Martial Talk Logo Shirts?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
We've been talking about doing some promotional items to help support the maintainence and promotional costs of MartialTalk, and decided that a shirt might be something cool to have. (I've got enough pens and pencils) ;)

Our current idea is a TeeShirt, with a large version of the logo on the back, with a smaller version on the front upper left area.

What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? Would you buy one, and how much would you be willing to pay for one?

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thank you.

I like the idea, personally. But I doubt you'll have them in
my size, so no, I probably won't be buying one. I think 20
bucks is a good price to pay for a Tee. ... just my opinion.
Where I work, I took advanced orders for coffee cups with
the county logo, and our dept. written underneath. I got the
cups pretty darned cheap in bulk (75 order). I charged 10 bucks
for the cups, and bought them for $2.75 ea. Maybe you could
get some cups .. with the M.A. Talk logo on one side, and sayings
and what not on the other. Like "martial artists do it on a mat"
or something silly like that.
Well, we have some control over the sizing part, and if we pre-order them, its easier.

Hmm....I like the cups idea too...have to look into it more also.
the shirt sounds like a good idea. id buy one. anywhere from15-20 dollars is reasonable to me for t-shirts.
I'm just curious -- would it be *just* the picture logo or did you want to put on there, too? Personally, I think I'd prefer it if it were just the logo without words. Having a web site URL on it would make me feel like a walking advertisement and that's not really my kind of thing. I'd kind of prefer just a cool picture and then if people asked me about it I could tell them about the site. For a t-shirt price, I think Kirk's about right on the price; I think $20 would probably be my limit. That's about 3-4 days worth of food for me. ;) If I had some extra money on hand, I might buy a t-shirt if I considered the price reasonable.

Mugs aren't a bad idea either, they're always useful. Some sort of phrase could fill out one side of the cup and I'm sure you'd go with the majority opinion for that. However, I personally hope you don't put some silly sexual innuendo on it. I don't like those kinds of things. Most likely I wouldn't buy the mug if it had that sort of saying on it. I might consider it if it were the only option available, but it wouldn't get used in public if I bought one, I can tell you that.

I don't know about others, but I like pins. It might be more trouble than it's worth, but something like a lapel pin of the logo would be cool. I'd almost certainly buy one because they'd be relatively cheap (most pins are only a couple of bucks, right?) and I already have a few various pins. This would add to the mini-collection. It's nice and portable, too, you can put it on whatever you feel like at the time. I suspect making pins is harder than just silk-screening t-shirts though, but I thought I'd toss out the idea anyway.
However, I personally hope you don't put some silly sexual innuendo on it.

It wouldn't HAFTA be a sexual innuendo. It was the first thing
that came to my mind, and I meant to imply just a neat saying.
It could be something like "Hit Quick, Hit Hard, and Keep Right
On Hitting" ... again ... not specifically THAT ... just an example.
There's a lot of cool quotes from famous and notorious martial
artists that could be cool too.
We're still playing with the layout. I'll probably post a few 'roughs' before we go forward with it. Personally, I'd like the site mentioned in there somewhere, but, the how is flexible. 1 thought is use just the logo on the back (the large one) and place the site name under or around the smaller logo on the front. I'm gonna hit a few teeshirt shops and see how theirs are done, before doing the layouts.

I've also thought patches might work good (sew em on gi's, jackets, etc) but haven't found an embroider thats affordable.

If we can get different sayings on the mugs, I might go for a 'collectible' set. with sayings from one of our threads here. I plan on talking to the printer next week to get the pricing details.

Buttons.... Maybe....need to find the card of the guy from one of the cons I goto who makes custom buttons -real- affordable.

thank you.
Yeah, I was guessing that nothing is too set at the moment. I kind of like your T-shirt idea of just the logo on the back and the logo plus URL on the front. I don't think I'd like it big on the back; that walking billboard thing. :) Using a couple different sayings on mugs might not be a bad idea. It would let people choose which one(s) they like best. And Kirk, I realize your quote was an example. I was just pointing out that that's not the kind of thing I'd like. I'm sure there are plenty of martial arts related quotes that could be used. Buttons could work, too. As I recall, those aren't terribly hard to make and can be done rather cheaply, too. I actually was thinking of smaller, lapel pins. Something on the order of a 1" circle of the logo with a stick pin and fastener on the back. I don't think those are as easy to make as larger buttons though. I wouldn't be surprised if small pins like what I'm thinking of are too hard to do.
I lke the idea of a tshirt. The large logo on the back sounds ok. A smaller one on the front with the dot com address dosn't ofend me. I tell those people about the site anyway.
Cups, Coffee cups, with the logo I like that Idea also. I collect cups with school logos on them, only have a few but the collection is growing.
Ok, I'm waiting on 2 more places to quote me on shirts.

One of the things thats driving the cost up is, our logo requires 4 color printing. (if it was just black n white, it would be sooo much cheeper).

I hope to have it finalized next week though.

Buttons - I'm pricing a button maker, and we may be able to do "custom" buttons.

Mugs are gonna be later on as I really don't see us selling enough to break even, and I just don't need 50 more coffee cups. :)

Will update in a few days.

BTW- 1 of the prizes in the new member challenge drive is a free MT tee! (see the announcements for info)

What about martial talk action figures:D one for each moderator
Originally posted by fist of fury

What about martial talk action figures:D one for each moderator

Mine would have to have immobile hip joints, knees that popped loudly when moved, and 'vertebrae-popping action'. And a case of Dr. Pepper.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

Mine would have to have immobile hip joints, knees that popped loudly when moved, and 'vertebrae-popping action'. And a case of Dr. Pepper.

LOL that vertebrae popping action would be a good sales hook.
Originally posted by fist of fury

LOL that vertebrae popping action would be a good sales hook.

I don't know about disgusts most people I know. Actually, to make it truer to life, every joint on that figure would have to make some sickening noise when moved.

I'm a walkin' bowl of Rice Krispies.

LOL ok you have it no one else can. gotta make all the figure different

Someone call up that McFarlane guy!

"New MartialTalk Action Heros! Kung Fu Grip! Vertebre Popping Action. Tangent Power!"
