Russian historian blames Poland for WWII


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Russian historian blames Poland for WWII

A Russian historian blamed Poland for the start of World War II in 1939 when Warsaw rejected Adolf Hitler's territorial claims, officials said.
War historian Col. Sergey Kovalov, in an article on the Russian Defense Ministry's Web site, said Poland refused to satisfy Germany's moderate claims to incorporate the city of Danzig, now Gdansk, on the Baltic Sea coast, into Nazi Germany and build the ex-territorial motorway and railway through Poland.

Kovalov said it is "hard to regard these claims as unjustified."

He said the Soviet troops attack on Poland in September 1939 was acceptable because dictator Josef Stalin had to sign a non-aggression deal with Hitler to delay war with Germany, Poland's Web site reported.

(The paper was later removed.) Apparently this is part of a more general attempt by Russia to rewrite its 20th century history.
I think the point here is that they like being thought of as being "bad guys" in the early stages of WWII even more.
And the Soviet Union was defending itself against Finnish aggression in 1939

Well to understand WWII you must understand WWI. Of course Germany wanted the Ruhr valley back! That is where the coal was, they also were land locked, they needed a sea port so just drive right through Poland.
The whole idea that it was Poland's fault is just Soooooooooo far fetched and paper thin that no wonder it was yanked. It makes the Russians look like idiots for allowing it to run. It insults Every nation that fought both wars save Russia and Germany. Way to go Russia.
Russian historian blames Poland for WWII?

that is like blaming the US for 9-11
Oh, some here do that...
Yes land locked. To be able to get access to a deep water port, ocean access, they needed Danzig. The British did not want Germany to become a navel power again. Cutting them off from a deep water port was done to both further that aim and safe guard British soil.
Russian historian blames Poland for WWII

Apparently this is part of a more general attempt by Russia to rewrite its 20th century history.
Probably they will also claim that it was due to their efforts that Japanese territorial ambitions were thwarted.
After all, they did declare war on Japan in 1945, about a week before the Japanese surrender. The Japanese sure were scared of the Soviets!! The US and its allies had been fighting for years and obviously got nowhere. Thank God for Stalin! :rofl:

Interesting that the Chinese government has successfully airbrushed the Tiananmen Square massacre from its history.
And the Soviet Union was defending itself against Finnish aggression in 1939


Yea, and noticed they conviently forgot that when Germany took half of Poland the USSR TOOK THE OTHER HALF. Mighty convient of those ruskies to forget that.

And they also forget Hitler didn't start Barborsa to invaid the other half of Poland. No, they had bigger fish to fry... Russia.
