My Mon. Adventure


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Okay, I'm really telling this story because I'm fishing for complements, and because I want to announce a new member of the family.

Yesterday, while returning home from work, I noticed an accident on the side of the road near my entry point of the freeway. I don't really rubber neck, but there were people on the side of the freeway, so I had one eye on them. When I put my attention back on the road ahead, I noticed something flopping in center lane of the freeway. It was small and fuzzy and wasn't injured, just confused about where to run, with traffic on either side. I swerved and made a path for it and I noticed it was a kitten as it made it to the roadside. (Note: the kitten was not the cause of the accident.) The area where the kitten made it too was under a railroad overpass and was 100 ft. on either side of concrete with no real way for the kitten to get to the grassy area behind. The area where this all was happening is in the middle of the busiest downtown freeway and was 200ft. from an extremely dangerous turn dubbed "deadman's curve" during rush hour. I felt bad for the little guy so I shot off the next exit and traveled back to my original entry point. As I went by a second time I couldn't see him so I thought he was either hit or made it to the grassy area.

I went home and told my fiance' about it. We had a meeting to go to back downtown 2 hours later. We left for the meeting early to pick up some dinner, and along the way, since we were early, I decided to drive by the place where my fuzzy friend was last seen and see if my co-pilot could spot it. Sure enough she yelled, "There it is, there it is!" I immediatly pulled over and started running back down the side of the freeway. Here was a lil' grey kitten huddled shaking and half passed out with exhaustive fear. As I approached it, it hissed and bolted along the side of the freeway. I outpaced it and when I confronted it, it tried to run accross the freeway again. Not good! It realized it's mistake and ran back to the side of the road. I had to rethink this. Even if I got to it I didn't want to get bit handling it. I don't know what it's health is and we have a current rabies apidemic happening here.

As I stood there contemplating, another car pulls over and a lady comes out to help. The kitten bolts from me and doesn't see her, so the lady caught it. It immediatly turns and takes a big bite of the lady, it's savior. So my fiance' reaches out and grabs it. At which time it promptly takes a chunk out of her too. So I reach in and grab the little bugger by they skruff, so it can't bite me and head back to the car to grab a towel I had there. I wrap up and tie off the kitten.

The lady thanks us for saving and taking the kitten, I tell her to head to a hospital to get the bite checked and we take off. I run my fiance to the ER as she calls her GP. The nurse on the phone tells her to go to the ER within 4 hours as we are pulling into the ER. I know she is in for a wait, so I drop her off and go to put the kitten in a cage at our apt. When get back to the hospital, they are just getting to my fiance'. They take her upstairs to a GP instead of making her wait in the ER. Then they loose her paperwork. It's now the 3 hours since the bite. When we finally get to the doc, he says he has bad news. Since he assumes we don't have the cat, my fiance is going to need the whole rabies shot series. That's 8 painfull shots in the gut! We tell him we have the cat in the apartment. He's pleased to hear that because he says we don't need to get the shots, just monitor the cat for 2 weeks for rabies symtoms.

So now we have a new family member, Speedbump the kitten. I'll post pics as soon as I get my camera working again.
My image of you has softened. Yeah, er..... good job....and, er, ummm.... Right, enough of that, I'm going to eat some beef and sharpen my hunting knife. And maybe think a bit about wood, and engines.
That's a great story, congrats on the new family member!
Good for you!! Not everyone would have done what you did to save a little kitten- that's great!!

Hope he/she turns out to be a nice pet for you guys and is healthy.

:asian: :karate:
It doesn't sound like the kitten is rabid, but it's always good to check, as I'm sure you are well aware.

That is a great story, and I am so glad you and your fiance retrieved poor Speedbump! He/she is one lucky kitten to have been rescued from the freeway.
Bravo, for way going out of your way. That kitten wasn't dumb either for sticking there. I think most would have tried to escape across the road. What will you call him for short? Speedy? You might have to be speedy for awhile until he settles down? Female or male? Nice story and alot to go through for a cat. TW
Nicknames will include:
Bumpy, Speedy, the Bump, Mr. Gonzales, Bumpkin, ect.

Taking other suggestions.

We take it to the vet today to find out the sex and get the first check up and shots. We have to keep it caged most of the time until the quarentine is over, but I'll take it out to play in isolated areas and I'll wear gloves. He kept us up all night last night with his mewing for momma, but hopfully it will get better tonight or tomorrow night. I don't buy pets because there are too many that need homes and came be adopted for free. I don't even adopt anymore, I just see what falls into my lap or follows me home, like this one.
Attaboy, Lobo! Good life-saving! Poor kitten was so frightened, it only did what its natural instincts told it to, though I do hope your fiance and kitten are all right and non-rabid.

Please get your cat neutered or spayed as soon as is appropriate for its age and consider keeping your cat an indoors-only pet.

:: pinches Lobo's cheek :: Good boy. Now go sharpen knives with Flatlander - hunt and kill something.
shesulsa said:
Attaboy, Lobo! Good life-saving! Poor kitten was so frightened, it only did what its natural instincts told it to, though I do hope your fiance and kitten are all right and non-rabid.

Please get your cat neutered or spayed as soon as is appropriate for its age and consider keeping your cat an indoors-only pet.

:: pinches Lobo's cheek :: Good boy. Now go sharpen knives with Flatlander - hunt and kill something.

It will be getting fixed post haste, because I don't need any more pets (even though I only have two), and I've never been comfortable with letting pets run free, even cats, so this one will be an indoor cat.
You could check for rabies by submitting the cats brain to the lab.....
*tiger grin*

Good for you!

Does Mr. Gonzales (a favorite of mine as a child!) have a blankie or some other 'comfort' in his cage? How about trying a ticking clock wrapped in the blanket to simulate another body? Might help get rid of the meowing.
kenpo tiger said:
*tiger grin*

Good for you!

Does Mr. Gonzales (a favorite of mine as a child!) have a blankie or some other 'comfort' in his cage? How about trying a ticking clock wrapped in the blanket to simulate another body? Might help get rid of the meowing.

Good suggestion, we put a stuffed animal in, she already has a towel she likes, I put a ticking clock near her cage and I gave her a teaspoon of milk to calm her. Something must be working because we haven't had a problem with the mewing at night recently. Now we have the problem of her mewing when we are in view, because she wants out to play all the time. She had a very unsettling "freak out" session yesterday. I hope it isn't a symptom.
How goes it with Puddy Tat?
Flatlander you cracked me up on this one LOL! I had tears in me eye and Be careful hunting small game. They bite firecely
shesulsa said:
How goes it with Puddy Tat?

She had settled into sleeping all night and most of the day in her cage, and playing with us for a little bit in the morning and most of the evening. She adapted to her litter box purr-fectly, and I think she is gaining weight. We introduced her to her stinky little roomate, and I don't think there will be any trouble between the two, an uneasy mutual tolerance. She has gone out of her quiet sleepy stage and is now in a hyper playful and curious stage. She is toughening up my hands between her teething and her suprisingly wicked sharp claws (which will be removed when she reaches a safe age, as my couches are training tools for no feline). New finger conditioning method for all us martial artists. I introduced her to the irresistable string of doom yesterday and she is now on a full time hunt for said sting. Good training for a future feline stealth ninja. She has another week of quarentine and observation, and then a vet visit. I'd say she is well on her way to being a lithe surgically accurate and perfectly efficient hunting machine that her surogate father already is.
she is well on her way to being a lithe surgically accurate and perfectly efficient hunting machine that her surogate father already is.

And you aren't one of us... *hides in the brush once again*
Here are a couple shots of The Bump, and one of her roommate eating dinner.


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