Sam Levine, beloved grandfather


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Saturday morning, my grandfather, Samuel Levine, passed away. He was 98. Grandpa had an amazing influence on me, and of all his grandchildren, he and I had the closest relationship. He taught me how to drive, how to use tools, how to choose friends, how to fix many things around the house... too many things for me to list, or even, right now, for me to remember. I will love him forever; I've never understood people who say "I loved [person]" after someone's death, as if death ended the feeling.

Rest in peace, Grandpa - you've earned it.
Ach, I'm so sorry, Karen.

If he lives on in you, good lady, then there are not many better epitaphs to a mans life than those who he shaped :sensei rei:.
My deepest sympathies, Kacey, from someone who couldn't know her grandfathers. Bless you and may he rest well.

I'm very sorry for your loss, Karen. :asian:
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My condolences on this painful loss.

Cherish the memories, and pass on his lessons as he did for you.
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So sorry Karen :asian:
So sorry for your loss Karen. *hugs*
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Sorry for your loss.:asian:
Best wishes. I also lost my grandfather (the last of my grandparents) a few months ago. I'm sorry for your loss.
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