New School In London, ON



This evening I participated in the first official class (well okay 2nd there was one in the afternoon) for a brand new school in London, Ontario.

London Martial Arts
520 Springbank Dr, Unit 5
London, ON
(519) 474-7161

Owner and Head Instructor - Bryson Ingrim
Senior Instructor - Jason Arnold (Jaybacca)

Open for the next two weeks for current students and friends with previous training. Open September 3rd to new students. Hoping to have Gou out on a regular basis and anyone else who wants to show up.

Side Note:
This was also my first class back to regular training, I can tell you it was a humbling experience to huff and puff through an hour class. But, besides having to pick my lungs up off the floor and putting them back in my chest, it felt Damn Good. I'll be back again tomorrow and the day after and so on. Until I can get back to where I was a year and a half ago and even better I hope.


P.S. I'm in the process of building his website. I'll post it here when I'm done. I'm not a professional designer like a few people on here, but it will be a good quaility site to show off what the school has to offer.
Hey Dot, congratulations on getting out to class at last! Glad you weren't too exhausted to retreive your lungs and crawl back home to post and tell us about it. I should be so lucky......
Congratulations to London Martial Arts!

The school looks great - you guys did a wonderful job! :) If the walk-in inquiries are any indication, you will have a good student base in no time.;)
Really looking forward to seeing that web site Dot! Just better not have any of "those" pictures on it .... ok, please!!!!

Camera shy.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Hoping to have Gou out on a regular basis and anyone else who wants to show up.

I'll have to speak with Jaybacca on the times he will be there teaching first. I'd like to speak with Bryson at some point and another guy here in town who does Systema as well regarding a possible Systema class. But who knows, I may just come to watch you huff and puff.
Congrats to the school! Great to see Jaybacca will be able to help you guys out. He's knowlgeable, pick his brain....:D

Originally posted by lifewise

Just better not have any of "those" pictures on it .... ok, please!!!!

Don't worry LW I'm in those pictures too, and it's not my first priority to plaster myself up on the site. Remember we are suppose to be Attracting Students, not scaring them away.

It was great to be able to work out with you again. How are your arms? Any bruises? It's been a long time since we've had a good session of "trapping hands" it was fun. Looking forward to working with you and the others on a regular basis.


I have been talking with Life, about the possiblity of me coming down there to meet with you gals and guys and take a lesson in Kenpo.. Im not looking to switch over.. im just interested in all the different styles of MA.. and you girls seem to have lots of fun.. I think it would be a blast.. i'll keep an eye out for the website, and I'll keep in touch about a visit!!

Congrats once again!!
Bring your friends if they're hot babes. I have this special "Parker Stretch" I can show them.
I think we BOTH KNEW I would have bruises now didn't we Dot????

Ah, good times!
Originally posted by Eraser


I have been talking with Life, about the possiblity of me coming down there to meet with you gals and guys and take a lesson in Kenpo.. Im not looking to switch over.. im just interested in all the different styles of MA.. and you girls seem to have lots of fun.. I think it would be a blast.. i'll keep an eye out for the website, and I'll keep in touch about a visit!!

Congrats once again!!

Don't worry Eraser, we will not try to convert you to Kenpo ...

Yes we do have fun. Actually - the woman who walked in the school last night said she thought it looked like fun too. She was there talking with Bryson while we were left .... um... "unsupervised" :) doing a trapping hands drill.

Oh, and just ignore Gou's comment. BUT - Kenpo Girl is single if you want to bring an eligble male friend with you.
(Sorry Dot - I had too)
Originally posted by lifewise

Kenpo Girl is single if you want to bring an eligble male friend with you.

D'oh :eek:

Gee thanks a bunch LW.
I'll remember how helpful you were next time we spar!!!!
Gee!! I didn't think I hit her THAT hard. Should we call 911? :EG:

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

D'oh :eek:

Gee thanks a bunch LW.
I'll remember how helpful you were next time we spar!!!!
Gee!! I didn't think I hit her THAT hard. Should we call 911? :EG:


Just hit 3 and # on the key pad at the door and it will dispatch an ambulance for you.

Congratuatulations to Bryson, the school looks fantastic, best of luck.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Just hit 3 and # on the key pad at the door and it will dispatch an ambulance for you.

Gee, thanks for the support there Rob!!!

And since you are giving out codes for the pad at the door - want to share the security code too???? :)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

D'oh :eek:

Gee thanks a bunch LW.
I'll remember how helpful you were next time we spar!!!!
Gee!! I didn't think I hit her THAT hard. Should we call 911? :EG:


I know you would do the same for me. I mean.. well, if I wasn't already married.... ;)
Originally posted by lifewise

I know you would do the same for me. I mean.. well, if I wasn't already married.... ;)

That will cost you. The bidding starts at $10 000.00
LOL Rob are you auctioning off LW or the security code? Maybe trying to make a little extra income for the school eh? :rofl:

Well back from day 2 at the school. I did my best not to loose my lungs today. Still hard stuff, Mr. Ingram does a very good workout. He likes skipping, but my knee doesn't so I jog in place which doesn't seem to affect it at all, figure that one out. :confused:

It is sooooo nice to work out and really concentrate on techniques again. Mr. Ingram was trying to make my "hit" him, in alternating maces. I can connect with the chest no problem, but I always stop short at the final strike to the side of the head. He made me do it 20 times right after each other yelling "Harder" but except for one or twice I just couldn't do it. Must be the insurance person in me all I see is "LAWSUIT" floating above his head. ;)

I'll keep you posted.

Originally posted by Rob_Broad

That will cost you. The bidding starts at $10 000.00

:rofl: I know it is late in the evening for me, and that might contribute to my confusion but ... are we having an auction at London Martial Arts? If so, what/who is on sale?????

I think Rob either quoted the wrong post or has been spending too much time on ebay.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

LOL Rob are you auctioning off LW or the security code? Maybe trying to make a little extra income for the school eh? :rofl:

HEY! That better be the security code he was talking about!!!!!!

I would only auction off the security override code, I know it has value. Just kidding.