So, How was the Pasadena Homecoming?

more... LaBounty working....


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Instructor Appreciation Plaques... Chuck Sullivan, Dave Hebler, Stephen LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Richard "Huk" Planas, Frank Trejo, Bob Liles, & Zach Witson. Also, Larry Kongika, Edmund Parker Jr. & Dian Tanaka.... the promoters of the event.


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Dinner... Around the table: Dian Tanaka, Bob Liles, Student, Tom Kelly Steve LaBounty, Huk Planas, John Sepulveda, Zach Whitson.


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Originally posted by Kirk
Those pics ROCKED!!!!! Thanks a bunch for sharing!

As much as I hate to post "ditto," DITTO!

That was too cool. Thanks Mr. C.
Those pictures dont even begin to describe the feeling that was at the camp. Even Mr Pink had a great time despite the fact of the no show of that rungill character. Something Ed Parker Jr said really hit home to me. The camp was meant to bring kenpoists from across the world back the home of kenpo. To train on that mat was an energizing experience for me as well as many other attendees. Training with some of the best will most definitely bring focus on my goals for my training in the future. Smacking the line on friday was an incredible experience as well as working with and meeting instructors that ive only read about. All in all a mesmerizing experience and would definitely go again next year.
Thanks to all that have shared pics and info.
It feels a bit like being there and not missing the event completely.

:asian: :asian:

Boy are we kicking ourselves that we missed that. :waah:

Dennis, wonderful pictures thank you for posting them.

Is this going to be an annual event or just a one time thing?
Hoping its annual

from the response from everyone that attended and also that of the instructors i would think that this will become an annual event. Its about time!!! Training in kenpo without all the bureaucratic nonsense.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Boy are we kicking ourselves that we missed that. :waah:

Dennis, wonderful pictures thank you for posting them.

Is this going to be an annual event or just a one time thing?
Hoping its annual


Amen to that sistuh friend! I'm soooo going to be there next

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