Mc Dojo's

That's why they pay you moderators the big bucks right?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by GouRonin
That's why they pay you moderators the big bucks right?

Yup, 25% of your membership fee goes straight into my pocket, and 15% of the MartialTalk belt testing fees.
Don't worry Gou..your invoice is in the mail....We accept almost all currencies...heck, pay it in US $ and it'll seem like less. <G>
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Don't worry Gou..your invoice is in the mail....We accept almost all currencies...heck, pay it in US $ and it'll seem like less. <G>
And if he doesn't pay? does that mean you'll have a rooftop duel?:D
Cause then you could sell tickets and make up for your lost wages that way.
Originally posted by fist of fury

And if he doesn't pay?

What do you think I'm waiting for? I can't wait till they come for me.

:cuss: :argue: :angry: :hammer: :lol:
I'm a personal friend of the one known as "Fist Of Fury" ... just to
warn everyone, he has a "Rooftop Duel" fetish. :boing2:
In that case, I have to forfit. With my coordination, I'd throttle myself on the wires.

Originally posted by Kirk
I'm a personal friend of the one known as "Fist Of Fury" ... just to
warn everyone, he has a "Rooftop Duel" fetish. :boing2:
Thats it punk I'm calling you out! you shall pay for dishonoring me for my kung fu is superior!:D

Tell your wife and daughter you love them now. For it will be your last chance to do so.

ROFL! You forget Fist, my master's cousin's father's brother's
second cousin removed was Master Lee Moon Pie ;)
But I was trained by the ancient chinese master Well Hung
Originally posted by fist of fury
But I was trained by the ancient chinese master Well Hung

I surrender! Your Kung Fu is too great for me!

Now we must flee! Godzilla is approaching the village!
Does anyone else long for the days when you could move into a village and challage the master there to a duel? If you won the old master would have to shut down his school. I think the amount of nwe schools opened would drop radically. :)
Does anyone else long for the days when you could move into a village and challage the master there to a duel? If you won the old master would have to shut down his school. I think the amount of nwe schools opened would drop radically.

I'm partially with ya there. I would love to have full contact
challenges. Hell, I'm dumb enough to probably want to
participate in one or two,once I advance enough of course.
I don't know about requiring to shut down a school though.
Not everyone is studying for the same reasons. I would bet
dollars to donuts (mmmm .... donuuuts) that some of your
less effective fighting arts are in GREAT shape! Maybe someone
likes the flash of a certain style, and doesn't care about the
rest. But challenges would definitely help a student sort that
out, and not have to rely on what they're being told by the
instructor as to the validity, or effectiveness of their art.

I started off in TKD, and realized it wasn't my cup of tea after
awhile, but it revived the m.a. fascination that I had as a boy,
a teen, and as a young adult. I owe at LEAST that to my
TKD instructor.

Another thing that just came to mind ... Are students at all
levels able to ascertain that just because one Master beats
another, that it's not the style that's necessarily inferior?
I think students vs. students would be great in dojo challenges.
Originally posted by Kirk

Another thing that just came to mind ... Are students at all
levels able to ascertain that just because one Master beats
another, that it's not the style that's necessarily inferior?
I think students vs. students would be great in dojo challenges.
I agree alot people think that a style is inferior because a student of another style gets beat, take the nhb thing going on. Ever since it's started all you hear about is how superior bjj is.There are alot of ineffective teachers out there and thats the big problem.
Student to student challenges would be cool but there are too many whiners out there.
hehe .... I think most instructors are too fearful of lawsuits.
And in this country, I can't say I blame them.
I knew a guy who trained at the Chung Moo Quan school in Dallas, and was "hook, line, and sinker"!! He sold pot to pay for his lessons, and said it was well known at the school that he did such (heck- I knew about it). He lived it to the bone. Haircut, diet, clothes, lifestyle. He owned little material posessions- all went to the school. This was about 12-14 years ago.

BTW- What the heck is up with that "jumping off the roof stuff"??? Boy, that must be a handy skill. HEY FIST OF FURY- maybe these guys would be game for that rooftop duel!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by vincefuess
I knew a guy who trained at the Chung Moo Quan school in Dallas, and was "hook, line, and sinker"!! He sold pot to pay for his lessons, and said it was well known at the school that he did such (heck- I knew about it). He lived it to the bone. Haircut, diet, clothes, lifestyle. He owned little material posessions- all went to the school. This was about 12-14 years ago.

BTW- What the heck is up with that "jumping off the roof stuff"??? Boy, that must be a handy skill. HEY FIST OF FURY- maybe these guys would be game for that rooftop duel!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thats too bad he fell for thier garbage. maybe I should take them up on the roof and open a can of whoop @ss on them. Like I do to kirk on a daily basis:D

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