outside the arts


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
We have had this discussion before but there area always new members so:

When not practicing the arts what do you do for relaxation or recreation

Myself I paint a little,do a little camping, and do whatever my grandson decides will be fun to play


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
I write-poetry and fiction.....I make knives....I do a lot of hiking, camping, hunting-and I shoot wildlife photography-badly!...I cook, and I make wine...farm, and work on inventions (my latest is a next-gen smart scope for rifles)....when I'm not training-or working- ballroom dancing and shooting as well....oh gosh, and I sail-and I fly (a plane!) but not the best, so no rides! The flying, I mean-I'm an excellent sailor, world --class. I used to do serious mountain climbing, but these days I stay below 16000 ft., and avoid the technical stuff (and most anything that requires holding my body weight with my fingertips--getting old is not only not for sissies, it's also not for the stupid!) Build and ride Harleys, gunsmith, all sorts of stuff...if you look at my post times, over the years, you can see that I don't sleep very much-chuckle!
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Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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HMMM I build and wheel Jeeps. I coach my kids sports teams. Im a Character Counts Mentor at the high school and Youth group leader at my church. I fish and hunt a little.


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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Outside the MAs we (wife and I) have German Shepherd dogs which we train and trial, the youngest being 17 weeks so that takes a lot of time. Plus we instruct at the local dog club.

As well we both fly and a couple of months back flew North around the top of Australia and back down the East Coast. We try to get one decent trip in a year. I'm on the committee of the local flying club.

We used to do a lot of scuba diving in days past but now there doesn't seem to be enough time for all the activities we used to do. I still can't understand how I ever had time to work.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
I read a lot. Also a writer, mostly short stories and screen plays. I am really a jack of all trades. Very curious about things, so I tend to do things to figure out how they work and then lose interest before I've become an expert.

I used to really enjoy working on air-cooled VWs. I've had several Beetle/Super Beetles and a Karmann Ghia. I sold the Ghia in 2003, and swore off rolling around on the cold garage floor. But, recently I've been getting the itch. If I could find a solid Ghia or Notchback, I'd probably have to pick it up.

I'm currently very interested in the process of distilling whisky, but haven't moved beyond reading books on the topic.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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I do a lot of things as well as read a lot, walk, cook, garden, knit, sew and I'm a leader in three different sections of Girl Guides so will do anything from camping ( properly lol, Guides do it the old way) to making crafts with the little ones, the Rainbows.


Green Belt
Nov 14, 2014
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Kind of all over the place. Usually insanely focused in whatever direction I happen to be going in. The main ones are music and martial arts. Have been playing the guitar off and on for 26 years. Jazz. Sometimes read a lot, sometimes write a lot. Build bicycles, volunteer at a free bike shop. Work in the garden. Hike. Have done some sailing, a little too expensive for me though. Go hitchhiking.
Really all over the place.

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
I read. A lot. Partly for recreation, and partly to keep up with advances in ER medicine. I used to be a big gamer, but these days just dabble. I shoot regularly, and tinker with the guns. I build cars (with a couple of gear-head friends), of both the off- and on- highway variety. Well enough that my Dodge and I were in 4-Wheeler Magazines Real Truck Club Challenge. I SCUBA dive, mostly within recreational limits, but some technical diving as well (mostly of the cave variety, rather than super deep). I used to make knives and swords, but have not done any in a few years.

Brian R. VanCise

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Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
I try to stay active so hiking, biking, running, swimming, dog walking, scuba diving, etc. Probably one of my favorite things to do outside of the martial practice is to take pictures and eat good food. Love food, simply cannot get enough! lol ;)


Sr. Grandmaster
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MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I should mention that I do some volunteering with the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Team and with some other food banks in the area.
I help out with Thanksgiving and Christmas distribution of food and gifts.
These things I do because at one point in my life I needed help and others where there for me and I feel I should give back when I can

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
These things I do because at one point in my life I needed help and others where there for me and I feel I should give back when I can

I think giving back is a good thing. Giving back is one of the main reasons I teach in a YMCA program rather than a commercial school. It's cheap, which gives a lot of people who could never afford training a chance to experience martial arts. And there are reduced cost (all the way down to free) scholarships available for those who still cannot afford the classes. My income from teaching is exactly $0.00 per year.


Master Black Belt
Dec 6, 2006
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I think giving back is a good thing. Giving back is one of the main reasons I teach in a YMCA program rather than a commercial school. It's cheap, which gives a lot of people who could never afford training a chance to experience martial arts. And there are reduced cost (all the way down to free) scholarships available for those who still cannot afford the classes. My income from teaching is exactly $0.00 per year.
I have thought of that more as well. Do you think the youth, that may go or have already fallen off the rails, genuinely benefit from coming into your dojo/club/YMCA and having access to training, does it in time keep them away from trouble? Some of the poor areas close to where I live seem to have little options for the young, perhaps some of the discipline and maybe more importantly, self-confidence instilled by the MA could help them a lot, rather than being street runners for hoods.


Master Black Belt
Dec 6, 2006
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I write-poetry and fiction.....I make knives....I do a lot of hiking, camping, hunting-and I shoot wildlife photography-badly!...I cook, and I make wine...farm, and work on inventions (my latest is a next-gen smart scope for rifles)....when I'm not training-or working- ballroom dancing and shooting as well....oh gosh, and I sail-and I fly (a plane!) but not the best, so no rides! The flying, I mean-I'm an excellent sailor, world --class. I used to do serious mountain climbing, but these days I stay below 16000 ft., and avoid the technical stuff (and most anything that requires holding my body weight with my fingertips--getting old is not only not for sissies, it's also not for the stupid!) Build and ride Harleys, gunsmith, all sorts of stuff...if you look at my post times, over the years, you can see that I don't sleep very much-chuckle!

Elder999, have you tried your hand at Damascus blades? What types are you into? I used to work as a blacksmith's apprentice to pay my way through Uni and in addition to the industrial work, he did a lot of ornate stuff, including swords and knives for clients which I used to help him with. I was looking for the first (and only) Damascus blade I really made just the other day and can't find it, when I do I will take a photo.

I have written poetry and lyrics for a long time but only recently got into being more serious about having something written published, which I am now working on. I would like to have some fiction published out there, maybe just for vanity's sake, you see, no one is going to read those boring legal documents I have drafted when I am in the ground


Master Black Belt
Dec 6, 2006
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Aside from the personal fictional writing and poetry, I guess I am drawn more to active pursuits, be it in the mountains or on the water. I love scuba, snorkelling and fishing of any type. I also enjoy sailing and river and sea kayaking. I run a lot in the woods and used to mountain bike and compete in that, would like to get back into the mountain biking again...
Now that I live in the UK I don't hunt anymore but used to a lot and am a keen hiker and camper.
I try to inject some culture into my life by going to the museums, theatre and galleries, although this is mainly to keep my missus on side as she does indulge my outdoor and sporting pursuits and thankfully is happy to join me on most of them (but I do enjoy viewing certain art)!!


Senior Master
Jan 31, 2006
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Oslo, Norway
What a great thread. Well hmm at the moment I don`t have a lot of time for other activities since I train every day of the week usually working late on weekdays then going straight to the dojo and sleeping loong in the weekend then get up and go training. I enjoy reading fantasy and science fiction (Isac Aasimov, Timothy Zahn, JRR Martin) or watching a good movie in the evening. Like to go hiking in the mountains and taking short walks everywhere, I park a bit away from both home, work and the dojo so I can stretch my legs a bit. My neighbor is quite the chef so sometimes we`ll cook (she`ll cook, I`ll just cut, peel and slice ingredients :) ) for friends or family. I used to be into D&D roleplaying and still get together with the old gang once or twice a year for a weekend of adventure and slaying dragons. Planning for this I sometimes spend time designing my own fantasy world and everything in it, elves dwarves trolls etc.

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