DAY #001 Step by Step Kung Fu Shadow Boxing - Join the fun


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Today I start my Kung fu shadow box training and thought that this may be a good time for others to join along as I progress through the training. I'm starting from the beginning of my training and will advance through out the weeks.

If anyone is interested in seeing how I learned how to use my Jow ga kung fu then this video gives you an opportunity to see and participate. The only thing I ask during this is to be patience. Things are going to look weak and useless at the beginning but they aren't. If you train kung fu then this type of training works and it's how I used to train my students. Feel free to make any comments on this one as well. Positive or negative. While this training is based on Kung Fu. I think it will be helpful for any striking system.

Rules of Kung Fu Shadow Boxing.
  1. Don't rush the training. Kung Fu is known for having hundreds of striking, kicking and grappling techniques. You will see results with this training if you have patience. The first weeks are going to be easy. The next week will build on the previous week until your skills flow like water.
  2. Be honest with your training. Mentally don't go off on an unrealistic execution of techniques. Get rid of your ego and the idea that you are tough. Get rid of the idea that you can fight. This training is a total focus on the task on hand. Emotionless and strictly business. Chi balls of energy don't belong in this type of training. Forget all of the application drills and how cool you felt. This isn't the training for it. You have to come in with a blank slate on this one.
  3. Always imagine a target This drill punches with mental or visual targets (will explain later), which is another reason why you have to approach this with a blank slate.
  4. Always do the shadow boxing at the end of the workout. You should be almost gassed out when you do this exercise. It's going to push you to your limits every time, right off the back.
  5. Don't get sloppy. Make sure Techniques are clean, functional, and follow the guidelines of how to strike and move.
  6. Accept that you will suck in this at various points of the training. You will make mistakes. Get used to the reality of making mistakes; accept it, embrace it, and learn from it.
  7. Don't wear out your existing combo stuff. While you can do the drills that you normally do in your training at your school. Don't keep doing that stuff over and over. You'll stunt your growth. With this training you want to expand your ability to do different combinations on the fly. It's ok to tie in combos that you do, but only use those a couple of times. The reason I do this in my training because it helps me to identify punches and movements that lead into the combos that I drill at the school
  8. Believe in the training. Many of you know me, have seen my videos, and made comments. I'm passionate about this stuff. So I'm not going to waste time making videos on something that is useless. If you train with doubts, then you'll perform with doubts. You have to be all in so that you can focus on attacking, defending, and getting better at your system.
  9. Share your videos of this training if you can (Optional). Sharing training videos inspire others and it provides you with a way to get feedback
It may be better to train without music. Music puts your mind somewhere else and splits your attention and focus. Part of your brain will be focused on the sound of music and the other will be focused on movement. I rather for you to pay attention to the sound of your breathing and the movement of your feet.

So lets get started:
Day #001 - Getting into the Mindset linear day: (1 minute sessions, with 30 second break for 10 sessions)
The first day starts with the basic jab and straight punch. Here you can only do the following
  • Straight Jab
  • Straight Lead
  • Straight Reverse
  • Move forward in a line no angles, (no moving off center, ducks, parries or slipping punches. All of that stuff comes later.)
Focus on how your body is connecting your movements,
  1. pay attention to how your feet feel as you plant them on the ground.
  2. Pay attention to the structure quality of your fist.
  3. Pay attention to your breathing.
  4. Make sure you try to relax your shoulders and body as you punch.
  5. Pay attention of how your arms leave your body.
  6. Pay attention to your weight shifts.
  7. Visualize punching an opponents chest.
  8. Try not to think about the combo you are going to do next. Try to let the combo flow. This will train the body to naturally use certain techniques based on the position that your body is in.
You can throw any combination of punches so long as it's made of the 3 punches above. Visualize punching into the chest on this one. Punches should be no more than 20% speed and power. It can be less if you like. Below is an example:
I will post a more recent version of this that is about 4 minutes long. So that you can see at least 2 sessions

I look forward to see videos of of anyone who joins in for this experience.
Thought I would share this, since I ran into this some trouble with my Day #001. I was having trouble with one of the punch combinations, just found the solution and it adds merit to Punching with the heel down verses pivoting on the back foot. In short I picked up a new punch combo. Just figured out how to do a reverse punch as a jab but with the power of a reverse punch. I know I can land 2 in sparring. Not sure about the 3rd punch. I may train to do 4 reverse punches in a chain just to build up endurance for the punch.

I'm adding this to my "Shield and Spear" concepts. I'm feeling a lot of potential for this one.

Edit: Shield and Spear is just the concept that the lead hand does the work as a shield and the rear hand acts as the spear. Shield is always in front of the spear. (side stance) unlike when people forward face with both hands almost being the same distance to the target. I called it Shield and Spear because it helps me to remember the purpose and function without explaining what I just did.
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I had light training today. That's what I get for eating cantaloupe right before training. I'll have to make it up tomorrow I guess. This is also my first narration of a video so expect more stuff like this at least until I can get used to it. Narration was done after the video was made. Gotta get better at it. Any way back to the video.

This is the fruit of my Day# 001 Shadow boxing. Because I'm moving slower and and really focusing on everything. I was able to do something that I never really thought about doing which is a Double Reverse punch. Didn't bother to edit the video much since this is just more of showing me working out how to deploy the double rear effectively.

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