New To Martial Arts


White Belt
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Mechanicsville, VA
Hi all

I'm new to the board and new to martial arts. I watched my father-in-law go through the process and received his black belt and it motivated me to get involved after wanting to for so long.

My only dilema is this ... I travel for work a lot. Most weeks i leave the house on Sunday night and come back mid day Thursday. I have a local school and have made contact. The master there seems to believe that I can make this work and I am very anxious to get started. They have classes Thursday, Friday and Saturday so I think i can make it work.

What do you all think?
I'd encourage you to give it a try. A couple of classes a week plus individual practice should serve you well.

I used to travel for work most weeks, too, and a good practice session was a real benefit for me.
Three times a week should be good, you can always practice by yourself also. Just make sure you don't sign up for a year contract go month and month so if you think you can't do it you're not losing a ton of money.

Good luck
Just me personally, but if you travel a lot for work, you might look into finding more balance with your family life. It seems a bit much to be away a couple of hours more on the three days you DO have to spend with your family to be using them at a dojang. You also run into the risk of getting burned out when you might really want to just unwind at home and yet you feel guilty about not training.

Do you travel to the same cities regularly? If so, it might be worth investing in a dojang or gym membership for your travel days.
If this is what you want then give it a try. By the way welcome to Martial Talk.
I'd encourage you to give it a try. A couple of classes a week plus individual practice should serve you well.

I used to travel for work most weeks, too, and a good practice session was a real benefit for me.

I was thinking the ability to practice in my room would be a real benefit. However I see the point made regarding family time. My wife is definitely on board and is willing to allow me giving this an attempt.

I appreciate all opinions and they all have very valid points.
If you think you'll have the energy to do it while in town, go for it! Just don't sign a long-term contract until at least a few months have gone by.
If you think you'll have the energy to do it while in town, go for it! Just don't sign a long-term contract until at least a few months have gone by.

Ya know ... another good point but I think i can. I definitely am going to give it my best effort.
I'm with those who say, "give it a try." If you can manage the rest of your household affairs on those days also, then there's no reason to not give it a shot.

All my best!

And welcome to MT!
I'm with those who say, "give it a try." If you can manage the rest of your household affairs on those days also, then there's no reason to not give it a shot.

All my best!

And welcome to MT!

Thanks Ice. I think I will take everyones advice in on this one. I will give it a try and my best effort keeping the effect on my family life in close view.
welcome to Martial Talk & martial arts, perhaps your family would be interested in trying martial arts along with you. i know for the families that i've seen that do martial arts together it gives them something fun and challenging that they can do together. i know there's been a lot of discussion on this forum regarding kids doing martial arts and black belts, etc. not wanting to go into that particular discussion, i will say that i've found martial arts for kids to have many benefits for kids--physical fitness, character (they learn discipline, respect, self esteem). also as you mentioned it can help you stay in shape while you're traveling, as long as you make sure to practice at your hotels.

bottom line though, if it's something that you really want to do and it works for your family (whether they join you or not) then it's worth checking out and giving it a try. for me personally it's the only form of exercise i've ever enjoyed and will do without having to force myself everytime--and at the same time i'm learning good self defense.
I say go ahead and give it a try so long as it is something that enhances your life rather than hinders it. If it works and is something you want, you'll find a way to make it work.

Welcome to MT and good luck with your training.

As others have said - try it and see if it works; if it doesn't work, at least you'll know, instead of having to wonder for the rest of your life.

Once you start learning patterns/forms, you may need more room that a hotel room has available - but there's always empty space somewhere in a hotel if you look - I've worked out in empty meeting rooms and ballrooms (in bad weather) and parks (in good weather).

Also - once you get going, it's possible you'll be able to find other classes to work out in on your trips, especially if you go to the same place(s) on a regular basis. Talk to your instructor and see if he can recommend some places for you once you get going.

Good luck to you, and let us know how it goes!
Welcome to MT and like others have said, give the martial arts a try but don't sign any contracts if you don't have to. Many reputable schools will give you a few free classes to see if the training is something you will want to continue doing.

Good luck!

I actually decided that TKD was Martial Art to try based on the fact that I traveled alot in my younger days. Much of TKD can be practiced alone poomsae, technique and physical conditioning. Granted you won't have the feedback from your instructor for four or five days, but this could allow you to develop good martial art study habits by forcing you to gather your thoughts for your questions to your instructor.
iot's dificult to travel alot for work and then in your rest days (with family and all) to get more stress from workout sessions, however let me tell you I train two times per week and some times three times, but the rule is two times per week and it has worked for me. Give a try but pay only per month not a year.

Please be smart don't try to kill yourself trying to do averithing you should on regular basisi on the dojo, star slow, enjoy it and see if it works that way for you.

I'm trying to train twice a week TKD and training twice a week aikido, it's gona be hard because my schedules and family but I'm gona try and see if it's good to me.

First of all, welcome to MT!!

You have two to three days of class in a row with four or five away. While it isn't unusual to go to class two to three days a week, most people spread it out. The benefit of three back to back classes is that anything you have a question about you have three consecutive days with direction to try to get right enough to practice between classes and to work with an instructor to keep bad habits from creeping too easily.

The trick is to make use of your time to train as best as you can between classes. Your hotel may not have room for poomsae, but you can practice blocks, punches, and kicks. There have been times when I have had to practice without the room to do the poomsae fully. I at least go through the motions in order to maintain the memory of what goes when and execute what techniques I have room for. If nothing else, this will help you to be able to follow along in class.

Lastly, if your school is part of either the ITF or the Kukkiwon/WTF, invest in a book with the poomae well documented. The book will be no more than twenty five dollars, and there are tons out there, particularly for Kukkiwon/WTF. If your school is ATA, I believe that a book can be obtained through the dojang.

A book is very helpful to have at home when learning. While you can't learn taekwondo from a book, having all of your poomsae handy can help you when you've got four days before the next class and you have forgotten part of your poomsae. And yes, I speak from first hand experience.:)

Best wishes!

Well All

Thank you for all the advice. I decided to give it a go. Last night my wife, child and I stopped by on the way to dinner and signed me up. I paid $99 up front for 8 weeks and a uniform. THis is an introductory offer to get me started and see if i am going to click with TKD. I am VERY excited.

I am interested in learning how to practice when i'm on the road and also i am going to look into a local place where i travel too. Which for the next 7months will be the same.

I start next Friday. I'm VERY excited.