Mistaken or confuse lately


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Have any of you fellow TKD'ers getting confuse or mis-understanding what other instructors say to you, do you find yourself asking what just happened in the mist of your previous converstation? I ask because here lately someone will say one thing and do the complete opposite of what they say. Masters and GM's are joining associations and leaving other one's and even making up there own in the mist of redeveloping our major organizations.

Just in the last week I have had offers from a half of dozen Masters and GMs to join there group before everything goes south in our Art as well as the sport, do they know something I don't?

Is the turmoil of years past catching up to the mainstream over here in America or is it just greed?

I think it is greed. Some GM`s and instructors are making their own TKD associations so that they can make a little bit of money by doing their hobby.
I would want to say greed. You have a well known program and have excellent MA who win at tournaments so of course that alone will bring the vultures. They see your program and if they add it to theirs then there is a good potential for a even bigger windfall money wise.

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