I just recently had a run in with something that I would consider a scam.
Someone contacted me requesting private martial arts lessons. I don't offer private martial arts lessons for a family of 5. but this time I thought why not maybe they will like Jow Ga enough to join the class. After all it would mean 5 more students would join. I was asked if I accepted credit card payments.
Things that were strange to me in the order I took notice.
Someone contacted me requesting private martial arts lessons. I don't offer private martial arts lessons for a family of 5. but this time I thought why not maybe they will like Jow Ga enough to join the class. After all it would mean 5 more students would join. I was asked if I accepted credit card payments.
Things that were strange to me in the order I took notice.
- Contacted me through an old email that used to get a lot of spam. The only place this email is located is on Facebook. I designed my website to help minimize spam and scams. So when I saw the email, I was basically saying WTF?
- They did not want to discuss class over the phone or email. They only wanted to text. Not a big red flag but text is the worse way to share a lot of information.
- I was asked if my school provided martial arts/fitness training. This was another WTF moment for me. I thought that question would be easy to answer if the person actually visited the website.
- The ages of the 5 children were 15,16,17, 20, 21. Not saying that it's not possible, just unusual that they all would want to take a private martial arts lesson, and that their ages would be in a type grouping like that.
- My school has a family plan and a discount coupon that would allow the 5 children to get 2 months of training for $90. This blew my potential customer away and he responded in shock. "For the five People?" I'm not sure about the the other father, mothers, and the like out there, but I don't refer to my children nor my family members as "For the People." Referring to one's family as People does not seem like something a person would say about family relations.
- I was asked if I could do a Favor. At this point I'm thinking ... oh boy. One would have thought that $90 for 2 months training for 5 children was a good enough deal, but a Favor too?
- After asking about the Favor, the person replied that they were Ready to Deposit $1000 for 2 months of training 5 children. Deposit is a strange word to use for this type of transaction. But they also wanted me to charge $3000 on the credit card and forward that money to a Driver that was responsible for getting the kids to the school to train. The reason why I had to forward the money to the Driver was because the Driver didn't have credit card facilities.