Mc Dojo's


fist of fury

What's the worst MCdojo you've seen in your area? With worst I mean bad instructors or outrages contracts or contracts that guarantee a blackbelt. Besde the CHung moo do schools.
I will not name the instructor or system involved but I will discribe both. Years ago a instructor opened up in a small town (pop. under 10,000) . for the first two years he gave tests and promoted all who tested every two months. After he became established he tested every 4 months and only halve passed there test the first time. Eight years into teaching he flunked everyone the first time they tested for any rank.
This might have not been so bad except that he had changed federations 4 times in the same time period getting a promotion each time he jumped ship.
Yes he charged for all test and the fees went up each year also.
It seems that when there is only one school in a large area the people may not even know if what they get is normal or even good without traveling great distances
The biggest scam that I heard of was an "instructor" outside of Philadelphia. The guy was studying TKD for a few years and failed his black belt test due to inability to perform a required break. Anyway, the guy got into a conflict with the instuctor over this and quit the school. Less than a year later, the same guy opens a school in a nearby town, except now he's claiming to be a 7th Dan (less than a year ago he was a brown belt that failed his 1st Dan test). As a kenpo orange belt I had the opportunity to spar one of his brown belt. It's sad what some people get tricked into paying money to learn.

Originally posted by fist of fury
Besde the CHung moo do schools.

Well shoot. That certainly ties my hands behind my back. They are by far the worst, though they seem to have disappeared after 'Iron' Kim and his cronies got convicted of tax fraud.

The only other one I can think of is a person who has been in the Tampa area for a long time. I won't mention names, but his questionable behavior has caused many legitimate practitioners of the style he teaches to challenge him. One account I've heard has this person hiding in his office during one such challenge. He'll buy a martial arts instructional tape, and lo and behold, the next day, whatever was on that tape has magically appeared in his curriculum.

Originally posted by Blindside
Hey Cthulhu,

They haven't dissapeared, just renamed.... unfortunately.


Whoops, allow me to clarify: I meant they had disappeared from the Tampa, FL area. I was aware of the name change.

However, after looking at the OYD/CMD/CMQ site, I've found out that they haven't fully left the Tampa area at all, as there are two schools in neighboring St. Petersburg.


I wasn't aware they changed thier name. I was in a TKD school as a teenager the instructor was good but he had a gambling problem so when ever he needed cash we had a promotion. The worst thing he did in my opinion was dupe me and my mom into paying a lifetime memebership. My mom put out $1500 for me, he disappeared a year after that. But showed up again 2 years later so I walked in and took classes again since I was a lifetime member so did alot of other students he was there for about 6 months and was gone again.
Darn people I have been around for years but some how I missed the "Iron Kim".
I feel like part of my martial arts experence has been skiped. I did read that web site and I can say is I havent seen so much **** piled up since I went to visit my cousins farm.
Don't feel bad I've been involved in martial arts for at least 15 years on and off and missed the Iron Kim fiasco myself
Originally posted by fist of fury
Don't feel bad I've been involved in martial arts for at least 15 years on and off and missed the Iron Kim fiasco myself

Those of you who missed that whole fiasco should count yourselves among the fortunate.

The Web site for OYD is just the tip of the iceberg. I posted this link here some time ago, but I'll put it up for those of you unfamiliar with 'Iron' Kim and CMQ/CMD:

I've heard many more stories like this. Some not quite so bad. Some worse.

Thanks for the info I'll check it out.
Originally posted by fist of fury
Thanks for the info I'll check it out.

Not a problem. Any chance I get to warn people about these goofs, I jump on. Check out that link I posted and prepare to get angry.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

Not a problem. Any chance I get to warn people about these goofs, I jump on. Check out that link I posted and prepare to get angry.

Wow you're right what a joke. I feel sorry for those people who've fallen for it. Just what M.A. needs another fraud give M.A. in general a bad name.
Originally posted by fist of fury

Wow you're right what a joke. I feel sorry for those people who've fallen for it. Just what M.A. needs another fraud give M.A. in general a bad name.

Unfortunately, there will always be people who will use the MA for there own malicious purposes, or who will make fraudlent claims to bilk people of their money.

Just today, my wife found a Web site for some guy in my part of Florida claiming to be a 10th degree black belt in several styles, including aikido. I can't be sure, but are there currently any 10th dans in aikido? If so, are there any American 10th dans?

My wife wanted me to go down there to 'check him out'...basically to find out how big of a fraud he was. I could better spend that time training with legitimate instructors.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

Unfortunately, there will always be people who will use the MA for there own malicious purposes, or who will make fraudlent claims to bilk people of their money.

Just today, my wife found a Web site for some guy in my part of Florida claiming to be a 10th degree black belt in several styles, including aikido. I can't be sure, but are there currently any 10th dans in aikido? If so, are there any American 10th dans?

My wife wanted me to go down there to 'check him out'...basically to find out how big of a fraud he was. I could better spend that time training with legitimate instructors.


A school with roots in a good system that has altered it but led by a convicted pedophile.

The Martial Arts are full of bad people. Just like any other field of endevour. But there are also good people.
Originally posted by GouRonin

A school with roots in a good system that has altered it but led by a convicted pedophile.

The Martial Arts are full of bad people. Just like any other field of endevour. But there are also good people.
How do you know he's a convicted pedophile?
Perhaps it was the court case. No, wait, it was when the judge said he was convicted.
sorry I must've slept through that I hadn't heard about it. There's nothing I can't stand more that a pedophile.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Perhaps it was the court case. No, wait, it was when the judge said he was convicted.

It might be helpful to quote the thread in which this was discussed more fully.