Shaolin - Wheel of Life

my city too, my teacher is getting tickets for us, but other than a glorified demo im not sure what its about.......respects.
Still, its pretty amazing to watch!! If you have ever wanted to be inspired to push yourself past what you percieve as your threashold, go see it. Maybe I'm just too easlily inspired, but I think its pretty amazing stuff, yet still a demo, but a cool one!!
I'm getting tickets to the one close to me, well I'm gonna try and talk my wife into it!!! :D
We get tickets to her shows like Chicago and such, so I should get some tickets to MY shows!! :D

I've seen the Shaolin Wheel of Life, and it is indeed a very flashy demonstration. However, it is well worth the watch and I consider it to have been money well spent, even though I didn't get a good view (the tickets were cheap after all :)
I have also seen it, and i recommend it. It is of course a demo...but its a really really wicked demo.

Two Finger Zen is the most amazing thing i've ever seen.
I had the pleasure of going to see the show for the second time this year and enjoyed it almost as much as the first. I don't know if it's the same group of people on the american tour as the UK one but they'd added a few bits in, such as a dragon dance. For those that liked the show I really suggesting getting a copy of the Master Edition DVD, it's well put together and has multiple camera angels on some parts.
i think i saw the same show, but they called it "shaolin warriors".
it was very exciting and at times awe inspiring. but the funniest thing is the audience. half the crowd is either wearing a bruce lee tshirt or a bruce-esque chinese laundry shirt.
I went to see it earlier this summer, when it was in Dallas. It was called Shaolin Warriors. It was realy good. I don't know if it is the same show, but the one I saw was well worth the money. The Shaolin kids were amazing. they would roll across the stage on there heads. I could have watched that for a two hours and been happy.
Your friend in the Combat Arts, Redfive
For those who have seen one of the productions...

How many monks performed?

How large was the place where you saw the show?

How long was the show?

How much were the tickets?

A friend of mine arranges martial art tours here and overseas. He had mentioned about hosting a Shaolin troop. Any info would be great.

Thanks :)
OH MAN! They're going to be here, the same night that Fist of
Fury's school is having a demo. mwahahaha .. he's doing part of
the demo too, so he can't make it! :2xbird:

Oh wait ... I already told him I'd be there too! :wah: :wah:
I am going to get a freind of mine to buy me the DVD while there.
Looks entertainig to say the least!
Man, they are too expensive!! I want to sit front row, but we will probably have to be suspended from the ceiling in order to get a cheap enough ticket!!

I saw the DVD. It is a pretty cool demo. The young monks are awesome but I was amazed at how good some of the young kids are.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

i think i saw the same show, but they called it "shaolin warriors".
it was very exciting and at times awe inspiring. but the funniest thing is the audience. half the crowd is either wearing a bruce lee tshirt or a bruce-esque chinese laundry shirt.

LOL, I'm going to remember that when I go. I'll probably end up watching the crowd more than the show!!
But I love people watching anyways...

what is the nature of the show? does it have a "plot" or is it a disconnected series of demonstrations? no negativity here, i really would like to know more about it............respects.
The plot focuses around the story of the monks defending China against a war lord, then being betrayed by the emporer. Lots of different stuff demonstrated and pretty impressive indeed. the show includes weapons, form demonstrations, some fighting and impressive demonstrations of strength. Well worth seeing!
It will come to our city in the US. Jan.18th , 2003. The promoters contacted my dojo for us to set up posters within our local area. My students and myself will be there.
Sincerely, In Humility;
I just got front row tickets! Cost was a small fortune, but I really want to see these guys live.:D
Originally posted by jlhenry

I just got front row tickets! Cost was a small fortune, but I really want to see these guys live.:D

Damn you, I can't find anything in front of like half way back!!
Still looking, must find shaolin scalpers!!

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Damn you, I can't find anything in front of like half way back!!
Still looking, must find shaolin scalpers!!

That is the funniest thing I have seen you post. Kudos!

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