show us your hoo-haas" and they agree. But
the girls that sued collectively said they were drunk so their
verbal okay wasn't valid. The ruling was that they were in
public, and therefore available for viewing by the public. The girls
Originally posted by Kirk
Interesting. The guy that produces those tapes was on Howard
Stern. He said that some of the girls have sued, saying they were
drunk. He said the part they edit out is "you can have these
beads/t-shirt if you show us your hoo-haas" and they agree. But
the girls that sued collectively said they were drunk so their
verbal okay wasn't valid. The ruling was that they were in
public, and therefore available for viewing by the public. The girls

Boy, it's a good thing us martial artists have scrupples.!:)
Originally posted by Kirk
The ruling was that they were in
public, and therefore available for viewing by the public.

I'm sure this is a valid defense and I would not be surprised to find taht often the releases could be declared invalid due to the signers' drunken state.

Still, the fact that they continue to use the releases inclines me to think the producers feel it has some legal value.

This should probably be in The Locker Room, not here!
Originally posted by cdhall
Unless it was a Public Event I think.

Does it also apply to tournaments? That was what I was mainly thinking about.

Glad people in Spain don't sue so easyly ;)

Mind you, I asked for people's consent before putting anything in my website, and I hope the ones who sent me pictures also asked for it.
When people ask I usually tell them, "Hey, I was young and I needed the money."

I don't even pretend to think it was all about the artistic merits...
It's not so much about the artistic merits of the film, as it is how artistically you smash people, lol.