Share a Workout!


White Belt
Hello everyone!

I would like to introduce you all my new project, which I have just started -

I'm a big lover of martial arts! I decided to create a website, were everyone would be able to share their ideas and workouts.

I would like to encourage everyone, who has experience and knowledge in martial arts to share your ideas and workouts with us!

Tell me:

*which category it would suit: Combat Workouts, Strength & Conditioning, Cardio Training or Diet Tips.

*witch martial art this workout is designed for (MMA, boxing, BJJ, etc.)

*the main goals of workout.

*tell about yourself, if you want.

But, if you are not interested in sharing information, just visit my website and look around for useful information. I know, that there isn't much yet, but I am trying to do my best, to collect as much information, as possible. The workouts, that there are already in my site, are from my competitive training partners and coaches.

You can visit , or send your ideas through website, or send it directly to my email -

And please, before calling it spam, check my website at first. I don‘t have any other goals with this post, except to make my project as solid and helpful, as I want it to be. Thanks for your tolerance! :)

Thank you, for your help to grow this project!
While I can definitely see the appeal of this, I would always be a little concerned with getting specific workouts on the internet, simply because workouts are typically tailored for the individual and what can work for one person won't necessarily work for someone else. It might be a good idea to put in a section explaining how to safely do a workout and a disclaimer about using someone else's workout.
I enjoy this workout, basically take a medicine ball at a heavy weight for yourself, get in a horse stance that is deep. Then throw it straight up in the air and catch it before it falls to the floor.

Repeat this and do not use your legs to push off the ground. This is supposed to be your back and shoulders along with some biceps and triceps.
I like the idea and I read the first workout documented under the Combat heading.

Some feedback:

On mobile, expanding the workout was quite unintuitive - there was a little elipsis [...] at the base of the article summary which upon clicking did not expand the article content as expected, clicking on the article title did. This is fine, but you might want to consider drawing attention to this for the user by highlighting the heading somehow.

The 15 minute warmup does not specify any exercises

10 minutes of stretching at the start (not a fan personally, but) - it would be useful to specify which stretches.

Same with the padwork - is this flash pads, is the pad holder feeding you certain techniques for you to counter...etc etc.

I like the idea and I occassionally do look for inspiration in order to build a workout that I'm planning to do solo or with friends outside of usual class, so I'll check back every now and then to flick through the content - or even contribute myself.

Thanks for posting (although not quite sure what the board rules are on this)
There is a lot of stuff that is very specific to particular methods and would not be understood by people who do not share that background.

I'll list some things that I typically work on while training alone:

Rooted walking, a few passes up and down the floor.
Rooted walking with waist turning, a few passes up and down the floor, emphasis on driving the waist turning from the feet.
Rooted walking with focus on 180 degree directional change, emphasis on driving the change from the feet.
Chay-San pivot and rotation, emphasis on driving from the feet, do it for as long as seems worthwhile.
Chay-san with chuin choi.
Chay-San with pau choi
Chay-San with khap choi.
....with deng choi
....with bhin choi
....with Chou choi
Combinations - chuin, pau, khap, then add Chou.
Bhaat gim.

Charging punch, chuin, singles, doubles, triples, then combos.

Side-to-side punching, emphasize the pivot -pau choi, chuin choi, khap choi, chou choi.

Stepping and reversal patterns, with punching.

Forms practice: lok lik kuen, chuit yap bo keen, tiet lien lien, bak hok kuen, siu gum gong, siu Lohan, siu ng ying.

Weapons practice, staff. Saat Guan with chay-San, up, down sideways, combinations, directional turning, reversals, stepping, single-end thrusting, double end use, always emphasizing power and rotation from the feet and legs. Staff forms: ng long guan, sau-lok guan.

Spear practice...
Dao practice
Sword practice...
Double dao practice...
Butterfly sword practice...

Ok, that's enough. Anyone care to guess what's going on there?
While I can definitely see the appeal of this, I would always be a little concerned with getting specific workouts on the internet, simply because workouts are typically tailored for the individual and what can work for one person won't necessarily work for someone else. It might be a good idea to put in a section explaining how to safely do a workout and a disclaimer about using someone else's workout.

I agree with you, mate, but also, I believe, that every workout can give some frames to any individual, how can a workout look like. And with those frames, they will only need to find exercises, that suit their needs.

By the way, disclaimer section is a brilliant idea, I will definately put this idea to my website!
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Share a workout

In CMA, the personal training program should be kept as secret. The reason is simple, You don't want people to know your strong point and weak point so in case someone challenges you, you will be in dis-advantage situation.
I like the idea and I read the first workout documented under the Combat heading.

Some feedback:

On mobile, expanding the workout was quite unintuitive - there was a little elipsis [...] at the base of the article summary which upon clicking did not expand the article content as expected, clicking on the article title did. This is fine, but you might want to consider drawing attention to this for the user by highlighting the heading somehow.

The 15 minute warmup does not specify any exercises

10 minutes of stretching at the start (not a fan personally, but) - it would be useful to specify which stretches.

Same with the padwork - is this flash pads, is the pad holder feeding you certain techniques for you to counter...etc etc.

I like the idea and I occassionally do look for inspiration in order to build a workout that I'm planning to do solo or with friends outside of usual class, so I'll check back every now and then to flick through the content - or even contribute myself.

Thanks for posting (although not quite sure what the board rules are on this)

Thank you for such a great reply!

You are right, about specifying exercises for warm up and stretching. I will try to fix that!

Talking about padwork and work with partner, I am more detailed with my last posts, check it out.

Once again, thank you for your opinion!
I like the idea but unfortunately I won't be able to share much detail about my workout beyond push ups and other common strength building exercises. I like the idea though and hopefully all of the workouts will be safe and beneficial workouts and not anything crazy.
My project is growing - slowly, but steady. My apologies for being passive member of this great community, I am very busy with my training, job and working on my ideas.

At this moment there are several serious strength and conditioning workouts from experienced coaches, also some combat workouts, majority of them are workouts, which I done in my gym.

I would be very pleased, if you would visit my website and give your opinion and advices, how I could make it even better.

And of course, I believe, that you will find there some youseful information!

Best regards,
Share a workout

In CMA, the personal training program should be kept as secret. The reason is simple, You don't want people to know your strong point and weak point so in case someone challenges you, you will be in dis-advantage situation.

Thank you for your reply!
I agree with you, mate. But I have different view on this point. There are several workouts, done by certified coaches and used by athletes, but.. But, there aren't names of coaches and athletes mentioned, so I don't see it as a disadvantae. Talking about my personal blog and combat workouts, that I post on my website after doing them in gym, nobody knows who I am, when and where I am going to compete.
Thank you very much, it is always a pleasure to discuss with clever people.
I like the idea but unfortunately I won't be able to share much detail about my workout beyond push ups and other common strength building exercises. I like the idea though and hopefully all of the workouts will be safe and beneficial workouts and not anything crazy.
It's all good, mate. I'll do my best to guarantee safe and beneficial content!
Workout #1
Shadow Box 3 minutes
Light stretch 3-5 minutes
Shadow Box 3 minutes
1 mile run
5 - 3 min rds of sledge hammering tires 20 lb sledge
5 - 3 min rds of heavy bag work utilizing punches, elbows, knees, and kick combinations
6 - 6 min rds of high intensity circuits 30 seconds each station.
2 - 3 min rds of shadow boxing
15-20 mins stretching
Workout #1
Shadow Box 3 minutes
Light stretch 3-5 minutes
Shadow Box 3 minutes
1 mile run
5 - 3 min rds of sledge hammering tires 20 lb sledge
5 - 3 min rds of heavy bag work utilizing punches, elbows, knees, and kick combinations
6 - 6 min rds of high intensity circuits 30 seconds each station.
2 - 3 min rds of shadow boxing
15-20 mins stretching
Workout #1
Shadow Box 3 minutes
Light stretch 3-5 minutes
Shadow Box 3 minutes
1 mile run
5 - 3 min rds of sledge hammering tires 20 lb sledge
5 - 3 min rds of heavy bag work utilizing punches, elbows, knees, and kick combinations
6 - 6 min rds of high intensity circuits 30 seconds each station.
2 - 3 min rds of shadow boxing
15-20 mins stretching

Great stuff, mate! I'll put it to my website! But, at first, I would like to ask you, if you want to be mentioned as an author in my post?
And, could you please detail, how could look high intensity circuits for 30 seconds each station?
Would it be bodyweight exercises, or combined with heavy bag, etc? Please, give some examples. I would really appreciate that!
I like this idea and wish I could help, but I haven't really developed any workouts of my own, and the ones I do are from a company called Beachbody. I wouldn't want to be mistaken for an affiliate pushing their products...because I'm not. LOL
Right now I don't have access to the gym due to lack of money, so I have to work with what I have at home. I curl 25 pound dumbbells for 1 set of 9 reps in a slow controlled motion. I have a resistance band that I place around a tree trunk and do pec fly's.

It's always wet and raining so I can't really do anything on my punching bag, so I just do some push ups for 2 sets of 20 reps. For 5 if there reps I push as hard as I can off the floor to try and get my body as airborne as possible. Then I do a variation of sit up where I just try and keep my upper body elevated off the ground as long as I can.
Right now I don't have access to the gym due to lack of money, so I have to work with what I have at home. I curl 25 pound dumbbells for 1 set of 9 reps in a slow controlled motion. I have a resistance band that I place around a tree trunk and do pec fly's.

It's always wet and raining so I can't really do anything on my punching bag, so I just do some push ups for 2 sets of 20 reps. For 5 if there reps I push as hard as I can off the floor to try and get my body as airborne as possible. Then I do a variation of sit up where I just try and keep my upper body elevated off the ground as long as I can.

Mate, I don't want to make a advertising, but I could offer You to try several mobile apps, when I wasn't able to hit gym, I used MadBarz a lot, The Burner, Fat Removal, Insane Cardio were my favorite ones, You don't need any equipment at all, just slightly modify excercises to make more like Combat workouts, don't forget shadow boxing, work on combinations, stretching, etc. and you will be fine. Recently, I found great app, also free, Nike+ Training, you can select your equipment, your goals, how many workouts you want to do during a week, etc. I enjoy this app a lot. Like I said, when I can't visit a gym, I do workouts from this app, add shadow boxing with weights in my hands, then several rounds without weights, work on my head movement (like Tyson did) and I am fine!
I think this is an idea worth resurrecting.

Three circuits:
10 pushups on dumbbells
10 crunches
10 reverse lunges each side
10x20kg single arm overhead press each side
10x20kg barbell curl
10x70kg deadlift
10 Russian twists w/medicine ball
100 jumps rope jumping

Deliberately went light and conservative as I've been laid up for a while with gout in my foot. Just ran through all my kata today.