SAVE The Sea Kittens!!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
PETA is at it again (as if they've nothing better to do) by trying to get us to change the name FISH to Sea Kittens so that when we call them that we can say AWWW!! and be less inclined to want to eat them. Wow... Brilliant!

PETA Attempts To Make Fish More Adorable

by Anne Hillman
"Sea kittens" is the new term being used by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, for the creatures they believe are in dire need of an image makeover: fish."PETA thought that by renaming fish sea kittens, compassionate people who would never dream of hurting a dog or a cat might extend that sympathy to fish, or sea kittens," PETA campaign coordinator Ashley Byrne says.
Byrne says that rebranding fish as sea kittens was obvious.
"Fish not only have the same ability to feel pain as a dog or a cat, but they also communicate with one another," she says. "They have complex social interactions; they form bonds; they express affection by gently rubbing against one another."
The PETA campaign boasts a colorful, interactive Web site aimed at children and their parents. It offers sea kitten bedtime stories and a design-your-own sea kitten in hopes it will build compassion in families.
"Most parents would never dream of spending a weekend torturing kittens for fun with their families, but hooking a sea kitten through the mouth and dragging her through the water is the same as hooking a kitten through the mouth and dragging her behind your car," Byrne says.
Wow what a lovely image... and they came up with that one huh? :lol:

Ya gotta love what comes out of the mouth of kids:
"I don't see fish as sea kittens; I see them as food," says 12-year-old Chastity Haskins.
Haskins is looking at the PETA site with her friend, Harmony Wayner, 11.
"It just doesn't look right," Harmony says. Harmony, the fourth generation of a commercial fishing family, looks at the cartoon fish and reads through the information on the site. "They say that they're intelligent, but they're not really," Harmony says. "They have tiny, tiny little brains. Very miniature."
Give it up PETA, you lost this one before you even started it. :rolleyes:

Tell me something do they really see anything CUTE about these guys? C'mon kiss it, kiss it, g'wan and snuggle with it! Go ahead... so cute aren't they?


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I say go for, then I can finally, legally, eat kittens.

I have kept aquariums for many years, typcially large fish like Jack Dempseys, Oscars, and pirhanahahs. I get attached to them like pets. When they die it makes me sad.

But I'll eat sushi all night long. If dog and cat were legal, available, and tasted anywhere near as good as Toro Tuna, I'd eat'em right up too. "that's it Rover, you peed on the carpet for the last time! Where's my wok!"

"Dad, what's in this stew?" "Well, fluffy clawed up the curtains again, and that was the last straw"
"Dad, what's in this stew?" "Well, fluffy clawed up the curtains again, and that was the last straw"

Mom says puppy's days are through;
She's going to throw him in the stew.
Dead puppies aren't much fun.

Sea Kittens? I think Sea Chickens is more fitting! Nevermind, a little mermaid said, "Sorry Charlie, that idea has already been taken."
I say go for, then I can finally, legally, eat kittens."

Kitten is quite tasty
it's what I had for lunch
If I'm not too hasty
I cook them by the bunch
with onions, peppers and chile,
a savory sauce for stew.
There's nothing that I'd really
rather share with you!

Elder999's Kitten Stew

First, kill a kitten. One of about 5 lbs. should do: hold it around the neck, and whack it between the eyes with a ball-peen hammer.

Then, gut, bleed, and burn the hair off over an open fire. Remove the head and skin. Don't to forget to remove the claws with pliers

Cut into quarters, dredge with flour and brown in olive oil, about 4 minutes a side. Set aside.

Add 1 cut up onion, 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 cut up poblano chile-with seeds, and three or four cloves of garlic, sliced thin, to oil, and saute.

When onion is transparent, deglaze pan with 1 cup red wine, 1 cup chicken stock. Bring sauce to simmer

Replace kitten parts in pan, simmer for 1 hour.

At 1 hour mark, add 1/2 cup diced pineapple, add 1/2 tbsp corn starch to sauce, stir in slowly to thicken, remove from heat.

Serve over rice, or with turnips and salad.


I love kittens
kittens what I loves to eat
nibble on their fuzzy little backs
chew upon their tiny feet!

Next time, I'll show you how to prepare the head for wondrful hors d' ouvres; your neighbors won't know what to think!

(Of course, I'm more of a dog person. This recipe actually works much better with a puppy.....)
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Elder999's Kitten Stew

First, kill a kitten. One of about 5 lbs. should do: hold it around the neck, and whack it between the eyes with a ball-peen hammer.

Then, gut, bleed, and burn the hair off over an open fire. Remove the head and skin.

Cut into quarters, dredge with flour and brown in olive oil, about 4 minutes a side. Set aside.

Add 1 cut up onion, 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 cut up poblano chile-with seeds, and three or four cloves of garlic, sliced thin, to oil, and saute.

When onion is transparent, deglaze pan with 1 cup red wine, 1 cup chicken stock. Bring sauce to simmer

Replace kitten parts in pan, simmer for 1 hour.

At 1 hour mark, add 1/2 cup diced pineapple, add 1/2 tbsp corn starch to sauce, stir in slowly to thicken, remove from heat.

Serve over rice, or with turnips and salad.

That's disgusting!

I can't stand turnips...
They may be crazy, but they're crazy like foxes.

First, this gets them back into the news. We're certainly talking about them.

Second, a lot of their other actions like naked girls in cages get attention. Any sort of attention featuring good-looking naked girls above the age of consent is good attention as far as these things go.

Third, if you go to the website it targets kids with cute little "make your own sea kitten" games. Get the kids while they're still young, and they'll believe all sorts of stuff that logic will never touch when they're adults.
They may be crazy, but they're crazy like foxes.

First, this gets them back into the news. We're certainly talking about them.

Second, a lot of their other actions like naked girls in cages get attention. Any sort of attention featuring good-looking naked girls above the age of consent is good attention as far as these things go.

Third, if you go to the website it targets kids with cute little "make your own sea kitten" games. Get the kids while they're still young, and they'll believe all sorts of stuff that logic will never touch when they're adults.
Quick somebody call Michael Moore and Oliver Stone! It's a Conspiracy!!!

Yeah we're talking about them... talking about how stoopid they are. But you're right... catch 'em young (pardon the pun) is probably how they'll filter their radical vegan ideas upon tomorrow's generation.

Meat is NOT murder... you can feed more people with ONE cow than you can with 1 head of lettuce! AND you kill more things making a salad than you do with a steak. (I love those arguments)
Found this picture of what looks like a happy Sea Kitten (doesn't it look like it's smiling?? :D )... wonder if PETA members wouldn't mind snuggling up to this one?


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Elder999's Kitten Stew

First, kill a kitten. One of about 5 lbs. should do: hold it around the neck, and whack it between the eyes with a ball-peen hammer.

Then, gut, bleed, and burn the hair off over an open fire. Remove the head and skin. Don't to forget to remove the claws with pliers

Cut into quarters, dredge with flour and brown in olive oil, about 4 minutes a side. Set aside.

Add 1 cut up onion, 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 cut up poblano chile-with seeds, and three or four cloves of garlic, sliced thin, to oil, and saute.

When onion is transparent, deglaze pan with 1 cup red wine, 1 cup chicken stock. Bring sauce to simmer

Replace kitten parts in pan, simmer for 1 hour.

At 1 hour mark, add 1/2 cup diced pineapple, add 1/2 tbsp corn starch to sauce, stir in slowly to thicken, remove from heat.

Serve over rice, or with turnips and salad.


I'm shocked

I would think kittens would be tender enough to not require anhour of simmering. Adult cats, sure... but kittens? That's why we eat baby animals, because they are more tender.
Get the kids while they're still young, and they'll believe all sorts of stuff that logic will never touch when they're adults.

Absolutely. That's why I introduced my boy to steak, BBQ, lobster, and crab as soon as he had the teeth for it. Good luck getting this one, PETA, you nonsensical attention whores!
PETA: People Eating Tastly Animals

Or am I thinking of a different group? :angel:

I think this group has lost it's focus and isolates itself from any good that they might have tried to do. First off, what do they consider "ethical"? It is one of those buzzwords that sounds good, but means something different to everyone.

It's also strange that they call them sea kittens, since kittens eat are they promoting cannabalism too?

The radio station I listen to has a spot called "Feed the Bears" and it is stupid people in the news who should be fed to bears. They made it on the list for this stunt.
Punisher, PETA considers all economic use of animals to be exploitation and evil. They believe that animals, all animals, deserve rights and considerations equal to human beings. They oppose the keeping of pets as slavery. One of their sayings is "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." That is, they believe in a complete moral equivalence between all four.

I can agree with one of those statements. The relationship between me and my cat is one of abject slavery. I'm the slave. Usually "miserable slave". On rare occasions "Adequate slave".
Punisher, PETA considers all economic use of animals to be exploitation and evil. They believe that animals, all animals, deserve rights and considerations equal to human beings. They oppose the keeping of pets as slavery. One of their sayings is "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." That is, they believe in a complete moral equivalence between all four.

I can agree with one of those statements. The relationship between me and my cat is one of abject slavery. I'm the slave. Usually "miserable slave". On rare occasions "Adequate slave".
Yeah well here's hoping that your cat will let loose your bonds of slavery to it.

PETAs are so fubared in the head in their thinking, if they went out camping with their kids and a cougar ran off with one of the smaller kids in it's mouth, they'd probably shrug and say: well the cougar was doing what comes naturally in it's environment into which we were intruding. :idunno: Morons!
Given how nonhuman animals exploit other animals, be it for food or as slaves, I don't get the objection to humans doing it too. Where's the protest against the agonizingly slow death of a fly caught in a spiderweb?
Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

In the morning, laughing happy fish heads
In the evening, floating in the soup

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they cant talk

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

I took a fish head out to see a movie,
Didn't have to pay to get it in

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

They can't play baseball , they don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers, they don't play drums
Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

Rolly Polly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino in
Italian Restaurants with Oriental women.

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up


Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up

That song's not going to flow the same way if they change it to "Sea Kitteh Heads"
Now you've done it... You've stimulated a food craving in me.

Tonight, I'll cook up a pot of rice, turn on the grill, and grill up some seasoned vegetables, along with some nice swordkitten steaks.

I'll drizzle some lemon butter on the swordkitten steaks, and sit down to a nice tasty meal, to be washed down with a dry white wine!