Sifu is pissed off.

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Ironbear, your girlfriend, who knows you, thinks you need to back off the martial arts. Martial artists in this forum are telling you to back off the martial arts. Maybe you should take a step back from the martial arts.

I have over a decade of martial arts training. No black belt. No trophies. No fights to brag about. However, I am still training. Years ago, a black belt told me, "The brightest flames go out the quickest. You are like the little burning ember that just won't quit."

I have come across people who get to obsessed with their training that it drives them crazy. Is it possible this might be happening with you? They eventually end up quitting because they realize that they can't sleep and are frustrated and depressed all the time because they have become so obsessed with it. The constant frustration does lead to having a bit of a temper, also.

Are you the person who said they do not have a car so cannot change studios? If so, can you work on whatever obstacle is preventing you from getting a car and the option of going to a studio more suited to your goals? Apologize if whatever obstacle is not something that can be overcome (like legal blindness - I did I train with an exceptionally talented martial artist who was legally blind. He was so accurate, it defied logic).

Take a step back. It is a marathon not a sprint. Don't burn yourself out. Cut down to 1-2 times per week, at least for a while. Agree that you need to put the sparring on hold until you get better control of your temper. If you break your sparring partners, there will be no on left to play with. You could become that person who shows up for sparring, and everyone goes home.
Iron bear, does your style offer competition?

Maybe competing in a MA tournament will help you?
Iron bear, does your style offer competition?

Maybe competing in a MA tournament will help you?
Competition would just raise his ego even more IMO and make him more likely to get in fights with the whole do you know I am mentality. It's his attitude that needs changing not his training. His instructors obviously a decent person who tries to make his students act with decency and honour I think that's exactly what he needs
You said you didnt beat this man up. If thats true than there is a trust issue between you and your instructor. Considering an anonymous person can make a phone call and he automatically assumes your at blame. Im speechless, especially with his means of trying to teaching lessons. I personally would expect more from an instructor. Its important to use your words. Not challenge your students to fights they dont stand a chance of winning.

There is a trust issue but not how you think, Ironbear has acquired, by his own admission, a reputation for brawling which amuses him, the instructor who most likely knows this and has also seen him beat up someone in the class, has tried to talk to him, Ironbear again by his own admission didn't listen and talked over him, so the instructor did what I imagine saddened him to do, he wanted him to learn a lesson by sparring, well he tried but Ironbear again has failed to learn. The instructor tried to talk to him, we have but he seems doomed to spiral into his own world of brawling, bullying and eventually I imagine prison or at least a criminal record. You need to read what is posted and not jump to conclusions.
I don't know what 'swole' is. There's also no 'us' and I'm not your 'bro'.

Let me try to help out:

"Swole" is part of the language of a certain subspecies of male gym dwellers in the US, commonly referred to as "Bros" or "Brahs". Since you are linguistically inclined, to the best of my knowledge the term "swole" derives from being swollen aka "pumped up" after lifting weights.

As for the Bro subspecies, some commonly found characteristics are:

-skinny legs, because leg day sucks
-doing curls in the squat rack because one cannot be bothered to bend down and pick the weight off the floor.
-dropping weights from hip or shoulder height to the floor because one is so swole from the exertion that one cannot be bothered to bend down to lower them.
-loading huge amounts of weight onto the bar so the exercise requires a spotter. The spotter is expected to lift at least 67.5% of the weight.
-once the weight is sucessfully lifted in such manner, Bros engage in a testosterone fueled celebration ritual that involves grunts, screams, fist pumps, chest bumps.....and elicits head shakes from female gym dwellers which are taken as signs of admiration.
It's also lucky your sifu doesn't know about you commenting on videos of people practicing saying you could take them easily and wishing you could fight them
He can work out his issues while training. Train
If the instructor automatically assumes he is at blame when an anonymous person makes a phone call then it may just be for a very good reason.
Instructors usually know their students well enough to have an idea of who is most likely to get into fights, who has anger issues, bully issues, and who is afraid to be in a fight. If someone called my Sifu and made the statement that one of his students was a "sneaky fighter," my Sifu would know right away who they were referring to. He wouldn't need a name or description to guess who they are talking about.

People would be surprised at how well instructors know their student's personalities.
Iron bear, does your style offer competition?

Maybe competing in a MA tournament will help you?

It does. I need the school uniform to compete in it though, so I need to get that back before I worry about that.
It would be Interesting if his instructor came on and started reading his posts here. This one in particular...
Let me try to help out:

"Swole" is part of the language of a certain subspecies of male gym dwellers in the US, commonly referred to as "Bros" or "Brahs". Since you are linguistically inclined, to the best of my knowledge the term "swole" derives from being swollen aka "pumped up" after lifting weights.

As for the Bro subspecies, some commonly found characteristics are:

-skinny legs, because leg day sucks
-doing curls in the squat rack because one cannot be bothered to bend down and pick the weight off the floor.
-dropping weights from hip or shoulder height to the floor because one is so swole from the exertion that one cannot be bothered to bend down to lower them.
-loading huge amounts of weight onto the bar so the exercise requires a spotter. The spotter is expected to lift at least 67.5% of the weight.
-once the weight is sucessfully lifted in such manner, Bros engage in a testosterone fueled celebration ritual that involves grunts, screams, fist pumps, chest bumps.....and elicits head shakes from female gym dwellers which are taken as signs of admiration.

Pretty much all of that is me aside from the spotter part. It does me no good if the other guy is doing most of the work. My legs aren't skinny but they don't match the rest of me because leg day does suck. Leg day means anything and everything such as standing, walking, will hurt after the workout. Sitting down to use the restroom after leg day is a really humbling experience.
It does. I need the school uniform to compete in it though, so I need to get that back before I worry about that.
Man even if your instructor allows you to compete and represent his school in competition (which I seriously doubt he will) you should step up and just no you shouldn't compete because look Imagine your in the ring you're getting a beating the crowds cheering for the other person you're embarrassed about losing in front of everyone you'll get angry make mistakes may end up using illegal moves which disrespects your instructor even more or the ref makes a call you don't agree with you argue with him about it and get aggressive so he takes a point from you. With your anger and ego issues you could end up punching the referee which in competition is the worst thing you can do. The last thing you need is competition in any area no matter if it's point fighting, boxing, kickboxing or mma you shouldn't be doing If until your personal issues are sorted and control yourself better.
Man even if your instructor allows you to compete and represent his school in competition (which I seriously doubt he will) you should step up and just no you shouldn't compete because look Imagine your in the ring you're getting a beating the crowds cheering for the other person you're embarrassed about losing in front of everyone you'll get angry make mistakes may end up using illegal moves which disrespects your instructor even more or the ref makes a call you don't agree with you argue with him about it and get aggressive so he takes a point from you. With your anger and ego issues you could end up punching the referee which in competition is the worst thing you can do. The last thing you need is competition in any area no matter if it's point fighting, boxing, kickboxing or mma you shouldn't be doing If until your personal issues are sorted and control yourself better.

If there is a competition anytime soon, I wouldn't be allowed to go right now anyway. This time could be spent on working on those problems.
Also I'd like to ask a question a bit off topic but you do shou shu yeah would you say this is similar to what I'm just genuinely curious here
Also I'd like to ask a question a bit off topic but you do shou shu yeah would you say this is similar to what I'm just genuinely curious here

There is a lot less choreography and less new age rock but yes. It's a lot like that, more emphasis on low kicks though.
Pretty much all of that is me aside from the spotter part. It does me no good if the other guy is doing most of the work. My legs aren't skinny but they don't match the rest of me because leg day does suck. Leg day means anything and everything such as standing, walking, will hurt after the workout. Sitting down to use the restroom after leg day is a really humbling experience.

Nothing like me at all, I have curves.
Pretty much all of that is me aside from the spotter part. It does me no good if the other guy is doing most of the work. My legs aren't skinny but they don't match the rest of me because leg day does suck. Leg day means anything and everything such as standing, walking, will hurt after the workout. Sitting down to use the restroom after leg day is a really humbling experience.

I hope you know I wasn't talking about you with my explanation. I have no idea how you conduct yourself in the gym. But the word "swole" alone ( makes me cringe every time I hear or see it ) conjures up the images of the "Bros"....shudder
There is a lot less choreography and less new age rock but yes. It's a lot like that, more emphasis on low kicks though.
Well but that was a public demonstration so there's going to be choreography but you say you wanted kenpo that is a variation of kenpo because I definentely saw the techique grip of death in there
I hope you know I wasn't talking about you with my explanation. I have no idea how you conduct yourself in the gym. But the word "swole" alone ( makes me cringe every time I hear or see it ) conjures up the images of the "Bros"....shudder

Don't worry lol I know you weren't talking about me, there is absolutely no way anyone could mistake me for anyone other than me. The gym I go to is a small country one, there's some lads in there but quite honestly most of the 'muscle' men around our way get their muscles from chucking hay bales around, tramping through the Dales, picking up sheep etc. the idea of 'bros' would make people laugh themselves silly here.
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