Oklahoma cop pulls ambulance over; puts EMT in chokehold while patient lingers

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Oklahoma cop pulls ambulance over; puts EMT in chokehold while patient lingers

An Oklahoma State Trooper pulled over an ambulance on its way to the hospital Sunday, resulting in the police officer placing a chokehold on a paramedic as a patient lingered in the back.

At one point in the hospital, the trooper told the paramedic that he was so enraged about the perceived “flipping off” gesture that he considered pulling his gun out and using deadly force, according to the paramedic’s transport report.



Anyone want to hazzard a guess at what this clearly criminal paramedic did that justified this?

Or were they all actors in yet another feeble attempt to discredit the police?

I know that you have a huge country and trying to 'watch the watchmen' is a monumental task but isn't it about time a serious attempt was made to try to curb the seemingly endless stream of abuses of power?

After all, we only get to hear about the ones that got caught on film.
Supposedly, he refused to yield to the cop, who then wanted to shoot him for making an obscene gesture.

It sounds like in Oklahoma, medical personnel must yield to law enforcement, and deadly force is acceptable when someone flips you off.

Oklahoma doesn't sound too smart at the moment.
Is there no end to the insanity?

Common sense is indeed extinct. I don't even know what to say at this point. As a nation, we have lost our collective minds. I wonder if there's any hope for us any more.
If there was something worth arresting the "Bus Driver" for, you just follow the ambulance to the hospital and deal with it after the transport...unless the actions are such a danger to the public that you have to deal with it immediately, which does not seem to be the case here.

Anyone want to hazzard a guess at what this clearly criminal paramedic did that justified this?

Or were they all actors in yet another feeble attempt to discredit the police?

I know that you have a huge country and trying to 'watch the watchmen' is a monumental task but isn't it about time a serious attempt was made to try to curb the seemingly endless stream of abuses of power?

After all, we only get to hear about the ones that got caught on film.

Agreed...like this one...

Agreed...like this one...



I have no civilian LE experience but I was a Military Cop...this is ridiculous. That guy posed no threat and this cop's actions are inexcusable. There was no threat here...

...this stuff makes me tired.
Hmmm..over 836,787 American LEO's. Give each one say 5 citizen contacts a day..thats 4,183,935 citizen contacts daily. Factor in the cops who shouldnt be cops and the cops who did something stupid and how many cases like this do you think you get percentage wise?

While abuse of power by the police is no laughing matter and each case should be dealt with...lets not go overboard with the sweeping generalizations. Making judgments about ALL American cops based on YouTube videos and internet threads is as fair as my pigeonholing all Englishmen based on my impressions from watching their behavior at soccer games....
All I know is that if that were my father or loved one in that ambulance (patient) there would be a serious lawsuit going on.
Hmmm..over 836,787 American LEO's. Give each one say 5 citizen contacts a day..thats 4,183,935 citizen contacts daily. Factor in the cops who shouldnt be cops and the cops who did something stupid and how many cases like this do you think you get percentage wise?

While abuse of power by the police is no laughing matter and each case should be dealt with...lets not go overboard with the sweeping generalizations. Making judgments about ALL American cops based on YouTube videos and internet threads is as fair as my pigeonholing all Englishmen based on my impressions from watching their behavior at soccer games....

Agreed, but that does not excuse this particular incidence.

Too bad it wasn't that sorry pig's mother in the ambulance. :angry:
I'm sure I already know the answer to this but just in case, would someone please set me straight?

Police do have to take occasional psychological evaluations. Right?
I don't think we're getting the full story. Why was the 2nd paramedic, the big black guy, placed under arrest? Why did they apparently then let him go (I couldn't tell for sure) after saying he was under arrest?

Actually, considering how this could have gone, I was almost relieved. Considering that the guy started struggling after he was told he was under arrest, I was expecting a major beatdown. It looks like that was thankfully avoided. He may be facing charges anyway. While tempers were flaring on both sides, and the reason for the pull-over may have been wrong, I'm glad to see it was resolved without violence.
I don't think we're getting the full story. Why was the 2nd paramedic, the big black guy, placed under arrest? Why did they apparently then let him go (I couldn't tell for sure) after saying he was under arrest?

Actually, considering how this could have gone, I was almost relieved. Considering that the guy started struggling after he was told he was under arrest, I was expecting a major beatdown. It looks like that was thankfully avoided. He may be facing charges anyway. While tempers were flaring on both sides, and the reason for the pull-over may have been wrong, I'm glad to see it was resolved without violence.

Grabbing a man by the throat isn't violent?

Aw heck... what's a life compared to a cop's ego anyway?
Don't turn this into a copbash fest.
Side issue: Not that it changes the facts, or the "right or wrongness" of this event, but how do we know what the condition of the person in the Ambulance was to be making assumptions about risk to life?

And the "pig" thing is uncalled for IMO...
Side issue: Not that it changes the facts, or the "right or wrongness" of this event, but how do we know what the condition of the person in the Ambulance was to be making assumptions about risk to life?

And the "pig" thing is uncalled for IMO...

You're right. I was wrong.

Thanks for helping put it back into perspective. :)
This is a story done by the same blogger that is bashing Massachusetts for for their attempts to outlaw erotic photos of seniors or people with disabilities that have been declared mentally incompetent.

The last line of his blog sneers at the rep sponsoring the bill, stating "Next, she'll want to outlaw Viagra."

I have no sympathy or support for predators of this lot. But this blogger apparently does. He also has many other entries that show LEOs in a bad light.

Its very difficult for me to take this guy as a reliable source. If the story is as bad as he wants us to believe, then that was a terrible event. But I'm not convinced it is. Add the points that Empty Hands was making...I'm simply not convinced there isn't more to this story than meets the eye.
So, according to the report, the ambulance did pull to the side, giving the cop room to pass. If there was that much of an issue, perhaps the officer could have followed up on this afterwards. A plate number or number on the ambulance would have given him enough info. to follow up on this later.

So much yelling going on, it was hard to hear what was being said, but, the medic was choked only after the cop grabbed his arm, which in turn, the medic pushed him away. What were the grounds for an arrest or detaining the medic? What was the reason for the choke?

We don't know the condition of the person in the ambulance, so I'm not commenting on that.