Hear Ye Hear Ye Ricardo's now a 4th.....


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
This past weekend Ricardo was promoted to 4th Degree Black by Al Tracy in Cincy!!

Ok, now the real training starts.........:eek:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

This past weekend Ricardo was promoted to 4th Degree Black by Al Tracy in Cincy!!

That is GREAT Ric!!! Proud of you my friend. You deserve it.

I don't know of anyone else more devoted to their art, and wanting to above all else spread the art by example with wisdom, humility and hard work.

Bravo :asian:

Talked to the Man himself, that would be Ricardo, last week... Congratulated him, as I knew he would make the big time. Now he has to get one of those cool Kenpo instructor cars!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow Ricardo! Congratulations on receiving your fourth! What a achievement for you!!! :asian:
Glad to see you move on up in the world.
You deserve it man!

:drinkbeer :drinkbeer :drinkbeer
Congratulations Ricardo.

Please post us a review of the test, from your point of view.
Tell us how you prepared immediately before, how you felt, and what was going through your mind.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

That is GREAT Ric!!! Proud of you my friend. You deserve it.

I don't know of anyone else more devoted to their art, and wanting to above all else spread the art by example with wisdom, humility and hard work.

Bravo :asian:


Thank You Ma'am!:asian:
Originally posted by Sigung86

Talked to the Man himself, that would be Ricardo, last week... Congratulated him, as I knew he would make the big time. Now he has to get one of those cool Kenpo instructor cars!
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Than You Sir. I want a 94 caddy like DC!
Originally posted by tunetigress

Wow Ricardo! Congratulations on receiving your fourth! What a achievement for you!!! :asian:

Thank You Ma'am:asian: