Mc Dojo's

I have seen some threads making reference to Mc Dojos and Mc Dojangs lately so I thought it would be good to bring the original thread back to the surface. It might even me good if the staff could bring all teh existing threads under the same name together into one thread.
I have a school up the street from my house this guy charges 160 bucks to start 85 bucks a month on a 6 month contract, instructors suck my son who is orange 9th class can take any of their b/b same age of course did I mention hes only 10.
I just got back from washington st, there is a new mc dojo starting there guarenteeing a promotion every 3 months, head instuctor calls himself a Samurai says hes the last Samurai in America (for reals folks) saw a student on that program and he had bruises all over him where the Samurai pounded on him with a wooden sword. Another instructor there is guy who my bud taught and left after he made shodan is now a alki smells of booze and cigerettes and is in charge of the kids class and begining adults....

Maybe Ill start a new style charge a 100 bucks a month all I have to do shave my head (not much left to shave) put on a robe let a under rank line the class up warm them up then walk out in my robe look at the class and in my best Japanese accents show a palm heel strike and say
"Ahhhh Shotei very practice" and walk back into my office....

Hey it'll pay the bills right....:>)
OC Kid said:
I have a school up the street from my house this guy charges 160 bucks to start 85 bucks a month on a 6 month contract, instructors suck my son who is orange 9th class can take any of their b/b same age of course did I mention hes only 10.

That is usually the sign of a Mc dojo 10 yr olds walking around with Black Belts.
Yea I know. Its unbelievable. Theres a kid accross the street whose little brother Im teaching who says he has a third degree..Hes got to be all of 13 y.o.
My son whom I training knows right now he wont even be considered for shodan until hes 16. hes 10 now and that means he'll have about 6 years of training behind him minimum..
Honestly I reveiwed the vid clips and I was not impressed due to him being a high ranking BB and the Katas for Staff were a joke.
Actually I was impressed with these videos. He is good at Kenpo very fluid and moderate in speed. Of Course I am biased since I study Kenpo lol!
Student usually test every 2 - 3 months, and I have seen very poor performances pass. Also take a look at his pressure point material especially the shout where he knocks the guy down.
Rob Broad said:
especially the shout where he knocks the guy down.
I thought that was a standard requirement...i've been able to do it since i was a orange belt...

seriously though...thats just the way...i know of a guy that claims to be 14th degree black belt
I would probably be wrong for me to name names right now, but there is this Kung-Foo school in my area. My friend was attending, and they got her to pay like 1500 dollars, then when she hit her orange belt they askec her for more or she would never be promoted. the only outsandingly bad thing about this is that it is really kenpo karate that he teaches... :S
There is nothing wrong with learning Kenpo karate. It is bad if it is being passed off as Kung Fu, but hwat is worse is paying the $1500, and then them wanting more money. Sounds like a Temple Kung Fu school.

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