Questions about


Basically all your little photo search did was prove you tried an internet search for my website by typing in ryushikan in a search engine and what you got was ryushinkan.
You were most likely looking for photos on my site but since you found none used the ryushinkan site.

I think I can guess what they are doing.


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and here too........not too hard to figure out.


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One other small point here Robert...

The person you claim I am defending can handle himself. He wouldn't be a mod here if I thought otherwise.

He is a few things though to me:
-He is a valued member of this board, who has been here almost since day 1.
- He is a valued staff member who has excellent judgement and input.
- He is a paying client of my business
- He is a paying supporter of this board.
- Based on the referer logs, he has brought 5x the people you have here.
- He is a friend
- He is my senior in the arts.

That is who I am 'backing'.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Basically all your little photo search did was prove you tried an internet search for my website by typing in ryushikan in a search engine and what you got was ryushinkan.
You were most likely looking for photos on my site but since you found none used the ryushinkan site.

I think I can guess what they are doing.

Nah, I did a search, found the link to yours, saw it was empty, so backtracked looking for the art.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
- He is a paying client of my business
- He is a paying supporter of this board.

Now we are getting somewhere..........;)
when one seems to get some heat, others jump in and redirect the issue. Does this seem to scream about your values and ethics?

Since you can't seem to keep the third person singular separate from the second person singular, I am assuming you are referring to me...if not, ignore the following:

Nowhere in my post did I try to redirect the argument...I simply defended a colleague who was absent...if that SCREAMS about my personality...go ahead and broadcast it.

Yes Robert, we are.

He supports this board with his time, his energy and his money.
His concern is the long term viability of this forum.

What have you done besides drive away anyone who you have issues with? What is your concern? You've already said you wouldn't pay for this site.

He's recieved 0 warnings and suspensions since he signed up.

I think youre scores a bit higher there, isn't it?

You've quit in a huff twice already when you didn't get your way.

Certainly the mark of a senior kareteka.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
while being unfamiliar with the art (or are you familiar with sikaran?) or the individuals in question.

I have seen it and had someone “try” to do it to me.
Could have been the person or the art……..can’t say.
Hence my questions about why he is doing those stances for what was some sort of demo or prearranged attack simulation.
If you and your mod buddy would reread my questions they are about the attack………you know the boy in blue…………

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Well, I took something from your own art, which you teach, yet you weren't 100% certain what was going on.

So if your going to make these kinds of statements make sure you know what you are saying.
That is not my art or what I teach. The name is similar and that is about it.
All Karate that is being taught is not the same.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Robert, either respect our rules and interact with the members here in a polite and respectful way, or leave. You don't have to agree with them or their ideas. You do however have to follow our guidelines.

Do you say the same to Moderators like Rich Parsons?

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I think youre scores a bit higher there, isn't it?

Much higher.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
You've quit in a huff twice already when you didn't get your way.

Not because I didn’t get my way……hell I have never gotten my own way on this board.. ….you have to be a bleeding heart liberal to get your way around here.
It was also members of this board and even some of my detractors that emailed me and asked me to come back…… I did.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
What have you done besides drive away anyone who you have issues with?

Maybe given this BBs a wake up call on some issues…..among other things.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
You've already said you wouldn't pay for this site.

Why should anyone pay for a MA BBs when there are so many that are free?
Also………to answer your question about this photo.
They are practicing the use of shuto uchi uke - inside knife hand block........actually the guy on the left is named Masuyama

You may want to show the whole photo next time instead of cropping it.


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And this one from the same website.
They are practicing a typical Shotokan/JKA/Shito Ryu interpretation from a piece of Pinan 3 dan.
They are actually doing Shito Ryu by the way............


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here is the near finish of the technique.


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You may want to show the whole photo next time instead of cropping it.

Robert, why would I want to present the whole picture? You rarely if ever do.

Do you say the same to Moderators like Rich Parsons?
All mods play by the same rules. Its not our fault that anything said my someone with a mod title is suddenly considered to be 'official'. Rich -has- been warned, -as have I- when things we've said were out of line.

The majority of our warnings issued to any member are in private.

Why should anyone pay for a MA BBs when there are so many that are free?
So is rec.martial-arts. Someone has to pay the bills. Maybe when I get to Japan, you'll let me 'hang out' at your school for free for a year or 2. After all, there is plenty of free martial arts classes out there too.

Oh, and concerning the money thing...Sheldon became a client and paying supporter in May of 2003. That eliminates 1 out of many reasons I back him. I'm very grateful to him, and all of those who have helped out to cover the bills and fund the expansion of this site. It definately wouldnt fit on a Geocities site, or on most shared hosting plans.

I have seen it and had someone “try” to do it to me.
Could have been the person or the art……..can’t say.
My personal experience with 'Karate' says its a joke, but thats based on my own experiences at a local school. I don't doubt the validity of an art based on a limited sample. That whole 'open mind' thing I hear so much about.

Concerning trying to figure out just what is going on in a still picture:
Sure, you might be able to ID something familiar. Then again, I've seen a lot of 'boy that looks awkward/stupid' pics in magazines, books and websites. After a year, I found out that the one leg movement (that looked like a Karate Kid thing) was actually a leg sweep and lift. The pictures however, looked like the 'chicken dance'. Of course, maybe my lack of familiarity with the details of the art had something to do with my lack of understanding?

Robert, if you feel that this board is so bad, then why did you repeatedly ask to be allowed back? I'm certain there are other forums that would be willing to give you your way, award you even for your dedication, experience, etc, in those ways you seem to desire. I wonder what the results would be if we did a public poll here on making you staff vs booting you?

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Robert, why would I want to present the whole picture? You rarely if ever do.

Not sure what you mean by that.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
So is rec.martial-arts. Someone has to pay the bills. Maybe when I get to Japan, you'll let me 'hang out' at your school for free for a year or 2. After all, there is plenty of free martial arts classes out there too.

You are welcome to since my classes are free.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Robert, if you feel that this board is so bad, then why did you repeatedly ask to be allowed back?

Because your such a swell guy Bob.
Aw, gee, I luvyatooman!

Someone get my bud a beer.


I think I'm done with this one....:flushed:

...still waiting for the question that I apparently missed...

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I wonder what the results would be if we did a public poll here on making you staff vs booting you?

Do as you like.
I am not interested in being part of the staff here in the least bit.

I do find it interesting how you and the other Mods have taken this thread from a question about a style one of your Mods practices to a thread about me and MT.

My original question still stands:

Why is the person in blue in those photos standing the way he is?

So far I have gotten two answers from time he said "I told him to stand that way" and then he said "I told him to take a stance".

Altohugh they are answers to a question they are not answers to mine.

It seems odd that someone teaching a Phillippino art and is demonstrating some sort of self-defence techniques would have their student take a very JKA tournament style stance.

Is their a specific reason or was it just the stance he chose?

The reason I bring it up is I find training students to attack each other in such a way is counter productive since most....maybe all people wouldn't attack in such a fashion.
Your question was answered a while back.

In addition, you are waging a pursuit in the wrong forum, against rules covering such activity that were put in place specifically due to your SOP to do just that.

Regarding the poll, for kicks, I might just ask the questions, and since you wanted things more public, can serve as a test case.

(edited to correct some horrible spelling errors)
Here is the answere one more time
not everyone attacks the same way. Street people attack in a number of ways and martial arts people attack in a number of ways depending on there back ground, present training methods, doing what they think was asked, doing what they where told , any and all of the above or maybe because they just did it that way.
No one has said what was going on in specific when the photo's where taken:
what was being discussed
what had hapened befor or after the sequence that was posted.

The pictures didn't make the site might be more informative than what did for the blurr of some motions and the street stances would not have gathered as much flack then again mabe they would have if someone where looking fos something specific.
I am still waiting for the 50+ photos of RSk doing techs. so we all can view them (with open minds of course)
To be honest I have to support RyuShikan on this one as I feel that the techniques shown are, to be honest, severely lacking in practical application.

In my over 10 years of security experience, I would never take up such a stance in defence ... too many variables such as the involvement of others, impracticality of the stance (lack of mobility) etc.

The issue is that just because this is the way it has been taught throughout the history of the Sikaran/JKA, it does not make it right from a combative point of view. The sad fact is many techniques are exectued in a pose-like fashion to massage the ego. That said, ego is a poor substitute for intelligence.

I feel that although RyuShikan may have worded it better, he did go straight to the heart of the matter and simply asked the questions many of us were considering! :asian:

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