most curious question in my mind, Why Martial Arts?


White Belt
Aug 26, 2016
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Hi all, i just joined this website.Greetings to you all.Glad to be here,would love to share thoughts and experiences.But first of all, I would love to here one thing from all of you- WHEN AND HOW DID YOU GET ADDICTED TO THIS MAGNIFICENT ART?
as of me, from 4th or 5th grade i got attracted to it seeing some tv shows and movies....


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Welcome aboard.. hope your day is lovely for you.. Which magnificent art do you practice? x
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I genuinely don't know. It took me so long to get into it because TV and movies turned me away from martial arts, but now it's on my mind 24/7 and i can't explain why.

Welcome! :D
Welcome aboard.. hope your day is lovely for you.. Which magnificent art do you practice? x

the day is great.thanks.
I started with Karate.But my teacher doesnt keep us bounded by Karate rules.he teaches a lot of grapling, throwing, joint locks and also dirty techniques... i personaly do not believe much in STYLE... i believe in Martial arts as a whole...
I genuinely don't know. It took me so long to get into it because TV and movies turned me away from martial arts, but now it's on my mind 24/7 and i can't explain why.

Welcome! :D

why did movies "turned me away" ? generaly people gets more attracted to it
the day is great.thanks.
I started with Karate.But my teacher doesnt keep us bounded by Karate rules.he teaches a lot of grapling, throwing, joint locks and also dirty techniques... i personaly do not believe much in STYLE... i believe in Martial arts as a whole...
That is an interesting view.. what would you say was your main reason/reasons for doing your martial art?
That is an interesting view.. what would you say was your main reason/reasons for doing your martial art?
For me.... first it was just "so cool" .primarily it was "i wanna move like that.... i wanna kick like that... i just wanna fight like that" ... then when i started training, it was "so coooooll"... then after so many years into practice...fight...spar...kata...breathing... IT IS JUST THE WAY OF MY LIFE... ,
For me.... first it was just "so cool" .primarily it was "i wanna move like that.... i wanna kick like that... i just wanna fight like that" ... then when i started training, it was "so coooooll"... then after so many years into practice...fight...spar...kata...breathing... IT IS JUST THE WAY OF MY LIFE... ,
Yes, that makes sense.. I imagine same is true of many here! :)

I think some people -perhaps among those who do not know martial arts- might read that though and wonder like "how can martial arts be a way of life when it is just fighting?" If someone say that to you how might you answer them?
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And what made to come to it?
My dad was going to "straighten me out" :) by sending me to train under Jimmy Woo in Kung Fu San Soo. Been at it ever since. I consider KFSS my base art, but have cross trained in many, and currently been training in JKD the last few years. I like to mix it up.
why did movies "turned me away" ? generaly people gets more attracted to it

Well... you know how some people can't tell the difference between TV and real life? That was me, as an impressionable pre-teen. So, my perception of martial arts was that it was Bruce Lee kicking someone in the chest, and i'd be too busy whining about how someone didn't bash him in the back of the head to find it cool. "Why aren't they doing anything?! Why doesn't one of them grab him?!" I'd say, pointing wildly at all the other people standing around in fighting stances. XP

It didn't help that a karate place decided to do a demonstration at my school, with flashy 1-step and 3-step sparring set to some crazy instrumentals. "This is even worse than the movies" is what i got out of it.

I ended up in Taekwondo because i was unfit and everytime i tried to exercise at home i'd get bored/lazy. TKD was cheaper than going to the gym, so i started TKD.
Yes, that makes sense.. I imagine same is true of many here! :)

I think some people -perhaps among those who do not know martial arts- might read that though and wonder like "how can martial arts be a way of life when it is just fighting?" If someone say that to you how might you answer them?
those who have not seen the world from the highest mountain, can never feel why people give so much efforts to climb up that mountain...Just like that... its about feeling, unless you feel it, no one can make you simply "UNDERSTAND"
My dad was going to "straighten me out" :) by sending me to train under Jimmy Woo in Kung Fu San Soo. Been at it ever since. I consider KFSS my base art, but have cross trained in many, and currently been training in JKD the last few years. I like to mix it up.
As you are training in many styles, have you got the feeling "unless you have 3 legs and 4 arms you cant have a different style of fighting?"
Well... you know how some people can't tell the difference between TV and real life? That was me, as an impressionable pre-teen. So, my perception of martial arts was that it was Bruce Lee kicking someone in the chest, and i'd be too busy whining about how someone didn't bash him in the back of the head to find it cool. "Why aren't they doing anything?! Why doesn't one of them grab him?!" I'd say, pointing wildly at all the other people standing around in fighting stances. XP

It didn't help that a karate place decided to do a demonstration at my school, with flashy 1-step and 3-step sparring set to some crazy instrumentals. "This is even worse than the movies" is what i got out of it.

I ended up in Taekwondo because i was unfit and everytime i tried to exercise at home i'd get bored/lazy. TKD was cheaper than going to the gym, so i started TKD.
oh, i get it now... well, yes movies are impractical... and so is karate with music... those are not useful... but as a practitioner now, i hope you "enjoy" doing some crazy kicks over some rhythmic music.. not for training, just for fun....
In a mall in the early 70s, saw a Jujutsu demo and noticed a friend of mine was in it. A week later I was going to class
Have you cross trained in any other than jujutsu?
I saw Ed Parker on The Lucy Show when I was a kid. That's all t took.
I saw Ed Parker on The Lucy Show when I was a kid. That's all t took.
That reminds me of a story I read ed Parker was doing a tv interview might've actually been that one I don't know while I think huk plannas (could be wrong on who it was) was doing a form on a beach set and some other guys watching on tv noticed while he was doing his form he kept going into a crane stance on every move restibg his foot against his leg and when he got back they asked him what he was doing and he said he had a pine needle stuck in his foot and was trying to get it out without breaking the action in the form lol that always makes me laugh that story like he looks so cool and composed but in his head he's probably swearing ajd cursing the damm thing lol