Renegades Martial Talk Challenge - Refer People, Win a Prize!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Renegade has issued a challenge to everyone. "Lets double our membership by April 1st!"

I think we can do it too. :)

When you promote MartialTalk, make sure you use the referer system. This way, you can see how many folks signed up from your reference. Information on how to use it is at this thread :

I'm gonna add a friendly 'prize' to this too. Whoever refers the most people (mods and admin excluded) to MartialTalk by April 1st gets their choice of a prize. :)

Choices are:
- 1 year free banner sponsorship of any available forum for their school or organization (must be martialarts related). ($75 value)
- Free MartialTalk Tee shirt (Aprox $20 value)
- 1 month free Premium sponsorship banner added to rotation ($35 value)

Prize will be based on most refered between today (March 6th, 2002) and March 31st 2002.

Lets go show em why we're the best! :)
Just a quick clarification :
- Mods (and me) can't win the prizes. Only our members can.

- New members who sign up during this time are also elegible to win the prize.

- Only signups that use the referer system count.

Any questions, ask away!

Slight additional clarificatrion:

Theres only 1 prize. You get your choice from the list. :)

We've had some new signups, but none using the referer system.

Make sure your setting it up right when you promote the site, and add the link back on your own sites.

See for how to set up your link. Any questions, ask away!

22 days left! We're 300 short of our goal!

Currently a tie:
Chiduce 1
Rob_Broad 1
tshadowchaser 1

We've had more than 3 signups, but to count, they have to use the referal link.
And another referral, plus the people that didn't put me down, those rotten $#$#$#%#. Just kidding, I am glad to see more members each day.
I had a couple more referrals last night, so I think if I am correct I now have 5 referrals. I am liking this contest, until someone with friends comes along and beats me.
Rob_Broad, according to your profile at the moment you have 10 referrals. Just check that if you want to see your total. I put a link using my ID on my web pages, but still don't have any referals. I guess the people visiting my pages aren't too interested in talking about martial arts. *shrug*
How dare they!! We'll shoot them ALL!!!!

:biggun: :zap: :mp5: :shock: :ripper: :snipe:
Dronak, If this pans out, I'll probably run another drive in the fall. :) I've got links here all over the place, and only have a few myself.

The only referals that count towards this contest are from March 1-31 2002. I can track em by date, so no worries.

We're also working on a major announcement that will hopefully be posted the first week of April. :)

I'll post a banner you guys can use to link back tonite if I have a moment. Might help. :) We're also working on a flyer to send out, as well as other promo items (tee-shirt design is coming along talking to the printer next wed about finalizing things. I got sidetracked with a few other bits, so didn't make it there this week as planned.)

Thank you to everyone for getting the word out.
Referal Update: Current counts for period 3/1/02 - 3/13/02
Rob_Broad 5
tshadowchaser 3
Chiduce 1

Here is 1 banner, I'm working on a few more at different sizes.



  • $martialtalk.webp
    3.4 KB · Views: 221
Not being to bright when it comes to computers and banners, if we posted the banner on a webpage or as a Signature dose it automaticly link to Martialtalkor would we have to do a whole bunch of html stuff.
Sorry but i am computer DUMB
To add the banner to your site:

-Click on the link and save the image to your system

-upload it to your site.

-add the following html tag to the page you wish to display it on:
<a href=""><img src="IMAGELOCATION/mtbanner1.jpg" border="0" alt="MartialTalk.Com"></a>

XX is your user ID here (you can find it by checking your profile)
IMAGELOCATION is where on your website you put the file.

If you need help in getting things to work, shoot me your web addy in a PM and I'll see what I can do to help you.

Reason I don't just add a code fragment to link to the image here, is bandwidth costs.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

You REALLY like that smiley, don't you Ren? :D


Mongo like smiles!

:stoplurk: :enfo: :snipe: :goop: :ripper: :shock: :sniper: :jediduel:
Had a number of signups last night, thought I'd update the score count:
Rob_Broad 5
tshadowchaser 3
Goldendragon7 1
Chiduce 1

not much change.

New members are also eligable, so tell everyone in your school to sign up too! (make sure you give em the correct referal info).
The new member -must- complete the signup procedure to count (validated)

One side note : signing up for multiple account for yourself is a violation of our forum rules, and can result in bad things. (Account suspensions, banning, or worse, Finding Renegade at your door.) :) Haven't had a problem yet, so tis just an reminder. (plus plane tickets are pricey) :D

So far, we're growing nicely. :)