New School In London, ON

What about poor Bryson? Ya think he's ever gonna get some color in his belt? ;D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

What about poor Bryson? Ya think he's ever gonna get some color in his belt? ;D

Bryson tends to be the Strong Silent Type. But as you can tell when he does talk he speaks volumes. As an example, ..... that's the last time I call him gentle. Seems to have spurred him to make me do that many more pushups/ kicks/ punches/ crunchers.

From now on I'm gonna mind my P's and Q's when it comes to him. :anic:

Plus the fact he has moved his computer to the school and is currently not connected to the internet, doesn't help his ranking either. ;) You should see him, he's going into withdrawal.
Is the poor guy even back on-line yet???? Wonder if he misses us yet??? LOL

Originally posted by Seig

He said not to worry that, that he misses you all the time, but his aim is improving.

And yours, dear Sir, seems in fine form today!!!

Originally posted by KenpoGirl


There is no amount of words in the english dictionary that can even begin to describe what I am going to do to you the next time I see you my dear!!!!

:ticked: :mad: :disgust: :rpo: :miffer:

Be Ready!!! I'm comming for you!!!

:samurai: :ninja:


Considering this post and the ICQ message that was rather direct - I would say you were slightly annoyed ... :rofl:

I guess I will avoid you for a little while ... :p
Originally posted by lifewise

Considering this post and the ICQ message that was rather direct - I would say you were slightly annoyed ... :rofl:

I guess I will avoid you for a little while ... :p

Eh? Don't worry about it the rage has past. :D

Comming out for sparring tonight?? :angel:

Sparring tonight? ah, no. :rolleyes:

I guess I will see you guys on the 20th ... should be good and out of practice by then. :shrug:
Originally posted by lifewise

Sparring tonight? ah, no. :rolleyes:

I guess I will see you guys on the 20th ... should be good and out of practice by then. :shrug:

That's too bad...... :(

Oh well come by when you can. BTW we aren't actually sparring tonight. (I was just teasing you :D ) Jaybacca will be in to do some arnis, some of his private students will be there. So if you feel like doing some arnis by all means come on down.

Yeah LW what she means is, she'd also like to smack you around using weapons, lol!

Originally posted by tunetigress

Yeah LW what she means is, she'd also like to smack you around using weapons, lol!


I think you are SO correct Tune.... SO CORRECT.:shrug:
Originally posted by lifewise

I think you are SO correct Tune.... SO CORRECT.:shrug:

Moi??? I'm a sweetie, wouldn't hurt a fly. Honest! :angel:

:eek: :hammer:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Moi??? I'm a sweetie, wouldn't hurt a fly. Honest! :angel:

:eek: :hammer:

It is not the fly's life I am worried about... :D

Seriously, no I am not worried about sparring you, God knows I have made other smart *** comments to your face during the sparring matches!!!!

Tonight is an Arnis class is it? hmmmm.
Let me know when you are ready for those LMA web site pictures Kenpo Girl - I have a ton here from Bryson.

When should we expect this site to be online btw?

Originally posted by lifewise

Let me know when you are ready for those LMA web site pictures Kenpo Girl - I have a ton here from Bryson.

When should we expect this site to be online btw?


I'm working on the graphics and the page templates but I am still waiting for the text from Bryson. He's a busy boy it seems.

I don't want to post it only half done. It's going to be one classy site. (note to self: don't forget to add "Everybody was kungfu fighting" wav file to page) ;)

Originally posted by Ultraboy
First, you must make your own lightsabre....

I can make my own knife. Will that do? I'm not allowed to play with electrical things anymore.

Originally posted by Ultraboy
There are many secrets in our dojo, Gou. If you touch the dragon, it swings open to reveal the *real* dojo, complete with battle droids, danger rooms, and antigravity rings.
Really. Just ask Paul.

I knew you guys were holding out on me!
Originally posted by lifewise

Considering this post and the ICQ message that was rather direct - I would say you were slightly annoyed ... :rofl:

I guess I will avoid you for a little while ... :p

Hmmmm now that I think of it .......

I'm going to get Bryson to order you a "Red Man" Suit, the way you are going, you're going to need it. :mad:

I wonder if it comes in size Extra Small?? ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Hmmmm now that I think of it .......

I'm going to get Bryson to order you a "Red Man" Suit, the way you are going, you're going to need it. :mad:

I wonder if it comes in size Extra Small?? ;)

First of all you said you were over it... all forgiven???? :(

Me in a "red man" suit? I'd wear it... you'd see ... Can we get it in White (I look terrible in blood colour) and I could then look like a little Michelin Man!

Oh and btw Kenpo Girl - xs? really... thanks for the compliment there! cool.

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