Something tells me they weren't conservatives


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
At this article covers the jeering and heckling of an American war hero on a college campus as they reinstate the ROTC program. As the tag line states, Something tells me the hecklers and jeering students weren't conservative republicans. Just more liberal bad behavior, directed this time at an american soldier who was wounded in battle.
I have to say that the intent of the OP on this one was washed away by the outstanding blog itself.

I was impressed by the articulate inclusions from the contributors and was moved greatly by the emotions that came through.

I am ethically against the use of war as a policy tool and abhor the loss of life that goes with it (for both sides in a conflict, not just my 'own').

But I am not foolish enough to think that, as yet, we have as a species moved away from the use of violence to get what you want. We need a military to defend our countries against those that would use force against us, it is being blind to reality to think otherwise.

As such, I am glad to read that at least some of those who would stand up to the line for their country do so with the best of reasons. Whilst I understand also the vocal protestations of those that do not want their place of learning turning into a 'recruiting station', I cannot condone their behaviour - tho' I suspect the brave man that stood before them would not have been much troubled by a few intemperate words.
As a post script to my own words, I saw this in the comments on the blog:

"One of the reasons that the military produces numerous people like SSgt Maschek at Columbia is because they volunteered to serve and give up their Constitutional rights. It is amazing how one appreciates our Constitution and country once one has lived under a system where those Constitutional rights are no longer applicable. Unlike the group of students at Columbia and other educational institutions who neither comprehend nor appreciate the value and protection that the Constitution provides for this country and it's people."

It struck me as a very important point.
As a post script to my own words, I saw this in the comments on the blog:

"One of the reasons that the military produces numerous people like SSgt Maschek at Columbia is because they volunteered to serve and give up their Constitutional rights. It is amazing how one appreciates our Constitution and country once one has lived under a system where those Constitutional rights are no longer applicable. Unlike the group of students at Columbia and other educational institutions who neither comprehend nor appreciate the value and protection that the Constitution provides for this country and it's people."

It struck me as a very important point.

Oddly and ironically enough though, as true as all that is, they are (rather poorly)exercising those same rights (there's no such thing as a "Constitutional Right") that he is willing to lie down and die defending.
I have never been able to to achieve the the ability to care about the opinions of a bunch of zero life experience college kids. After 10 or so years of living a "real life", where you are supporting yourself, then maybe Ill consider your opinions as having some real life merit.
I have never been able to to achieve the the ability to care about the opinions of a bunch of zero life experience college kids. After 10 or so years of living a "real life" where you are supporting yourself then maybe Ill consider your opinions as having some real life merit.

I'd agree with you, except for the time when I was one of them......:lol:
I'd agree with you, except for the time when I was one of them......:lol:

Oh yeah..I thought I knew everything back then too. Things change when the college loan money stops coming and you have to start paying it back.
I have never been able to to achieve the the ability to care about the opinions of a bunch of zero life experience college kids. After 10 or so years of living a "real life", where you are supporting yourself, then maybe Ill consider your opinions as having some real life merit.

LOL, I think it's when childhood is on life support, the last hurray of carefree life, you get to endulge yourself one last time in the ideology of fantasy. :D
The guys who killed byrd appear to be white supremacists, not conservatives. Probably not even republicans. Wanting to use the power of the state to discriminate or harm other individuals is more a lefty trait than a right wing trait.


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The guys who killed byrd appear to be white supremacists, not conservatives. Probably not even republicans. Wanting to use the power of the state to discriminate or harm other individuals is more a lefty trait than a right wing trait.

'Would you call these right wing or left wing principles:

The United States is a sovereign and independent nation.
The United States is a constitutional republic.
We believe in States’ Rights, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Bill of Rights
Private property and free enterprise are the foundations of our economy.
A Strong National Defense
America First Foreign Policy
America First Trade Policy
Traditional Education under Local Control.
Strong and Just Law Enforcement.
Protection of the Environment and Natural Heritage

BTW, there are posts all over this forum from up to 5 years ago that show how much I support each and every one of these principles
The guys who killed byrd appear to be white supremacists, not conservatives. Probably not even republicans. Wanting to use the power of the state to discriminate or harm other individuals is more a lefty trait than a right wing trait.

That's funny...the Washington Times-that favorite conservative paper, and property of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church-publishedthis syndicated column, endorsing the
Council of Conservative Citizens, among whose principles you'll see there, in addition to the ones that I posted earlier, are:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values

2) We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people-We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.

No less a conservative darling than Ann Coulter had this to say about this scurrilous group of racists in her latest book, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America,Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America, where she calls them a "conservative group” that has unfairly been branded as racist “because some of the directors of the CCC had, decades earlier, been leaders of a segregationist group.”

“There is no evidence on its Web page that the modern incarnation of the CCC supports segregation. Apart from some aggressive reporting on black-on-white crimes — the very crimes that are aggressively hidden by the establishment media — there is little on the CCC website suggesting that the group is racist. Indeed, its main failing is containing members who had belonged to a segregationist group thirty years earlier.

People will use the "power of the state" to discriminate, or harm, or. more to the point, control those they think need it, regardless of which side of the "left/right, conservative/liberal" divide they claim to belong to. Case in point, the conservative opposition to "ay marriage" in order to "preserve the traditional family," which has nothing to do at all with "traditional family" and everything to do with gay sex being "icky."
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