What does your rank certificate mean to you, does this change who you are?
Has it made you a better person?
Does it matter which one you have?
Is this piece of paper so valuble it is a lock box?
I know these are loaded question and for the reason below I ask, when someone comes to my school I have none of mine up, period. The reason is simple they truely do not mean that much to me, my training does. I have a KKW and a couple of other one, but the one that really matters was my father and my GMthose that they wrote with there bare hands and signed saying I was worthy enough for them. All the other ones means is I paid and was given one.
Has it made you a better person?
Does it matter which one you have?
Is this piece of paper so valuble it is a lock box?
I know these are loaded question and for the reason below I ask, when someone comes to my school I have none of mine up, period. The reason is simple they truely do not mean that much to me, my training does. I have a KKW and a couple of other one, but the one that really matters was my father and my GMthose that they wrote with there bare hands and signed saying I was worthy enough for them. All the other ones means is I paid and was given one.