So I'm kind of confused what to do here.



Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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So are there fight gyms of any sort in your area? Or could you travel one day a week to spar or something?

We have had guys travel 300 ks for sparring sessions.

There is one about an hour or so way. The mma gym closer to here won't let me spar unless I am a member and they are very expensive. Plus right now I have no car.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
There is one about an hour or so way. The mma gym closer to here won't let me spar unless I am a member and they are very expensive. Plus right now I have no car.

We had guys travel 3 hours to train once a week. 273 km,s



Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
He can't travel an hour somewhere?

What I am pushing home is that he can do this.

I don't have a car, our bus system in America costs money to ride, riding it out of town costs you more money. We don't have a train that goes through there, my state has only commercial trains that are not permitted for public use, they just transport goods and homeless people who illegally hitch a ride.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
I don't have a car, our bus system in America costs money to ride, riding it out of town costs you more money. We don't have a train that goes through there, my state has only commercial trains that are not permitted for public use, they just transport goods and homeless people who illegally hitch a ride.

Clearly you should be train hopping to get to class. Otherwise you rack disciprine!

The guy who went to that effort is fighting in the ufc now. And he had most of the same issue's.

You don't have to overcome your training problems. You can train at any level you want.

Otherwise any martial art where they fight will give you a grounding. Doesn't have to be mma.


Purple Belt
Oct 25, 2015
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One thing I would suggest as well is maybe save money and don't use the gym. I personally find gyms overrated most things you can do in a gym you can do at home buy a cheap set of weights buy a heavy bag and your sorted look online for different body exercises you can do that'll save you a good amount of money on gym fees or membership or whatever so you can put that money towards something else


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
One thing I would suggest as well is maybe save money and don't use the gym. I personally find gyms overrated most things you can do in a gym you can do at home buy a cheap set of weights buy a heavy bag and your sorted look online for different body exercises you can do that'll save you a good amount of money on gym fees or membership or whatever so you can put that money towards something else

That is simply out of the question. Several of my max lifts are at 285 and over for some exercises. The amount of money and room buying all that equipment occupy is too much so it makes more sense for me to buy a membership every year which only is 290 something.

A barbell. Bench with the weights alone would run way over that and that would only be for bench pressing alone.

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
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Jan 4, 2012
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New York
One thing I would suggest as well is maybe save money and don't use the gym. I personally find gyms overrated most things you can do in a gym you can do at home buy a cheap set of weights buy a heavy bag and your sorted look online for different body exercises you can do that'll save you a good amount of money on gym fees or membership or whatever so you can put that money towards something else
If you are doing serious lifting, the gym is much more cost effective in the short run. I haven't done the math, but I would imagine it takes at least 2+ years before it might be cost effective (assuming you have the space for all the equipment in your house/apartment). While this is a good idea if you have money to spare, if you don't it can be tough to afford the initial expense involved.

Of course, if you don't have that money to spare, and are spending 90 a month on MA, that may be something to rethink. I'm not sure what ironbear's money situation or if he even is concerned with getting a car or is having difficulties financially. However, if he's not struggling and just can't justify the expense there's no reason to consider any of this, and if he is struggling then dropping martial arts or finding either something cheaper or a group that meets regularly without a set sifu would be a smarter course of action financially. Either way, no reason to quit the gym.

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
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Jan 4, 2012
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New York
Double post, but also Ironbear sorry if it feels like I am talking around/about you. Just trying to explain the logic behind not quitting a gym.
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Senior Master
May 22, 2016
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Good for them but it's obvious ironbear can't do this so repeatedly telling him this isn't much help

Yeah everyone's life is different.

Let's say I wanted to go to the nearest JKD place. By car (no traffic) 56 minutes, if I didn't have a car and needed to use public transit, over 2 hours. If there was no public transit it would take 3+ hours pedaling my bike. Now I have to ask "is that practical" and still get to work in time after? (I do have a mortgage to pay and a family to keep happy), answer no.
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Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
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Jan 4, 2012
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New York
WC is not easy to solo train unless you spend $500-$1000 on a Mook Jong, I expect JKD is similar, so it wouldn't make sense to me.
Off topic, but JKD doesn't have forms which would make it even tougher. The JKD place near me also does silat, but that would be tough to do any solo work as well.


Senior Master
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
That is simply out of the question. Several of my max lifts are at 285 and over for some exercises. The amount of money and room buying all that equipment occupy is too much so it makes more sense for me to buy a membership every year which only is 290 something.

A barbell. Bench with the weights alone would run way over that and that would only be for bench pressing alone.

Here is a question. Let's say you finally get to talk to your Sifu and he gives a logical explanation as to why the raw strength you have atm necessary. If it is logical to the point that you buy into it, to an extent, could you see yourself changing your program. I know more than a couple pretty strong guys that basically transitioned from a gym to your "old school" push ups, core work, pull ups and TRX and/or dumbbell work, which is a lot more affordable than a full bench set and still provides really good strength with the dedication.

Only asking the above because while you clearly love pumping iron, and good for you, your priority seems to be the martial arts. If a reason for 300lbs + presses not being necessary is one that makes sense to you, then not having to go to the gym to pump iron, in the long run, will free up more time and money for the Art you chose.
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Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
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Jan 4, 2012
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New York
To compound Juany's question, you have mentioned a couple of times in threads that you consider fat (based on your profile picture I don't see this as the case, but to each his own). Would you be willing to accept that what you press might go down in order to lose weight, or would you rather gain weight if it helped you press more? Not overly important to me, especially since I don't think your fat to begin with, but may be something for you to think about as you decide your future goals.


Senior Master
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Off topic, but JKD doesn't have forms which would make it even tougher. The JKD place near me also does silat, but that would be tough to do any solo work as well.

Well JKD kinda has forms, they just refer to them as sets, and even then you need a heavy bag at least to kick and punch upon lol. But yeah, one of the things I like about Inosanto Kali is that, while the open hand stuff is hard to do alone, you can do a fair number of the weapons drills on your own, which helps with my craptastic work schedule.


Purple Belt
Sep 27, 2013
Reaction score
I'm a bit late to this but I like the motto:

Go rough on the pads,
Easier on each other

You shouldn't be really hurting anyone in sparring who doesn't have the ability to hurt you back. Someone should be coaching you on that though. It's not really something that you're going to learn whilst doing forms and practicing on the pads.

I'm a big fan of technical sparring with little sections of going harder. I learn much more this way.

Also, the girlfriend thing doesn't sound good at all - shape up, or lose her.

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