Splits anyone?!


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose
How may got their full splits this way?

Lord no. Full splits isn't even that useful or relevant to kicking as it is.
That's destructive and stupid.

I did not personally do that. I am unable to do the splits, front or side. I lack the flexibility in my hips and thighs. However, I know two other martial artists who did achieve full splits by ripping out their groins. It damages the muscles, bones, connective tissues, and structure of the knees and hip joints. It is an uneccessary action driven by hubris and ignorance.

You may notice I don't have much patience for this practice. It is one of the primary reasons many martial artists require major hip and leg surgeries in middle age.

But, if you want to do so, it will help you achieve the splits.

That is absolutely one of the most idiotic thing I have seen anyone "Volunteer" for. I swear, I can do a full split. However, if anyone tried to do that to me I would be in jail. "Justifiable Homicide" is still a crime in Missouri.
Just as an FYI I do not condone this. I just had it sent to me from my Master and thought to myself "OH GOD, I hope he is not planning this for me" Just thought I would share with you all.

This vid made me cringe, not from the splits but rather the poor guys screams. And not one person even had a remote look of concern on their face.
And not one person even had a remote look of concern on their face.

That's because this is how they were taught, and without a doubt, they have done the same to themselves.

That's part of the problem. One instructor starts doing this, and he teaches his students to do so. They don't know any different, so they go along and then teach their students the same.

And all the time people are injuring themselves for no productive reason, because one ignorant person told another ignorant person it was the way to go.

Ohhh hell no. I am with Matt on this one, try this with me and suffer the consequences.
Funny reactions from everyone. I can only imagine your faces when seeing the clip and typing your responces.
I've never gone through anything that bad, but I've had Korean masters who have used a similar approach, if less extreme. In fact, I've seen all kinds of dangerous and irresponsable practices in my time.

I have never been able to do the full splits, nowhere near. However, I can kick high no problem. It's beyond me why Tae Kwon Do people seems to insist almost exclusively on static stretching of the legs, when (a) controlled dynamic stretching is much better for kicking height, and (b) Yoga-type stretching centred on the back is far more effective overall for general flexibility.
At one time I got to the point where I could nearly do the splits (i.e. just a couple of inches off the floor) but how we got there was over the course of a long period of gradual training to stretch the tendons.

It did help with high side/hook kicks and as a young man gave a feeling of 'accomplishment' at doing something physically difficult but not being able to do the splits should not be considered a crippling disadvantage to a martial artist.
I saw my grandfather do this to my younger brother he was fifteen at the time. He was very clear that he had exactly 3 months to be able to do the splits. My younger brother was on the over-weight side and a little lazy. I remember him telling him if he wasn't going to get in shape then he would at least be flexible. Although I suspect he was going to be both whether he wanted to or not. We kept telling him that he better get going but he thought it was a big joke. I remember the day when he was joking around and was in a split stance on our home mat and my grandfather came up behind him and pushed him down. His scream was similiar to that guys. He can now do the splits and takes everything my grandfather tells him to heart. I felt sorry for my brother but it was funny at the time.
Holy cow, I can't believe I missed this one the first time around.

I guess I'm a softie after all. I couldn't deal with hearing the students scream like that.
I don't even believe in circumcision. I don't even believe in cropping a dog's ears or tail. This? Nope.

I'm too old now anyway. You'd have to park a truck on me to break my insides like that, and I promise after I got out of the hospital I'd start putting notches on my grandad's blackthorn, Shillelagh Law would be all the rage.
Well, you gotta do what you gotta do...but dude! that was harsh. I mean, i wouldn't condone all that rucus.geez. Plus, no matter what you do, forcefull or gently, you should really be somewhat more cautious. I wouldn't doubt if this was a little fake in the sense that maybe the guy can already do the splits or almost. plus the final test sortof tipped me off too. The final test object was placed there with more of a 'zoon' rather than a 'pon'-gotta look out for that one. Then all of a sudden he just drops down and the pusher takes off in promt affirmation.hmmm
I don't know-maybe it's real-?but it's noisy, that's for sure.
