
Rugby would have to be the best sport in the world IMO especially league. I played for years, even made the allstar team until a particually bad tackle tore the muscle off the bone on my right shoulder/bicep, that was pain!! 12 months of intensive physio, electrolosis treatment etc, still cant throw a ball properly but luckily can throw a punch.
When on the field a punch to the face is laughed off, whereas a tackle performed properly can leave you calling for a strecher, so I think that rugby can only improve your martial art skills, nothing like getting beaten up for 80 minutes a week every week to build up your combat readiness.
Tremble said:
I can't think of a better pressure test than running down a pitch with the 'All Blacks' after me.
I'd be scearming "Muuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmy"
Oh yeah, tell me about it, when someone as big and as fast as some of their forwards comes running at you, pain is usually on the menu...
And we won the GRANDSLAM!
(just saying, not being competitive)
Raewyn said:
I cant see that happening again!!! :)
Hey, just let me enjoy the moment of glory, I am still suffering from the hang over that day brought on...
The All Blacks have an end of year tour over in Europe so we'll see what happens!! :ultracool
Raewyn said:
The All Blacks have an end of year tour over in Europe so we'll see what happens!! :ultracool
As long as they injure some French and Italian players...
Well New Zealand has procurred the right to host the 2011 Rugby World Cup!!! Due to the history of rugby there would not have been a rugby world cup to begin with if it hadnt of been for the New Zealanders and the Austrailians to push for one in the first place.
We were the first country to host the first Rugby World Cup and won it!! Maybe we are due for another win in France!

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