Naming Your Sword

I named my sword.

I call her "Choppy"

My other one is named "Stabby"
Mine have names:

The Heavy One
The Really Sharp One
The Black-Bladed One
The Short and Heavy one
The Heavy Broadsword
The Heavy Double Broadsword
The Lighter Long One

and others...
Well I found a site that list sword names fact, fiction and myth.

Should be of intrest for those who like myself share the idea of naming their sword to find out who's sword belonged to fact, fiction or myth.

Call it if you will romancing the steel. To each their own. I enjoy training with my blades much that I feel that they are becoming a part of me. In developing good swordsmanship this is what one should strive for, becoming one with your weapon. The weapon becomes a extenstion of your body. And if naming my sword draws me closer, hey whatever works.

Understanding that naming your sword or weapon isn't for everyone, and thats okay. This is what makes reading and particpation in MT enjoyable.
I have several swords and a couple of them that I'm fond of, one that I mainly train with is a Korean saber sword. For the love of me I can't think of a name for it. I think naming it would give the sword personality. The other is a Chesness Tenchi ko katana, so of course i refer to it as Tenchi.
The Korean saber is a straight sword, broader and a little beefy.

On my mok gum KJN wrote my name in Korean and put in parenthesis spirit of a warrior underneath my name on one side and his name on the other. I plan to have this engraved or have it done in needle point on my saber.

Two questions: 1 What is the Korean term for spirit warrior? 2 Does anyone have any suggesstions on naming your sword?

I do not name my vehicles.

I do not name my swords or knives.

I will refer to them in the following way:

The Truck - I only have one.

The Bird or the Convertible - for my summer care - i.e. convertible firebird I do not consider this a name as it is part of the name from the manufacturer.

I have a Charlemagne Replica which I refer to as the Charlemagne.

I have a coupld of Kris Daggers I refer to as one of the Kris'.

That being said, I am an engineer. I look for patterns and practicality. But each of these items are mine. I have gone out played with them to make them mine. I have used them and pushed them and myself to make myself understand their characeristics and attributes.

But, that does not mean that others could name their posessions to help make them their own.

Call it if you will romancing the steel. To each their own. I enjoy training with my blades much that I feel that they are becoming a part of me. In developing good swordsmanship this is what one should strive for, becoming one with your weapon. The weapon becomes a extenstion of your body. And if naming my sword draws me closer, hey whatever works.

Understanding that naming your sword or weapon isn't for everyone, and thats okay. This is what makes reading and particpation in MT enjoyable.

If it is an extension of you, why not call it, Larry??? ;)

Sorry. Couldn't resist! All in good fun, Larry!
Ya know, I was thinking about this...

Does it count if a guy names his, um, "Pork Sword?"

Not that I would ever name that either... I mean, er.

Sorry. I'll go back in my cage now.
Now, we know men do this butch, macho thing where they say things when other guys are listening so everyone thinks they are hard but in reality they are all soft and fluffy! So I'm guessing that these men really do name their swords but wouldn't be caught dead admitting it ROFL.
Now, we know men do this butch, macho thing where they say things when other guys are listening so everyone thinks they are hard but in reality they are all soft and fluffy! So I'm guessing that these men really do name their swords but wouldn't be caught dead admitting it ROFL.

Which sword? Being a Star Wars Fan, I'd probably name mine Hand Solo.

Oh wait, you mean the metal ones right? I told you mine are named "Choppy" and "Stabby". :D
Which sword? Being a Star Wars Fan, I'd probably name mine Hand Solo.

Oh wait, you mean the metal ones right? I told you mine are named "Choppy" and "Stabby". :D

isn't sword boasting a little? maybe dagger or penknife lol!
isn't sword boasting a little? maybe dagger or penknife lol!

I mean, I wont call it short, but I did go in to have "Mother" Tattooed on it and all that fit was "Moth"
....or the one that ends

"Short? When I saw it it said Shorty's Bar & Grill San Bernadino California."
Ladies and gents, while the slight digression has been amusing it may well be a good idea to return to the original topic as the (obvious and possibly unavoidable) innuendo is better suited for After Dark than for the PG-13 limit on this forum. ;)
I have several swords and a couple of them that I'm fond of, one that I mainly train with is a Korean saber sword. For the love of me I can't think of a name for it. I think naming it would give the sword personality. The other is a Chesness Tenchi ko katana, so of course i refer to it as Tenchi.
The Korean saber is a straight sword, broader and a little beefy.

On my mok gum KJN wrote my name in Korean and put in parenthesis spirit of a warrior underneath my name on one side and his name on the other. I plan to have this engraved or have it done in needle point on my saber.

Two questions: 1 What is the Korean term for spirit warrior? 2 Does anyone have any suggesstions on naming your sword?

you guys name yer swords? ok...
It's kinda like naming your car ... doesn't change the performance, doesn't really make you insane ... just makes things fun. And if your opponent thinks you're so insane to name your weapon, all the better for you! :EG: