Shadow Boxing

Iceman summed it up very well IMHO. Its like kata to a point, but where as the kata has to be done in order, move by move, shadow boxing allows for a wide variety of things. Its amazing what a little creativity can do as far as keeping this interesting.

I think shadow boxing is great for all the reasons presented in the previous posts. While doing it, I can take all the movements I have learned and try to tie them together so the transitions flow a little better. I always try to shadow box in front of a mirror. From my boxing days, I have found that mirror work definitely helps with strengthening technique, and is excellent for promoting head and body movement (slips, bob & weave, etc.). When I first started boxing, I got hit alot and couldn't figure out why. I was quicker than alot of the guys, but I couldn't avoid getting nailed. When I started mirror work, I noticed immediately how stationary my head and body was. I guess I concentrated so much on moving my hands that I didn't think about moving everything else. After I got my head and body moving through shadow boxing in front of mirrors, I got hit less and I increased my punching power.