Martial Arts and Religeon


Master of Blades

How many people here treat Martial Arts as part of a religeon, and just out of interest are there any religeous people here who had to pick their MA around their Religeon? And just another one.....Do ya reckon Religeon has a place in the Martial Arts?

Just thought I would get this place bubbling with ground breaking questions :D :asian:
Hmmm interesting one.

If we define religon as a set of beliefs and rules set in accordance to the worship of a higher power.

Although martial arts can obviously have a strong spiritual side which can perhaps seem like a religon, I don't think I've ever heard of it being focused towards a higher power of any kind except realising and realeasing the 'higher power' of the human spirit and mind.

I think religons can utilise the martial arts as a teaching tool but I think that's as far as it should go.
Originally posted by Jester

I don't think I've ever heard of it being focused towards a higher power of any kind except realising and realeasing the 'higher power' of the human spirit and mind.

You've obviously never trained under Aishida Kim! :eek:

Originally posted by Master of Blades
You've obviously never trained under Aishida Kim! :eek:


Shh...he might be here. :)

I think its a personal thing....
For me, I find it helps me focus better at times. My 'religious/philisopical' leanings are Taoist/Egyptian pagan in nature. I've briefly studied TaiChi and find alot of 'makes sence to me' stuff in it and CM. answer your questions:
How many people here treat Martial Arts as part of a religeon,

Not part of per say, but they do compliment each other.

and just out of interest are there any religeous people here who had to pick their MA around their Religeon?

Yes, but not me.

And just another one.....Do ya reckon Religeon has a place in the Martial Arts?


My opinion (which you can take with a grain of salt):

I've only been studying the martial arts for 5 years, but from what I've seen, one CAN study the Art without being religious (unless you're going to become a monk or a nun). I know martial artists who are Christians and who do not seem to have any conflicts/problems with it, and I know martial artists (like myself) who are not very religious but who do have a set of values and have the Art as a guide to help me.

What do y'all think?

Neko :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Just thought I would get this place bubbling with ground breaking questions :D :asian:

You are a bit late for Groundbreaking, but that is OK.

I had my Thesis approved last week. My topic for both my Black Belt Thesis and the accompanying form will be "Christianity and Kenpo."

I won't divulge any of the other details here. Yet. I had a post written for the thread linked above but I decided not to post it after all. Maybe I will do more later.
If one chooses the martial arts as a Way of life...then the martial art is so part of who you are that it will naturally influence everything you do, to include religion...

For anyone who really looks deeply into his/her art, there is a spiritual aspect to it...

However, no martial art should impose a religion on a student...
No martial art should discriminate based on religion...
The sensei/sifu should be open to talking about such things, if a student asks, but probably should refrain from initiating those discussions (beyond looking at historical information) because of the influence he/she has over the student.

Religion, spirituality, and martial arts are not mutually exclusive; neither are they mutually inclusive...each individual will walk his path in his own way.

To me, martial arts is NOT a religion. Many martial arts are philosophical, but that's fine. A lot of the arts use philosophy to teach martial principles, especially in the internal arts.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
How many people here treat Martial Arts as part of a religeon,

It really depneds on what is meant with religion. For me religion is philosofy were some predefine rules are set, which typically pint to a "person" or being that has all the answers but we cant understand. In that sense MA could be a religion, since were looking for answers that should be in the art. But on hte other hand it's not a "person" or being.....

and just out of interest are there any religeous people here who had to pick their MA around their Religeon?

Not me, but I'm not that great a beleiver.

Do ya reckon Religeon has a place in the Martial Arts?

That was difficult, because I would say it doesn't matter. But it's easy for me to say when I dont beleive in a God. But i liked what somebody else said that MA hightens your perception of reality. In that sense MA could fit to anything.

Just thought I would get this place bubbling with ground breaking questions :D :asian:

Keep on thinking and writing.... Whats your own meaning of this?

Originally posted by Yari

Keep on thinking and writing.... Whats your own meaning of this?


I dont know enough about Religeon or Martial Arts to answer most of my own questions, all I was looking for was answers :asian:

I dont like chatting crap you see ;)
Religious philosophies have influenced martial arts to a considerable degree but never have I heard of a martial art that pushes a religion since all of the basical martial philosophy is applicable to any morally educated person regardless of religion or lack of it
Buddhism,taoism and confucianism as major examples have been important for Asian arts.
Certain christians seem to have issues with eastern arts being afraid that they may violate their faith but I believe this fear to be unnecessary.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
How many people here treat Martial Arts as part of a religeon, and just out of interest are there any religeous people here who had to pick their MA around their Religeon? And just another one.....Do ya reckon Religeon has a place in the Martial Arts?

Just thought I would get this place bubbling with ground breaking questions :D :asian:

Personally, MA is about the closest thing I have to "religion." I'm not a part of any organizes religion. To me, the Golden Rule sums up everything (morally speaking) that I need to know. And, to me, the MA is kind of an embodiment of the Golden Rule.

I personally don't feel that religion has any place in martial arts. Religion is (my personal definition) the expression of spirituality according to a specific group. Spirituality (my def.) is a person's personal connection to whatever higher being they perceive (or don't ... in which case it's their personal connection to themselves, I guess).

So, IMO, spirituality is too personal to bring into the martial arts (except in ones own personal training) and religion (the expression of spirituality according to a specific group) has no place outside of that specific group.

Personally, I think if people bring religion into the MA, they (often) lose sight of either their religion or their MA.

I do think it's good (though not necessary) to learn about the culture a MA comes from. In some cases, the religion and culture are so closely integrated that it's impossible to separate them. In this case, I see no problem with learning about the religion/culture. But that's a different critter than "involving the religion in the MA."

But this can be a very tricky situation because some arts are so tied to their culture and their culture is so interrelated to their religion that it's very difficult to separate the MA.

What it boils down to, though, is that each person must make his or her own decision as to how he/she will apportion religion and MA within his/her own life. I don't think there's an across-the-board answer.

I don't generally mix my spirituality with my martial arts training. I think that, at the higher levels, an art can be spiritual as in altered states of consciousness or a feeling of well-being; or even a heightened awareness. About the time taoism started morphing into something spiritual for me, as opposed to exclusively philosophical doctrine, I sought Tai Chi as a physical manifestation of that spirituality. So I guess when I was studying Tai Chi the two were intertwined. Perhaps the internal arts lend themselves to such synthesis.....
