Questions about

In an attempt to balance out the views expressed here, I'll post a image:


It's a photo of myself demonstrating a Crane-Fist technique known as "Carp Swims Against the Current".

My reasoning is that a great many could read into this image what they will, some may openly see the stance shown as being impractical yet not understanding the mechanics nor application principles for same. Some may view the hand formation in the same way and for the same reasoning.

The aspect of single photo's/images on web sites etc is that they are subject to interpretation and do not show the "whole picture".

So while I do agree awith RyuShiKan about the practicality of some of the techniques shown I also have to agree with the others in coming to the understanding that each art has it's own way .... this is why it is called martial "Art"

It all has to do with a matter of viewpoint.

The best viewpoint and perhaps the lesson to come out of all this is ..... that all arts have something to offer. :asian:
Originally posted by chufeng

Which question might that be?
Please ask again because I'm not digging through a bunch of threads to find it...

In fact, I thought the RSK/DAC/ARK issue was over...
You might notice my absence from any of those follow-on arguments.

Hold weight with whom?
The only one I hold any weight on is YiLiQuan1...I am his senior...but, I do not censor his comments, nor do I advise him on how to post...

My earlier comment to you seems to have set under you like a burr, sorry...let me remove it.

As a moderator, when jumping in with an opinion, people will still see it as a moderator's comment...plain and simple...quite frankly, I don't care how you post, but given the way things have gone recently, it seems the people who make completely outrageous claims have a better foot-hold than those who actually have something solid to contribute. I do my best to stay within the rules that YOU and your cohorts come up with...but I am growing weary of the bull-scat here as well...the only reason I stick around is because some of the members here may actually teach me something...and I may have something worthwhile to contribute.

As I said earlier...if you didn't know yiliquan1 was on sabattical, then my post was to inform you of same...I hold no grudge against you...but if you did know, then that small fragment of your post was out of line.

...again, please repost your question...I'll be happy to respond.



I will dig them up and let you know the next time I have a couple of hours to go dig. :)

As to the Frauds, I think in the Bad Budo section, there is a post that credits you and your friends.

I think this is good.

Now to remove a burr or two that seems to be under your saddle m friend.

I may not care for how some people executed theri questioning.

I may not have cared how it mayhave gotten out of hand and numerous threads had to be locked.

I do care, that threads that were not directly involved with a subject were continuously hi-jacked from both sides and no one could post for a while. That as a Moderator, I do care about. It makes the new people and those not ready to post yet, unsure if they should post.

Now, just because I do not like the way someone argues or tries to make a difference, does not mean I cannot respect them, nor respect their goal. I amy just not like the path they have chosen to get there. Yet, that is what makes us individuals and allows us the freedom to grow. I have never told you or your friends that you cuold not post on a subject, nor that could not discuss something, only to be friendly or to ask a question.

As to YiLiQuin1, I did know he was on leave, and I was trying to make a point, that his opinion would have been nice and respected, and desired by myself. You took wrong. For some reason, and you claim you have no ill will toward me, nothing I say can make you feel at ease or understadn that I am nto mad or out to get anyone. I am only trying to allow everyone a chance to post and or learn here.

In MY opinion it would be a shame for either of you to leave, yet if that is your wish then so be it.

As to the Moderator issue, well many will see that you are YiLiQuin1's instructor and they will make assumptions about you also. I cannot stop that. Nor Can I stop them from making assumptions about myself.

So, in your opinion, would it be much more appropraite if the Moderators had two accounts. Their normal posting account and then their Moderator Account? All post from the Moderator Account would offical types, where the regular account would be the opinion and issues and instruction and question posts??

No Hard Feelings, Just very confused sometimes, by how people always want it only their way, and when you approach them with their own arguements and their own tactics, they then want to go home like little children. I had hopes that people would not do that, but would respond and answer the questions when they are asked.

I apologize for hurting your feelings, and there was never an insult meant for anyone of you or your students.

Have A Nice Day
Originally posted by chufeng
Since you can't seem to keep the third person singular separate from the second person singular, I am assuming you are referring to me...if not, ignore the following:

Nowhere in my post did I try to redirect the argument...I simply defended a colleague who was absent...if that SCREAMS about my personality...go ahead and broadcast it.


See Previous Post Sir,

I just never saw it as an attack and therefore in need of defense.

You have this assumption about me that I will do the worse, from the word go. I do not know how to make this better for you. You have this issue, if you wish to discuss it with me in person or in private or here in public on a separate thread.

And as to the redirect, the issue was that you were upset that I mentioned a friend and student of yours. Yet you seem to nit pick about the tense of prose. I do apologize for mixing tense and persons. I will do my best to make sure this is done so, for you in the future. Oh Wait this puts us right back with me not being able to get or post an opinion. So, you see, You have redirected me, from RSK, since I am posting to you about Word Tense and Person Choice in the prose.

I have no issue with you personally. see previous post. I do wish we could direct the issue I perceive from you though, that I am always wrong. Makes feel almost like I am married again. Oh I can be wrong, and I have admitted it when I realize or have been shown it, many others refuse to they just leave or change the subject.

Now to direct once again, I never meant an attack against your student.


I did mention that his input would be appreciated.

I am sorry you, can only see the evil or bad side of things, especially with me. I apologize for causing you these problems.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

. . .

Do you say the same to Moderators like Rich Parsons?

. . .

I'm writing on behalf of the Admin. Team in reference to the warning you posted here. With as many mods. and admins. as we have now, we think it's important that we all follow the standard template, without additional comments. We don't want to dampen your enthusiasm for taking on this task, but we are placing a value on presenting a uniform front! Thanks.

For the record, one of my Warnings that I have kept, just to remind me of what is acceptable even for a Moderator.

Rich Parsons
MT Moderator
I have issued warnings to my fellow admins.

Originally posted by chufeng

...still waiting for the question that I apparently missed...


I was busy at work, sir, and I as I have only gotten this far through this thread and not many others, and have to go to bed soon for work again in the morning, I will ask for your patience in waitng for me to reply.

And if this a tactic to use my own words against me, then cool! :cool:

You see the difference here was that RSK was online and spouting off about posts ebing deleted as opposed to looking for new posts and seeing sikiran in the name field and checking it out. It he was on and off line without posting, form the time i asked the questions and then posted the waiting comment.

I can tell you one of them was What does a dead horse have to do with the post at hand?

Another one was in the Pissed off Thread, no one responded, I assumed I was being ignored. :asian:

I will get them all together, and post them in a separate thread just for us ok? Should I limit them to just the ones on hand or all the olds that may not be realavent at this time.

I will be at work, and then taking a private, and on Wednesday, I teach, and then on Thursday, I have a work party to go too, so it migt be Friday or Saturday before I can complete the list. Unless you just wish to answer the ones posted here.

1) What is so wrong with me, that I am alwaysd wrong in your book?

2) What did I do that made you think you must first ignore me then try to argue with me. (* Look it up :D *)

3) Any of the questions mentioned above.

There has been an argument made on this thread regarding the appropriateness of a deep front stance. This stance has use in both fighting, as well as training.

Regarding training, the photo clearly shows the person playing the role of attacker, not a defender. There has been criticism of this stance as being a bad fighting (i.e. defensive) stance and this position overlooks the obvious fact that the person is attacking.

Regarding an attacking stance, for training, this stance provides an excellent foundation for developing more explosive lower body attacking speed. Having the weight back and low requires a lot of thrust from the legs and hips to generate forward momentum. In the long run, this can training can have a significant pay off.

I am a big proponent of partner training. In my school, we defend primarily against head strikes. The stance that the attack is delivered in is an upright stance, as it is meant to simulate a true attack. The attacker's right hand is extended during the attack. In my school, sometimes students make use of the traditional chamber on the hip for the left hand, and sometimes the left is held up high to protect the face and be well positioned for a follow up strike to the head or neck. We do a mix of the traditional chamber and head-protection chamber, because both have their uses or applications.

Here's an example of a common use of the left hand in chamber on the hip, while the right arm is striking: An arm bar that looks just like a right lunge punch. The left hand traps the right hand, and while stepping forward, the right arm strikes forward, raking the triceps tendon with the ulna bone on the forearm. During the trapping and arm bar movements, the left hand grabs hold of the forearm and secures it to the hip, further rotating it with the natural counterclockwise chamber motion (palm up). There is utility in practicing this chamber, as well as one raised to protect the head.

I have been in lots of schools that do partner work where the attacker starts in a high stance, and either steps in or shuffles in for the attack, maintaining a high stance. The practice of this attack does little to condition the lower body. And it is my experience that the more partner work done like this, (in my dojo we do a great deal) the less intense the workout for the students. However, if the attacking student begins in a low stance and ends in a high stance, he is training his lower body during the attack. Is the attack slower, sure, but the defender doesn't need to sacrifice. He can wait longer before initiating the defensive combination.

My goal is to have students maximize their training time in the dojo. We tweak routines, partner work, and kata to try and get the best training possible. And hanging out in a deep stance and charging forward from a deep stance is a remarkably good way to increase the conditioning of the legs while in the dojo.

The deep stance also has a variety of uses in actual fighting. I can provide some uses if there is interest.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
I have issued warnings to my fellow admins.

Ditto--and I recvd one as a moderator (and perhaps since--I don't recall).

(Please excuse my late reply as I have been traveling out of the country for work and only just returned home this afternoon.)

-MT Admin-