Saudi Arabia - Time to Evolve?


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
They're always anonymous. The only rep dings I've seen that aren't anonymous are the ones I've authored (which is probably why I receive so many in return, but hey, if you're not pissing someone off, you're not being honest.).

Mine hardly ever are anonymous: ask Don or bill, or ballen, or bribrius, or LuckyBoxer, or yorkshirelad...if it's anonymous, it's 'cause I was so pissed off that I hit send without thinking about it!

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
all nice and dandy, but if the family loses the male protector she is up the creek without a paddle, relegated to beg at the street corner.

(and an FYI for the closet strong man leaving annonnymous rep: I don't hate men, I hate starched underwear posing as men)

I can't stand unsigned bad reps, IMO if your going to leave one you should at least have the guts to sign it.

And for the record if one gives a rep might I suggest that those leaving a bad rep, or any rep for that matter, go check after they do it to make sure it is correct and if there is a forgotten sig you can delete it and do it again within a certain time period... kind of like editing a post

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
Mine hardly ever are anonymous: ask Don or bill, or ballen, or bribrius, or LuckyBoxer, or yorkshirelad...if it's anonymous, it's 'cause I was so pissed off that I hit send without thinking about it!

True, Jeff thrives on attention, weather good or bad is irrelevant, so he always signs his

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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True, Jeff thrives on attention, weather good or bad is irrelevant, so he always signs his

I'm color-blind. So the reps I get all look the same to me - positive and negative. Unless they say something snarky, I just assume they love me and what I have to say. Sorry guys who leave me anonymous neg reps - I can't tell! No, really!


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
That maybe true for some men in power, but the implication that this is why the West doesn't intervene is downright insulting. I don't have fantasies about putting women in their place, I don't believe that even the most traditionally-oriented poster on this board harbors such notions, and I'd appreciate it if you'd find some kind of proof (a study, an interoffice memo, something) that hidden misogeny is the cause before making such presumptive, blanket statements.

In short, I cry foul.

Well, the study thrives on blanket statements.

After all not all Islamic women are kept the way the Saudi Arabian women are, if they are lucky in a golden cage.

But you can't deny that the blight of women is of no concern to the powerful.
Afghan women suffered for nearly 30 years. With the Taliban on the rise again...war still raging, I don't see anything changing any time soon.

The rights and opportunities Western women have are relatively new in our society. 2 generations, 3 at the most. (let's not forget Wyoming was almost denied statehood because they refused to revoke women's right to vote, a right which only came about rather latish in the last century).

I can smile about those deep down fantasies a guys has about Arabian nights, but the violent reaction to something that was not directed at anybody but the broad 50% of earth's population is interesting. 'Me thinks thou protest too much' to paraphrase Shakespeare. I struck a nerve.
However, without provocative thought there will be no progress, and it is up to the individual to examine why the statement not directed at him/her personally had such an impact. naturally, there is the option to just shoot the messenger (or leave infantile rep comments) or to honestly assert if the statement actually fits.

After all, the outcry was similar a while back when real women answered the question 'What do women want in a man' :idunno:


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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Saudi certainly does need to grow up, and we COULD tell them to sod off IF:
1: the bunny humpers would get over it and let us drill here, we dont need saudi oil if we could just drill for our own
2: we had the political will to leave israel to the wolves

Not really. You won't drill enough for your own consumption. But that is not the major reason why the US simply cannot afford to lose Saudi goodwill.

If you piss off the Saudis, they will start to trade oil for euros instead dollars.
The deafening sound you'll hear then is the dollar hitting rock bottom at high speed.
The US economy is linked directly to the goodwill of the Saudis trading in dollars. This may not be the popular thing to say, but they own you.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
That maybe true for some men in power, but the implication that this is why the West doesn't intervene is downright insulting. I don't have fantasies about putting women in their place, I don't believe that even the most traditionally-oriented poster on this board harbors such notions, and I'd appreciate it if you'd find some kind of proof (a study, an interoffice memo, something) that hidden misogeny is the cause before making such presumptive, blanket statements.

In short, I cry foul.
See Granfire, see what you've done? You made me agree with him.


Senior Master
Jan 17, 2010
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Newfoundland, Canada
Nah, it's pretty true.

The west has made a conscious effort to change public policy. but a lot of guys still like their women as submissive pets rather than partners.

My ex did. He got mad at me when i didnt agree with him. He said 'but my ex wife always agreed with everything I said" well sorry, but I'm not her. I think for my self. and if you don't like it, you can get stuffed. He wanted someone who agreed with him. His now gf agrees with what he believes so she dont see his bad side - yet.

also i got anonymous neg repped too when i also made what was called a gender insult against men when i said in a thread about legalizing prostitution that the people posting in the thread who said they had no problem with it or who actually agreed were men. But its true what i said there.

I hate anonymous reps too. I sign mine. I don't neg rep people but if i did i'd sign those ones too.


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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This isn't to single out any one poster, regarding reputation discussions.

If you believe that someone's abusing the rep system, then feel free to speak with any of the MT staff, regarding any possible rep abuse.

Such material really shouldn't be discussed in public. Remember, you always have the option of turning off your rep.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
juding from saudi history, and afgani history, and paki history, it isnt any one COUNTRY that needs to grow up, it is the religion

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