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terryl965 said:
I'll sum it up this way everybody I know has done some type of MA training either when a child or a teenager or a couple of months as a adult but only a handfull are MArtial Artist and I believe his claim to be at best a tid bit under what I expect, now with that being said each of us has limitadation that can be expose by the right person. Mr. Calkins has been shown that he has been duped all these years and yet he will not admitt it to the general public and that is fine with me but my heart tells me he is trying to adjust slowly but adjust, one must remember this is a delicate stituation for him being a school owner and all his students that has trusted him for training, he just can't come out and say I'm a fraud like some of you would like.Beside if you believed the training you was getting was factual all those years how would you act, probaly like Bruce defensively. Let the man take in all the info. have time to adjust and see where his future lies in the MA community. I see a man looking for acceptance in the very world that we exsist in the MA world, a long time ago we as MA'ers opened our arms and forgave the misguided and tried to shed light on there training. Now adays we just comdem without compasion, I for one is at fault for this but my inmstructor shed some light on me Last night about being a good instructor is one that excepts and then try to help those that are misguided. I'm not saying invite him to dinner but give him love and understanding and the events that are not quite right guide him down the path to enlightment.

Terry Lee Stoker
Except he faked his own certificates, went thru the lowest of soke councils to jump from a 1st degree to 10th, Outright fibbed or overstated most of his qualifications
True... It was Ueshiba that could dodge bullets.

The Boxers just thought they were invulnerable to bullets with their Iron Shirt skills, wards/medallions & other mystical trinkets.

Doesn't Bruce profess to practice Iron Shirt?
Toad style kung fu. Of course there is no paperwork seems a traditional thing to do is to taunt your student with a Black Sash certificate-then rip it to pieces(most would think of this as a insult)
The Kai said:
Toad style kung fu. Of course there is no paperwork seems a traditional thing to do is to taunt your student with a Black Sash certificate-then rip it to pieces(most would think of this as a insult)
Yeah if I tossed a cert my sifu had taken the time & effort to sit down & write up (as opposed to his way ... "I just promoted you..." in front of the class), I'd pretty much feel it for a week & then never hear anything else about learning from him again.
If it really is all drawing to some kind of conclusion - and it has been a thrilling ride - then I feel it is only fitting to remind everyone of the title of Bruce's art. For on our closer inspection, it appears more apt than many of the things we have taken pages to say...

He'll never get it until he wakes up... but until then;
Fusho Satori Ryu - The Art of Unborn Enlightenment
clfsean said:
True... It was Ueshiba that could dodge bullets.
This is kind of my point. It amazes me that folks casually give, "Morihei Ueshiba could dodge bullets," and "Toshitsugu Takamatsu was the secret bodyguard of Puyi," or hey, lets have a fave like: "Doshin So inherited a Shaolin martial art translated as Gwaimonken."

Frankly, if Bruce Calkins didn't have some severe problems with communication and self-promotion, I think there's a chance that in the pre-internet age, folks would eat this up and 30 years later, someone here would:

* Claim to be a "Doctor" of secret techniques that (by this time "Osensei") Calkins developed at the end of his life.
* Get in lineage wars.
* Talk about how he defeated 8 armed guys in a third party bio.
* Be among the first people to lay the hammer down on the parallele universe equivalent of Calkins that *does* show up.
* Talk up documentary evidence that claerly shows deficiencies in his technique.

This isn't to say that Calkins should get off easy. This *is* to say that it's inspiring a distinct lack of humility from folks who should know better, given that they variously practice an art which claims koryu status but is not allowed at koryu embu, or one whose founder was sued for falsely claiming a Chinese martial arts tradition, or are planning on founding a self-defense system without any lineage at all.

This makes the repeated claims that Calkins owes face to folks here laughable. The fact is that so much of the martial arts community accepts fraid as long as it acquired the patina of age, that it has lost the authority to render a cohesive judgemnt at all -- even when folks look to richly deserve it. This is not to defend Bruce Calkins, but he is a symptom of a disease that some of you tolerate and others are direct participants in.
Chronology based on

1968-1970 - Sifu Lei Tai Soong of the Toledo Kung-Fu Academy in Toledo, Ohio.
Shaolin Kung-Fu : : Red Sash

?? Iron Shirt Qi-Gung

1974-1975 Tamio Kamura - Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. "Way of Life" Dojo.
Aikido - : 1st degree black

November 1975 - August 1976
Garland Tx. Master David Frost / Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. live in academy

1976-1979 - self training

1979 - Formed the style of Golden Dragon Karate

1979-1994 - Self training

1994 Sensei David Mason / Yami-Umi-Do. Ryu-Kai
- 2nd Degree Black Belt

1995-1999(??) Soke "met and taught" with Sensei Robert Koch of Warrior Self Defense. I.K.K.A. Parker's Kenpo Karate.
- 1st degree Black Belt ??

2004 Formed "Fusho-Satori-Ryu" "The Art Of Unborn Enlightenment".

August 18th 2004 awarded "Shodai Soke" title by "Eagle Federation" Sokeship council

He formed his First "Style" after only 9 years training? Actually only 3 years of direct training, 6 spent on "self Discovery"? Something stinks here.....

Lets look closer:


A search on
"Lei Tai Soong" generates 0 results
"Toledo Kung-Fu Academy" generates 2 - both Bruce
"Tamio Kamura" generates 2 - both Bruce
""Way of Life Dojo" - 5 hits, 2 Bruce, 3 a book
"David Frost" = 166,000 hits. Common name. Refining search parameters.
"David Frost" ninjitsu = 5 hits, 2 Bruce, 2 a movie, 1 a collage page, no connection
"David Frost" ninjutsu = 2 hits, no connection
"Black Star Ninjitsu Academy" = 2 hits, both Bruce
"David Mason" Yami-Umi-Do = 2 hits, both Bruce
"Robert Koch" Calkins ikka = 2 hits, both Bruce
"Robert Koch" ikka = 51 hits, 2 were Bruce.

In all of those searches, the only mention of Bruces training with those individuals comes from Bruce. In most of the cases, the ONLY mention of the search phrases, are Bruces.

I contacted Robert Kochs school. The person who answered the phone had never heard of Bruce Calkins. For someone who has claimed to teach for them, and be the "weapons guy", this seems odd.
Mr. Koch's website contains numerous pictures, none of which contain Bruce. His site has been online since 2000. Thats 5 years. I dug back through the archives and there was never a mention of Bruce as an instructor, or guest instructor on there.

Bruce Calkins, I declare you a fraud, a scam artist, and a liar.

To refute this, please provide proof that those schools/individuals existed, through unbiased 3rd party sources. That can be business licences, phone book listings, etc.

But not "your word" or your self-created photoshop work.

Otherwise, go away. We don't want your kind here. This site is for Real martial artists.
RRouuselot said:
1)Last time I looked the banner here said “Martialtalk” not “Bleeding heart liberal society, inquire within”. Bruce is a big boy (no pun intended) and knows what he is doing.

2)It’s obvious he is not truthful as has been seen or more than one occasion.

3)Whether or not he was “mis”-guided he has been shown the error of his ways and is unrepentant.

4),5) more of your standard semantics and over simplified questions……the rest is unworthy of comment.
1.) Coming from you-expected

2.) Untrurthful or exaggerated and inflated ego?

3.) Allow anyone the chance to change.

4.) Yes, sure...and you're the one who keep putting me on and taking me off your ignore list...but yet, you, like a weed, return...
The Kai said:
There are a myrid of martial arts "ways", do I standardize? No, but I know it when I see it
In Bruces case I have seen enough not to want to step init!!

BTW Flock of Seagulls, the lead singer-and we are all bald and fat now!
But will you allow him to change?

What do you mean "we are all bald and fat now-...does this mean the fans or the group?
Bester said:
1.) August 18th 2004 awarded "Shodai Soke" title by "Eagle Federation" Sokeship council

2.) He formed his First "Style" after only 9 years training? Actually only 3 years of direct training, 6 spent on "self Discovery"?
1.) Yes, a organozation that i clearly do not want/desire to be a part of.

2.) Yes, sounds like a ego or delusion of grandiuer.


Not everyone I meet or have met, had trained with, and train with today, can be found through the "Almighty Internet"

But then again, I dont claim to be a 10th dan Soke...something IMHO, has to corrlelate with people to be found (not the "federation")
47MartialMan said:
4.) Yes, sure...and you're the one who keep putting me on and taking me off your ignore list...but yet, you, like a weed, return...
You are new breed of troll. You’re the kind that comes in and deliberately makes purposely vague comments or questions in order to stir up trouble with the responses that follow.

Another interesting thing is sometimes your posts look as if they were written by an “inbred ridge running hillbilly” that never finished 1st grade, and then some of your other posts actually have words that seem like they were written by someone with a high school diploma. Your sudden enlightened lexical variation is interestingly suspicious. I know you “claim” dyslexia, which I doubt since most of the errors I have seen look more like poor typing mistakes like hitting “v” instead of “b” on the keyboard; however the grammar and syntax of your posts are also poor which is not related to dyslexia.

Also of interest is your hypocritical attitude which I find ironic since I asked you to supply proof of one of your claims and you balked miserably, and yet you had no quams about being suspicious of my post in the “Question about G.Dillman” thread.

You questioned my honesty and said:As far as Oyata and Hokama Tetsuo, it is a story with no proof of the meeting.

As a result I supplied photographs as “proof” to which you later replied:

Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

It is for those reasons I have decided not to let you have free reign to spread your brand of fertilizer so I will be watching your posts like a hawk.
Bester said:
I contacted Robert Kochs school. The person who answered the phone had never heard of Bruce Calkins. For someone who has claimed to teach for them, and be the "weapons guy", this seems odd.
Mr. Koch's website contains numerous pictures, none of which contain Bruce. His site has been online since 2000. Thats 5 years. I dug back through the archives and there was never a mention of Bruce as an instructor, or guest instructor on there.

Bruce Calkins, I declare you a fraud, a scam artist, and a liar.

To refute this, please provide proof that those schools/individuals existed, through unbiased 3rd party sources. That can be business licences, phone book listings, etc.

But not "your word" or your self-created photoshop work.

Otherwise, go away. We don't want your kind here. This site is for Real martial artists.

Why am I not surprised........
RRouuselot said:
1.) You are new breed of troll. You’re the kind that comes in and deliberately makes purposely vague comments or questions in order to stir up trouble with the responses that follow.

2.) Another interesting thing is sometimes your posts look as if they were written by an “inbred ridge running hillbilly” that never finished 1st grade, and then some of your other posts actually have words that seem like they were written by someone with a high school diploma. Your sudden enlightened lexical variation is interestingly suspicious. I know you “claim” dyslexia, which I doubt since most of the errors I have seen look more like poor typing mistakes like hitting “v” instead of “b” on the keyboard; however the grammar and syntax of your posts are also poor which is not related to dyslexia.

3.) Also of interest is your hypocritical attitude which I find ironic since I asked you to supply proof of one of your claims and you balked miserably, and yet you had no quams about being suspicious of my post in the “Question about G.Dillman” thread.

4.) You questioned my honesty and said:As far as Oyata and Hokama Tetsuo, it is a story with no proof of the meeting.

5.) As a result I supplied photographs as “proof” to which you later replied:

Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

It is for those reasons I have decided not to let you have free reign to spread your brand of fertilizer so I will be watching your posts like a hawk.
1.) No, I post things if its debatable to you or not.

2.) Yee-ha...thuts me. But you have it wrong, I have a sixth grade edumacation like Jethro. Wait-make up your mind, is that the 1st grade or 12th. See, this is where you start. You question what I say, when you use the word-"claim". So I can't question what you "claim"? (Seriously, there are no hills nor any Billies near me.)

3.) Woo hoo....gotta get my Uncle Jed to read this. Oh wait-Uncle Jed cant read.

4.) And yet you question others. Dont like it when people come at you harsh-uhr?

5.) Well, pics can be DECEIVING

Please-make up your mind, am I on you list or not?
47MartialMan said:
1.)[font=&quot] [/font]No, I post things if its debatable to you or not.

2.)[font=&quot] [/font]Yee-ha...thuts me. But you have it wrong, I have a sixth grade edumacation like Jethro. Wait-make up your mind, is that the 1st grade or 12th. See, this is where you start. You question what I say, when you use the word-"claim". So I can't question what you "claim"? (Seriously, there are no hills nor any Billies near me.)

3.)[font=&quot] [/font]Woo hoo....gotta get my Uncle Jed to read this. Oh wait-Uncle Jed cant read.

A)[font=&quot] [/font]4.) And yet you question others. Dont like it when people come at you harsh-uhr?

B) 5.) Well, pics can be DECEIVING

Please-make up your mind, am I on you list or not?

A)[font=&quot] [/font]I have no problem with people questioning me. I do have a problem when cowards that don’t have the “stones” to cough up proof of their own claims question me.

B)[font=&quot] [/font]Yeah those pics looked like they were done with “PhotoShop”. :rolleyes:
RRouuselot said:
A)I have no problem with people questioning me. I do have a problem when cowards that don’t have the “stones” to cough up proof of their own claims question me.

B)Yeah those pics looked like they were done with “PhotoShop”. :rolleyes:
Oh-I forgot...speaking of troll and you cross-threading and hijacking a this thread-allow me to post from said thread

Question about Dillman;
My post;
I am VERY (emphasis) much interested on the subject of Dillman.

A.) My student (the one I had mentioned earlier that attended Dillman seminars) and I had always suspected certain things.

B.) I have a good freind whom opened a school long ago and attends many Dillman seminars, hung many Dillman photos, on his website-link Dilman stuff, and etc. In other words, Dillman is grand in this friend's eyes.

You mention James Coffman’s website;
Any link to this and others like this?

BTW-Did I say welcome back?-with sincerity.

Your following post;

I will cut right to the chase, I don’t care for you, didn’t care for your emails, don’t care for your deceptive conduct regarding your training, your teachers etc and have no interest in “helping” you get any information. I will not be supplying you with any links in the future so don’t bother asking.

So if you want info on Coffamn or Dillamn do a Dillman search or a Coffman search on MT and find it yourself.

A.) Sticks and stones.......

B.) You admit knowing about photoshop-
Hey guys I thought this thread was about trashing "Soke" Calkins.... ;)
47MartialMan said:

A.) Sticks and stones.......

B.) You admit knowing about photoshop-

A)[font=&quot] [/font]An obviously well thought out reply.

B)[font=&quot] [/font]Yeah it’s a pretty well know software program, I doubt most people with any time on a PC haven’t heard of it.
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