Mr. Parker and the internet



I was thinking last night about how the internet and forums such as this give us the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with people that it would not have been possible with 10 years ago.

My question is this; If Mr. Parker where still around what do you think he would have thought about the internet and how its being used to promote or expand kenpo? How do you think he would have found a way to use it?

I never got to meet him, but knowing how brilliant he was I am sure he would have found some means to use it to expand his art.
Mr. Hunter,

Really good question!

I think Mr. Parker would use the internet to benefit his art and expand his teachings. At first, as far as I understand, Mr. Parker would not allow videotaping at seminars, etc... However, later in his life he would allow more videotaping, and he even came out with a few videos himself, like the basics video. So in the same way I think the internet would apply.

On the otherhand, I do think he would be upset at some of the things that are out there on the internet. But then again if Mr. Parker was still alive who knows if it would be there :)

In any case, it seemed as though Mr. Parker would find benefits out of everything, maybe not right away but in the long run.


Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
only those who knew him well could probably say for sure, and even then there's no real way of saying.

all i can say on the matter is people tend to see having their picture on the internet as almost as mystical as having their picture on tv at times. it's still relativly new and exciting for people to have their own website. so new and exciting in fact that most people will settle for crap content and even crappier design for their websites and let young children design sites for their business in their basement.

it's just too easy to have something up on the internet that i think he would have had something up there in some form...but i don't think he would have used it much to promote the art and i especially don't think we would have seen any online courses coming out of it.
Originally posted by True2Kenpo

On the otherhand, I do think he would be upset at some of the things that are out there on the internet. But then again if Mr. Parker was still alive who knows if it would be there :)

some of it would still be there, there's always someone with the grapefruits big enough to go out and make money off of someone's name falsely...but i'd say 90% of it would be non existant.
Originally posted by brianhunter
If Mr. Parker where still around what do you think he would have thought about the internet and how its being used to promote or expand kenpo? How do you think he would have found a way to use it?
I think he would have found it initially interesting and then to be a pain.

I know there would be a much different attitude if he were here today!!

LOL I wouldn't be surprised if he posted under several different names from several different computers or post anonymously and really chew out some of the posters for the bs that is out here.

On the other hand I think he would also put out some very good and debate stopping facts and advice.

but that's just my opinion......
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I think he would have found it initially interesting and then to be a pain.

I know there would be a much different attitude if he were here today!!

LOL I wouldn't be surprised if he posted under several different names from several different computers or post anonymously and really chew out some of the posters for the bs that is out here.

On the other hand I think he would also put out some very good and debate stopping facts and advice.

but that's just my opinion......

Thank you Mr. C....your reply was one of the ones I was really excited and hoping to hear!!!!
Mr. C.

Do you think it would have helped him to get the material out a a speedier rate? It has been my understanding that he could never get the material and changes out in a timely manner. Cold this also be a point for why noone knows the same technique.

Best Regards,

Jeremy Nelson
Originally posted by JD_Nelson
Mr. C. Do you think it would have helped him to get the material out a a speedier rate?

Well, with a website, you can certainly standardize much of the basic material. I personally believe he would have used this tool to the max, without a doubt!!. As a sales center, newsletter center, recent promotion center, historical center, and of course he would for the first time have an inexpensive tool to post curriculum differences and updates. WOW, yes he would have used this a lot. It would have been a great tool for him, and a great place to have placed his thoughts and personal statements on several topics that many debate today. But ........ it was not to be.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson
It has been my understanding that he could never get the material and changes out in a timely manner.

Well, he was not interested in "getting any material out" in the first place much less a timely manner. Those that ere "currently" with him, were always informed about recent adjustments and updates. It was those that were at "arms length" or those that didn't keep in touch on a "regular basis" that weren't always updated. His attitude was that he was the teacher ...... It was his job to teach - "not" his job to chase after students to "bring them the latest", " learn the newest" or "dive deeper into the advanced" material that he had, many today still don't understand this.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson
Could this also be a point for why no one knows the same technique. Best Regards, Jeremy Nelson

Well, with standardization available on a website..... it would at least limit some confusion.... however, he was also very adamant about teaching that even though there can be a "base" way - - - - he wanted everyone to realize that there were more ways than one to reach any particular goal or ways to defend against a particular attack. That is why there are different interpretations, that are just options to the base..... I don't know why this has become such a confused item. LOL.

It has been my impression, that Mr. Parker seemed able to adapt to the student. Comments such as Mr. Parker showed me this or explained it to me "as such" leads me to believe he would help them execute or perform a technique that would benefit each individual student's performance.

My opinions are based on what i have read and interpret mostly via the Internet.

I think this uncanny ability for Mr. Parker to exploit a students strong points whether it be forms, techs, nerve strikes, and/or any number that is not listed, is an idea that I think most seem to overlook. He seemed to have made EACH individual student fell like their way was the right way. I think this is why some may feel like their way is best. I think they are right.

What about the web cam? do you think he would take advantage of this as well?

Best Regards,:asian: :asian: :asian:

Better yet, could the webcam keep up with him??
Originally posted by JD_Nelson
It has been my impression, that Mr. Parker seemed able to adapt to the student. Comments such as Mr. Parker showed me this or explained it to me "as such" leads me to believe he would help them execute or perform a technique that would benefit each individual student's performance.
Best Regards,:asian: Jeremy

Yes, Jeremy you are correct. Ed Parker would, at times "tailor" a technique (if needed) to the student. Thus making the technique more useful for that particular student and their abilities or unique qualities.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson
I think this uncanny ability for Mr. Parker to exploit a students strong points whether it be forms, techs, nerve strikes, and/or any number that is not listed, is an idea that I think most seem to overlook. He seemed to have made EACH individual student fell like their way was the right way. I think this is why some may feel like their way is best. I think they are right. My opinions are based on what i have read and interpret mostly via the Internet.
Best Regards,:asian: Jeremy

Yes, I agree with you on this.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson
What about the web cam? Do you think he would take advantage of this as well? Best Regards,:asian: Jeremy

Yep, I know he would, if not for groups for individuals for sure. However, he would be selective.
