new X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer

I'm looking forward to seeing it. I really enjoyed the book "Weapon X" that went into the "how" of him becoming Wolverine. It was a lot of neat science on how they explained it.

If your a fan, I would suggest the book.
Somehow.... I'm not motivated to see this. :idunno:

I imagine that it must've been pretty difficult to write and probably it is a good story... for those who care.

Jackman is a good actor. I think he could, should do better than comic book movies. There's Australia of course... I think I'll go see him in that instead.
Somehow.... I'm not motivated to see this. :idunno:

I imagine that it must've been pretty difficult to write and probably it is a good story... for those who care.

Jackman is a good actor. I think he could, should do better than comic book movies. There's Australia of course... I think I'll go see him in that instead.
well this is one of many apperently. There is also a Magneto one coming and Ive seen rumors of other Xmen such as Iceman and Cyclops

Well, more an ex-fan, but these are ones I remember! Bring me Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Deathlok, Moon Knight...
well this is one of many apperently. There is also a Magneto one coming and Ive seen rumors of other Xmen such as Iceman and Cyclops


Iceman? Wasn't he the son of suburbanites who wanted him to become an accountant? Did they go and revamp his history since I stopped reading comics in '94? Obviously the chronology is going to be different with him being essentially a newbie on a team with Storm/Wolvie/Colossus etc.
Don't care. I'm buying my ticket blocks now. :)
Nobody's going to mention that Gambit is going to be in this one??? Freaking Gambit???

I've been waiting to see him come into the picture for a long time...I was excited to see Nightcrawler and Collosus when they appeared, and I was expecting to see Gambit in the X-3 movie.
Nobody's going to mention that Gambit is going to be in this one??? Freaking Gambit???

I've been waiting to see him come into the picture for a long time...I was excited to see Nightcrawler and Collosus when they appeared, and I was expecting to see Gambit in the X-3 movie.
that is very cool as well. I am a gambit fan also

I got over gambit early, like by 95, i was sickof him.

blah powers, blah story line, and they drug out the whole "villian or good guy" thing WAY toooooo long
I was never big on Gambit, but it looked quite cool here. (He does Savate too, oui?) I thought I saw the Blob whom I enjoy seeing and of course there was the new and better-known (but smaller) actor playing Sabretooth.