Red Dwarf Returns To Port

I remember catching the first episode and really liked it. Then subsequent episodes turned into a disappointment, so I stopped watching it after awhile.
A year later found it while surfing and gave it a bash as it were... pppfftt... nope.

Guess I'm too picky about humor.
Awesome. I'm looking forward to it.

"Another great idea from the people who brought you beer milkshakes!"
Ohhhhh I hope it close to the original. It was one of my favorite shows, along with Bromwell High and the Rick Mercer Report. Thanks for the notice.
So wait...

You're telling me there are other Martial Talk posters who are also Red Dwarf fans! That's awesome! I love you smegheads!
:lol: It's the Bolivian Navy on manoevers in the Baltic ...

... that's the classic Kryton 'lying' episode that is often used to gently poke fun at me because of my genetic incapability of telling a falsehood :D