
No i dont want them to think i cant do it, so i havent said anything iv asked my Female instructor for somethings i should work on befor testing date nad next time i train with the Male inst ill ask him the same
I would talk to them about the testing process this may aleviate some of the unknown. and maybe ask them about their tests this might help you talk about how you are feeling or to see that they have been in the same place. Like maybe a funny story or something. Two of my students tested with our head instructor last night so if your instructors dont have any funny stories I have some fresh ones including some of my old mistakes I would be glad to share.
im getting less worried i ran over all my stuff with my inst last night nad she seemed pleased monday ill be working the my male isnt and hes really nice and will point out anything i need to work on. I am also getting together with a few friends from my school this weeked all ask them about testing ...thanks for the good idea :)
I meditate before the test, it helps with the nerves. Good luck on your test.
on my testing is in 2 days im actuly really excited now iv talk with my instructors and alot of my friends are behind me so its gonna be a good thing and i think im ready

wish me luck :) :partyon:
Good luck BrandiJo!
I know you're gonna do well :ultracool
*Happy dance*

I passed and thena fet class we got ot play around and try to break some boards (something iv never done befor) and so tonight was awsome i passed and broke a board :)

i havn't broke any boards yet..i can't wait though.

yea for you dose it feel to reach the level that you have been striving for, for months.
its a really nice feeling, i am very pleased :)

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